
The city has found a peculiar solution for housing homeless families - free up rent-stabilized apartments by dumping the tenants into the streets.
The Department of Homeless Services has inked a deal with a Bronx nonprofit group to turn two adjacent Corona buildings into a shelter for homeless families, the Daily News has learned.
Queens rent-stabilization tenants booted, homeless move in
Since a new owner bought 38-01 and 38-09 112th St. in August, tenants in 67 of the 70 rent-stabilized units have been ousted.
They were told the building was slated for demolition, said remaining tenants, who insist they were harassed into moving for as little as $2,000 to free up the property for a deal with the city.
I'm surprised at you for posting this article. According to the viewpoint of this blog, you should agree wholeheartedly wtih these evictions. After all, it seems that most of the tenants were illegals (quote from the article--"People don't speak English and many were older illegals," Rodriguez said.) Any action that removes the undocumented from thier homes should make you exceedingly happy.
Of course, everyone in Queens knows that the worldview represented by this blog will pass into history very shortly. Viewpoints based on fear and divisiveness have always been on the losing side of history. Views that are based on progress and tolerance will always triumph over the type of viewpoint represented by this blog.
The terms "many" and "most" are not interchangeable. Taking away affordable housing to turn it into a homeless shelter doesn't help those who need affordable housing - it will probably just force them into that homeless shelter.
Illegal immigrants are classified by our government as having broken the law. Wanting our laws enforced does not make us hateful or divisive.
Not learning the language or isolating themselves in little enclaves is what makes people divisive - and illegal immigrants by and large are guilty of that.
"Anon #1"......
This blog site is MAKING HISTORY.....
far from passing into it.
It speaks the TRUTH not the ersatz variety
printed in the various clubhouse controlled
weekly newspapers......
and public opinion appears to be in our favor.
The city is playing musical chairs.......
round, round, round in the circle game.
Evicting rent paying tenants
to make room for the homeless
could create new homeless......
who might wind up having to find new homes
by evicting other tenants!
NYC seems to be hell bent on its own destruction under the Bloomberg administration!
"Wanting our laws enforced does not make us hateful or divisive."
Julie, it's funny how you and this blog want the laws enforced against the individual people who are undocumented but you could care less about the large corporations and businesses who violate the law every day by hiring people who are here illegally. You should direct your anger at the corporate elite and the current administration who takes direction from them. They are the groups that are benefitting the most from illegal immigration.
The other problem with your statement is that it is obvious that this blog blames many so-called "probelms" in Queens on all immigrants, not just undocumented immigrants. Just like was stated above, this is driven by fear and divisiveness.
Actually, time and again we have called attention to the fact that companies are hiring illegals, illegally. And I fail to see where we've blamed all immigrants for everything here. I see us blaming our elected officials a great deal of the time.
Of course, everyone in Queens knows that the worldview represented by this blog will pass into history very shortly. Viewpoints based on fear and divisiveness have always been on the losing side of history. Views that are based on progress and tolerance will always triumph over the type of viewpoint represented by this blog.
Ladies, and gentlemen, the honorable William Marcy TWEED!!!
Hey, where is that church group that wants all that 'affordable' housing.
Our buddies at ACORN. They have been sniffing around LIC, too.
Oh, I understand. They are the darlings of developers. They are not here for the disadvantaged. They just deliver yet another market segment for NEW housing.
We will remember that when you start pimping for 10,000s of units in OUR community!
Any time a politician doesn't want a serious discussion that starts to probe their pandering they wave the racist flag.
After a few decades, it gets tired.
Really tired.
I guess I have to explain few things to you kids. In hundred years nobody is going to understand the concept of "borders", they are already gone in Europe.
There is about 50-60 thousand Americans living in Warsaw, PL alone and of course none of them have bothered to learn even two words of the local language, and guess what? yes they hang out together and don't learn the local culture.
So come down on the whole "illegal immigrant" debate, because it is completely pointless. Although judging by most of your comments, it's a great way to diverge attention away from real problems, such as war, poverty, education etc.
Face it, you are living in a global economy, so stop whining because with the dollar dropping in value faster than Jenna's Jameson panties
your next job could very well be oversees.
Final advise to all you kids, relax, enjoy life, and let others enjoy theirs.
Any time a QC regular doesn't want a serious discussion that starts to probe their bigotry they wave the "you must be a politician/developer" flag.
After a few QC regulars, it gets tired.
Really tired.
This is the same tired spin that Queens has been subject to since LBJ was in office. Just because you are from a foreign country, doesn't mean you are making America better, but this is the pablum we have been fed for decades. And as for Americans in Poland not learning the language, I couldn't care less. I live here, not in Warsaw. There is a detrimental impact on the financial well-being and security of this country by allowing unchecked illegal immigration to continue simply because we want cheap food at restaurants and developers want to be able to cut their labor costs. Enough is enough.
Do Americans in Poland use hospital emergency rooms as clinics, live 10 to a room and not pay taxes? If so, then Poland should do something about that. Somehow, I think that despite all the disparaging jokes made about the country, they are a hell of a lot smarter than we are when it comes to immigration.
The American dollar is worth something like 2 1/2 times the Polish currency.
How do you know that the 50,000 Americans supposedly living in Warsaw aren't learning the language or culture? Are you one of them?
"After a few QC regulars, it gets tired. Really tired."
You are always free to not visit. But you're addicted to QC, aren't you? Just admit it.
wow this is great, pretty much all of you missed the point, but that's ok.
I used Poland as an example to answer a previous post. The currency is 2.5 to 1 it used to be 5 to 1. 50% drop. But it doesn't matter. The fact is everybody who claims they have a problem with only "illegal" immigrants is lying. If your only issue was with the term "illegal" you should have voted to make them "legal". Obviously that's not the case, is it?
How would we have "voted" to make them legal? And why would we do that?
Immigrants coming here without the permission of the government are illegal. Their breaking of our laws is what makes them illegal. Not whether or not people from Queens like them personally.
Legal immigrants have to have sponsors so that they do not become a burden on society. Illegals do not, and we end up paying for their health care, education, etc, when we cannot even afford it for ourselves. The policy of looking the other way when people come here illegally must be ended.
Help us help the street homeless
Call 311: to report homeless individuals and families who you see on the Streets of New York City (all Boroughs)
Outreach Teams will be sent to offer assistance.
Thank you
Hey #1. Blow it out your one world government leftist butt hole!
Israel and Palestine will still be fighting and the Sunnis and Shiites will still be blowing each other up. Give this "the whole world is great except the USA" shit a rest.
Poland sounds like utopia: Living in Poland
Let's all move there.
Queens Crapper said...
How would we have "voted" to make them legal? And why would we do that?
sorry no time right now to explain the different branches of American government or how laws are passed. One of which was recently the immigration law.
To your second question. You are correct. The Jews were bad, The Irish were bad, The Poles were bad now the Mexicans are bad. Incredible how the only thing that makes this country great, unique and powerful is the very thing you're opposing.
I still don't get it. Why would we allow unchecked immigration? We can't afford to house, clothe, service and feed all of the people who would want to come here from all over the world.
The problems in those countries should not be our problems.
Why come here and take jobs away from Americans. Maybe if the elites in those countries stopped crapping on the locals, and if the locals stopped having kids they can't afford (like the rest of the world stopped doing decades ago) perhaps they wouldn't be in that bind.
Their clumsiness should not be our problem.
The fact of the matter is that Americans are the most tolerant people in the world.
The rest of the world is busily building walls to keep the undesirables out.
THEIR elites did not sell THEM down the river for nannies to exploit, or tenants to take advantage of, or desperate laborers to pit against American citizens.
The proper word is "divert" not "diverge".......
hence the need for the national language to be English.
And there are borders......
though to you they appear non existent.
Check your deed....the metes & bounds section....
if you own a home!
Until I reached the age of 65
I could not afford adequate health care insurance......
although I'm apparently middle class.
If I entered an emergency room as an ILLEGAL,
on the other hand,
my care would be free!
Nah....not a leftist....
some G-d damn Libertarian or Anarchist!
Like it or not ....
Illegal aliens have no legal status in any country
anywhere in the world.
They exist in the shadows.....
to be abused and preyed upon.
Had they properly applied for visas etc.
this wouldn't be the case.
If they continue to insist
on SNEAKING into the ball park.....
they're going to suffer the consequences!
What has always made this country great "K"
are immigrants who came here LEGALLY !
As for the rest of the lawbreakers....
you can pay their tab if you like!
Put your money where your mouth is
next time you cash your paycheck!
Immigration is not a bad thing, but like all things - only in moderation.Illegal immigration is just that ILLEGAL. We have laws in effect to control the flow of immigrants. When those laws are violated (and up until very recently ignored by our own government) the system becomes broken.
People continously bring up the former waves of immigrants that came to this country, Irish, Germans, Italians which all of us are part of, the difference is we came here legally. Three of my grandparents came here through Ellis Island. They were screened and them admitted and happy they were not put back on the boat heading back to Europe like so many others.
Nobody is saying stop immigration they are all bad, someone help us. All we are saying is we need to control the flow.
As for the Polish immigrants that have come to western Queens, I think of Ridgewood and the way it was heading before the Polish came. It was starting to look a lot like Bushwick and then the Polish came and made a community for themselves and saved the neighborhood from turning into a ghetto while everyone (including myself) who used to live there moved away.
There are both sides but I think we can all agree that moderation is key and just following and applying our own laws.
One of the reasons that rent is so high is becuase this country has no borders.
Rents would decrease overnight if we could keep out the illegals.
But of course, that is one reason why we have this mess.
It provides the politicians an opportunity to payback campaign chits.
I like the top ten immigrantion myths.
This guy started in Queens, was of course panned, put up a billboard on immigration concerns, was censored and was forced to take it down (up to this point all covered by the media), sued and won a substantial settlement and then went national (funny, this part not covered by the media)
When someone is ready to go toe to toe with this dude I will pull up a chair and watch the fun.
I have immigrants telling me they do not understand why this country has no borders.
They go on to say this would not be allowed in their country.
In hundred years nobody is going to understand the concept of "borders", they are already gone in Europe.
This is the level of debate by the second stringers running this borough, the Vickeys and Glorias and the like.
Simplistic arguments for little minds. And also someone who doesn't read much or inquire what is going on in the broader world.
Their problem is now people who are doing these things have an opportunity to voice their opinions freely.
Putting up with the abuses that illegal immigrants inflict on us is so 70s like the crack epidemic and burned out ghettos.
The world has moved on. Go Queens Crap, bring in the future to Queens.
"Simplistic arguments for little minds. And also someone who doesn't read much or inquire what is going on in the broader world"
interestingly enough, you have made absolutely no arguments. Simple put downs, without some actual substance do not make a debate.
"Broader world?" have you even been outside of Queens before?
interestingly enough, you have made absolutely no arguments. Simple put downs, without some actual substance do not make a debate.
well, hell, it got Hillary where she is.
Substance? Wow, we ARE expecting things. Let me listen for it the next time some clubhhouse hack mumbles bromides and look for it when his 'thought's' are covered by the local lapdog press.
"Simplistic arguments for little minds. And also someone who doesn't read much or inquire what is going on in the broader world"
Interesting description of Albert Einstein
Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. -- Albert Einstein
wow, that is great for the neighborhood.
now lets see which politician and which newspaper picks up on this outrage.
Although the article quotes someone as saying that some of the building's residents may have been illegals, the others presumably were not. While to me this distinction is meaningless - it seems to matter to many of the readers. These legal premanent residents and/or citizens have lost their affordable rent stabilized apartments. Where is the outrage over that? Why should the immigration status of some of the building residents negate the slimey actions of the landlord and the indifference of the Deoartment of Homeless Services. Didn't anyone there go out and inspect the property before lagreeing to buy it? Didn't they see that apartments were being lived in?
Arguing on this blog is like particpating in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, all you really did was beat a bunch of retards.
For the life of me, I can't understand why you come to this blog if what is said here irritates you so. I don't listen to Mark Levine because I can't stand the things he says. I don't listen, get pissed off and then call him up and complain. Life is more relaxing if you just don't aggravate yourselves.
They why are you so ADDICTED to arguing
on this blog "jim-may" ?
Suggested answer:
because you're a fool who thinks he can dismiss
the majority of truthful opinions expressed here
by employing weak logic and feeble arguments!
YOU'RE JUST PLAIN SCARED we might win out
and can't resist sticking in your 2 cents.....
for what it's worth!
Insulting "retards" and the "Special Olympics"......
you're really a "class" act yourself...."jim-may" !
The Roman Empire eventually fell
because of all those illegal immigrants who were passing through its borders!
First the Visigoths.....now it's the Mexicans?
Actually, this blog had taken a leadership role in bashing those who exploit immigrants.
Unlike the immigrant advocacy groups, who simply want to solve the housing problems by building more and more new buildings, and run like little puppies for photo ops after tweeding clubhouse hacks, some of us here think that immigrants need someone who advocates for:
1. improved services as sanitation and school desks for their kids (yes, immigrant communities do not get good services, period.)
2. active efforts to halt basement apartments, the chopping of one family house into multiple barrack-like units, dangerous illegal wiring etc. (in other words, enforce legislation that has been on the books for decades -- and was enacted to stop the abuses stemming from the last immigrant tide)
As an addendum, this is the only site to push for landmark designation for immigrant communities. The landmarks law (and by application, the landmark community) discriminates against immigrant communities and for this reason alone should be struck down.
3. go to job sites and organize immigrants (into unions?) to not only protect American jobs (by putting them on an equal footing at an equal pay scale), but push for a safe working environment (too many immigrants are being killed and injured with scant notice in the press)
Finally, those of you who bash us because we do not get drooling, glassy eyed and slack-jawed when a clubhouse hack says the word ‘immigrant’ should remember that most of us are offspring from immigrants.
We know the true stories of this experience, how our grandparents and the like were exploited on the job, by landlords, their countrymen, and by (gasp!) the politicians.
In other words, don't bullshit us. After 30 years of hearing the same tired refrain over and over and over, more and more of Queens has started to move on.
You should too.
Arguing on this blog is like particpating in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, all you really did was beat a bunch of retards.
1. nice, insult the disadvantaged.
2. one of the reasons we don't even play the game when the newsapers calls us about development. We know it will be twisted, so why bother --
The Roman Empire fell because its cycical leadership withdrew from real participation, pitted one group against another, launched into bankrupting building campaigns, exploited everyone (both citizens and barbarians), and resorted to circuses.
Sound familiar?
Bill & Hillary......dual airbags........
pimping for politics at the expense of immigrants.......
prime purveyors of the imported vote!
Do they live in a Corona dormitory (30 to a room) ?
No......they live in a vintage white colonial residence.....
nestled in the hills of wealthy Chappaqua!
But doesn't Bill try his best to "get on down"
in his 125th Street Harlem office ?
A great way to pull the Black vote......isn't it ?
Bill loves "his cigar" and Hillary
wears "the pants" in the family.
What a pair of political grifters!
Hi, the author of the first comment here. Thank you to all who posted angry comments (and a few rants) about my initial comment. You've all done a great job of proving my point. The fact that my comment resulted in such an angry response shows that most commenters here are driven by fear and divisiveness.
- A non-politician, non-developer, non-real estate professional, individual resident of Queens
Maybe you should read these angry rants, oops, well argued points: Project USA
It seems as if our friends are just surprised that people from Queens can express opinions freely and unscripted.
How novel! How wonderful not to be gagged (for once) by the official party line! How subversive!!!!
My oh my, who knows when the public wakes up and flexes its muscles where all this can lead.
Most of us are not "driven by fear" etc.
as you insist on pompously professing .
We are observers of REALITY
and don't wish to swallow the RANTS
and mendicant PR that's continually being generated by corrupt clubhouse politicos!
Now try blowing that out your bung hole
and see if that scratches your itchy sphincter!
(How's that for some colorful"anger").
You, yourself, have proved nothing.
Well I am currently a resident of this building and I recently had the pleasure of running into an ex-resident if you will, and to hear how they just lied to everyone so they can raise rents and earn more revenue is insane and unfair to those who did not have anywhere to go! Regardless to whether the residents were legal or illegal, if you were a person with morals and some kind of heart you would know that it is in-humane to simply evict these people from thier homes for reasons of personal gain and out of greed!
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