Well it was just a matter of time before rogue architect Robert Scarano made his way to the tweeding capital of the city - Elmhurst.
Here is his latest, located at
54-14 74th Street. They got a variance to add on additional stories to the existing building, but instead of doing so, they demolished the entire thing and are now starting from scratch. BSA didn't seem to mind.
Here's another view.
Photo from
NY Post
Don Corleone must have kicked this "goombah"
out of Brooklyn.... (for creating too much heat)
so he's moved to Queens.....eh!
As Vito might have said,
"Keep your friends close
and your eyes even closer"...... on this "architect".
There goes the neighborhood !
The unstoppable Bobby "the hairpiece" Scarano
ought to join up with Tommy "the terrible" Huang
and start their own new demolition/construction family!
If Aldona cannot proofread their copy, how reliable are their services:
"About Us"
Aldona Karzynska, Cheif [sic] Executive Officer.
"Our work inspires lolayty [sic] and commitmentand [sic]..."
George has a good point. Give me 'P', give me an 'O' .....
Why have a high tech fire and security bldg in the area? it is so safe already.
Who better to know how to be secure than Bobby Scarano
post one, The saying goes, Keep your friends close and your ENEMIES closer, IDIOT
By the way I was here for 20 years already without your noticing before, want a list?
"Robert Scarano said...
By the way I was here for 20 years already without your noticing before, want a list?
Sure, Bobby. Let's see your list of violations, stop work orders and construction worker deaths. That might take you a while to put together.
And in case that really is you, your building is as an ugly pile of shit and the design is about as original as your hair. I've built better stuff out of legos.
BTW legos, a Danish invention, is how I started also however along the way I picked up manners and a brain which told me that architects are not responsible for contractor related issues at a job site. Please check your facts.
Watsa matta wid a you "anon#5" ?
I took a little a artistic a license
widda Don Corleone's original quote....
so it would apply to dis a chitrool Scarano!
Careful...don't burn the roof of your mouth....
you've got to wait for the pizza to cool first .
Mamma mia mozzarella!
(A little Chico Marx).
Elmhurt, wheres that? Shouldn't they know how to spell the name of the place they are going to build their crap in.
Look at that bambino's smile!
Would you buy a used car from this man ?
I hope that the Queens Chapter of the Italian American Society from Howard Beach like the comments on this string. I know their lawyers will. Good luck.
I am sure the Queens Chapter of the Italian American Society from Howard Beach realizes that Robert Scarano is an embarrassment to Italians.
is Bobby "the hairpiece" really posting here.....
or is somebody just using his name ?
I'm Italian.....
and I don't care what nationality Scarano is.....
his ugly buildings and record of unsafe
construction sites in NYC speak for themselves!
A mention of "Howard Beach".....
n....."lawyers".....n......an "Italian American Society....
wow.....what's next?
We better shut up!
Shouldn't Bobby have some blood droplets
dripping from those insipid canine teeth of his ?
He looks like a gay vampire!
Does Mr. Phyllis do his hair ?
I think people who post anonymously here should grow some balls and be responsible for what they say. Stop hiding behind the anonymity of the internet........I live in Greenpoint Brooklyn and everyone knows me personally. I've lived here 20 plus years and I DON'T MIND ANY of the development going on.......It just makes me aspire to more........
Yes, Jeffrey, you have balls. That's why your profile is not available...
Damn, I'm 7 years too late to the probably-fake Bobby Scarano AMA thread.
If you still happen to be lurking these parts of the internet good sir, I'd like to take this opportunity to extend your way a personal fuck you regarding your crimes against every New Yorker's perceptual landscape. I have no idea how you live with yourself – you may not see any blood on your hands, but the crapitecture you've brought into this world is standing tall, clear as day.
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