Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bell Boulevard crane collapse

A massive construction crane keeled over and collapsed into a building site in Bayside around noontime last Thursday across from the Tequila Sunrise restaurant, causing temporary traffic delays but no injuries.

The orange behemoth appeared to have fallen over into a ditch directly in front of the skeleton of a building still under development on 34-38 Bell Blvd., near the intersection of Bell Boulevard and 34th Avenue.

Crane collapses in Bayside

The building under construction is currently two stories and is planned for five stories. DOB engineers have determined it is not in danger of collapse, according to the department's e-mail.

[DOB said] "preliminary reports indicate the equipment was too heavy for the area where it was being used."

A stop-work order has been issued and will not be rescinded until the owner's architect submits a structural stability report to the DOB, the department said. The owner has also been issued a violation for failing to safeguard public property.

How about this one? Co-worker saves excavator operator in Harlem River plunge

Photo from Queens Courier


Anonymous said...

alright you lugs, never mind the crane collapse. Get back to work at once. We've got work to do.

To quote the developer in charge of this project, and half a dozen others about the borough, we must:

"Build!; Build!; Build!; BUILD!; BUILD!!!"

Anonymous said...

Apparently.....we don't need terrorist cells
to destroy our infrastructure
and cause damage to our economy.

We've got the NYC Buildings Dept.
as the best accomplice
a shoddy developer can have!

Anonymous said...

It' ok, it's nowhere near cinco de mayo.

Anonymous said...

Heh - Typical local reporting - that's NOT a crane, it's a tracked backhoe, used for digging holes, and often, for knocking down buildings (the grab the wall and pull)

But not a crane

Anonymous said...

if backhoes knock down walls it's know wonder that the classified ad aligned article didn't properly identify this one. Wouldn't want to give readers the impression that any demolision is going on to make way for the "beautiful new buildings" developers are putting up. Better to give the public the idea that they pop up magically out of nowhere.

Anonymous said...

With all those "watering holes" along "Bar Blv'd".....
the back hoe operator could have been soused !

verdi said...

The reporter must have been crocked also.

That's definitely not a crane!