Margaret Keta Tapalaga quit as chief of staff to indicted Queens Councilman Dennis Gallagher, saying she wants to spend more time with her two young children.
Gallagher chief-of-staff calls it quits
Tapalaga's lawyer husband, Gene, has told friends he might run in a GOP primary for the seat. Also weighing a primary bid is Tom Ognibene, who held the seat until forced out by term limits in 2001. Former Council incumbents can run again after a four-year hiatus.
Democratic prospects include Elizabeth Crowley, who lost to Gallagher in 2001. She is the niece of Rep. Joseph Crowley, the Queens Democratic leader.
Actually, it's not Gene, it's Gabe. Look at the list of potential replacements...2 bad lawyers or a substitute art teacher...what a choice.
Gabe Tapalaga is a bad lawyer? Since when? Since you hired him in your specious lawsuit against Benepe? Another bad judgement call by the Flying Monkeys?
He's not a bad lawyer. You're a bad client.
Why doesn't Holden run for the soon to be vacated seat? He'd make a great City Councilman. ROTFLMAO.
The voters of Gallagher's district will be screwed.
Ognibene already had his turn, Liz Crowley belongs to a political dynasty. How about an independent fresh-face candidate?
This reminds me of South Jamaica, where former councilman Tom (worst attendance) White Jr. replaced the Jennings, also a sexual offender.
Gabe Tapalaga screwed up the Glendale Civic's lawsuit against the DOB. He sucks ass.
Wow 3 Gallagher defenders running for the same seat! Who to choose?
Is Elizabeth's brother still in jail for rape?
I wouldn't mind having Bob Holden as a councilman. I've seen how hard he works for the neighborhood. I doubt he would rape a grandmother at his office, drink himself into a stupor nightly at area bars or curse out an old man at a shopping plaza. He probably pays his bills, too.
Actually, Gallagher's set the bar pretty low, hasn't he? Maybe I'll run, too.
"Another bad judgement call by the Flying Monkeys?"
Hey we know who this is don't we? Note the spelling error. Looks like someone rolled into work early at the Ledge.
I could easily vote for Gene Tapalaga to replace the Adulterer.
But, his relative, Gabe? NEVER! Gabe simply cannot be trusted to do anything right. He cannot write a simple sentence without misspelling nearly every word.
If he can't be trusted to check his spelling, can he be trusted with anything?
Sometimes it looks like he can't even get his own name right!
Anybody would be better than Liz Crowley. She is a joke candidate.
Seeking chief of staff. Elderly females preferred. Intelligence not only not required but also not wanted. Must be willing to mop up DNA evidence on a daily basis and be sexually harrassed. If you fit this description, or have a hot granny, call (718) 366-3900 and ask for Dennis.
I'm writing that number down...
I'm thinking granny doesn't have to be hot. Just a granny. Pinky gets a woody over Golden Girls reruns.Maybe they have removable dentures, huh Pinky?
I'll run.........if someone will finance my campaign........and supply a source of income while I run............anyone?...
Hi, I am a big time developer.
I buy lots of advertising in the newspapers and get their support.
I make promises to community activists and get their support.
I donate lots of money to politicians. They turn their communities over to me then look the other way.
I even get the machinery of city government at my disposal and use the taxes paid by the public to finance their efforts.
Who are you little guy?
You want to run for office?
Margaret Keta Tapalaga is a vicious underhanded woman who should NEVER be trusted. She didn't deserve the title of chief-of-staff since she only worked part-time. Besides she would rarely follow through on anything and was great for shoveling her work onto someone else.
Wonderful idea. Lets give the job to Liz Crowley - her brother was convicted of sexual assault and she is mentioned as a "friend" in Brian Mclaughlin's indictment.
Elizabeth Crowley has several pair of knee pads. She wore out a few at Brian McLaughlin's, now she's been seen with Gallagher.
She really knows how to pick them.
Add the wire taps in 1999 that were played during a 2001 trial that Galalgher was heard dealing with that crooked building consultant, Ron Latanzio.
Margaret Keta Tapalaga a chief of staff....please.
She has a lot of explaining to do for her role in Gallagher's corrupt office. I suspect that the DA will be seeing alot of her in the near future.
I think Jake Should Leave next
hey christina
watch out... someone may drop a house on you.
Anonymous said...
"hey christina
watch out... someone may drop a house on you."
Why are the Gallagher defenders so violently defensive of this indefensibly violent midget?
Now, what woman would write such a threat? Or, did a girlie boy write it?
The only person who would be vindictative enough to call Christina a witch would be Dennis Gallagher.
He is a very sad person. He has nothing to do but write blogs all day attacking his critics. How dare this man attack anyone.
He's liar, a cheat, an indicted rapist, a corrupt politician and has been disgraced even beyond his good friend, Brian McLaughlin.
There are dozens of Gallagher jokes around the neighborhood. If he were a man he would resign. However he is a coward, through and through.
Hey Dennis, watch out, someone may drop a 52 year old grandmother on you.
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