Friday, October 19, 2007

Crap under the el

Jamaica Avenue at 79th Street in Woodhaven - K.W.

They're kind of a ghostly white - just in time for Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Wow, luxury condos right under the L. Where do I sign up?

Anonymous said...

Woodhaven get used to it, Ozone Park is ruined by these new horrible looking over crowded housing, it is about time some where else has to deal with it. This is going to take away every double and triple lot in Woodhaven. All the one family homes will fall prey to the almighty developer. While certain people in Woodhaven were worried about minor details to just be quoted in the papers, you lost sight of why we are activist and now Woodhaven will lose it's home town feeling just the way Ozone Park did, so get used to it, because it has only just begun. I wish I could leave my name but if I my family will be threatened by overzealous egotistical, arrogant and press hound people looking for publicity rather than doing the work to create change. Goodbye to the victorians of the old and hello to these ugly looking 2 and 3 family homes that will over crowd Woodhaven for years to come. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Anonymous said...

.....The rumbling of the trains.....
the rattle of the taxies.....!

No Broadway Babies here!
(Maybe some Woodhaven street sluts) .

And what is the asking price for these "beauties" ?

Anonymous said...

Woodhaven is a lost cause, lost long ago, better to focus your attention on neigborhoods and blocks that we can still save.

Anonymous said...

Woodhaven is a lost cause, lost long ago, better to focus your attention on neigborhoods and blocks that we can still save.


Say that about a neighborhood and you just spawned a community of activists ready to blow up the whole shebang.

Never, Never, Never write off a neighborhood.

(of course, unless you are from 'privledged' eastern Queens, but we are used to one stale idea after another from out there.)

Anonymous said...

Born in Bushwick, grew up in Ridgewood and now live in Glendale. Also a victim of Franklin K. Lane High School. Privledged I am not, just a realist.

Anonymous said...

Well....that may or may not be true....
where you live...
we only have your word for it.

But do all of us hard working never say die activists defending so called "lost causes".....
keep your defeatist prattle to a minimum.

We don't take kindly to lazy cry babies like yourself.

Now go and take one of the therapeutic bike rides
that you're always doing....
and mind that the kick stand doesn't get stuck
up your ass !

Anonymous said...

tough talk from "anonymous". if your really from my part of western Queens, you know where that talk will get you. We should meet some time for a therapeutic discussion.

Anonymous said...

Listen "Michael" it ?
Gee....I'm crappin' my jeans.
The battleground here is WORDS.

If you can't use 'em properly
and are just a knucklehead who
has to allude to physical violence....
you've already lost the fight!

Boy....I really got your goat...didn't I ?

Lighten up.....I'll buy you a Budweiser.
Ta, ta now !

Anonymous said...

So I can sit there and listen to you tell me how George Bush is the kind of guy you want to have a "Bud" with and Saddam Hussein was really behind 9/11, no thanks.

Chris said...

How quaint! Step out onto your little "julliete balcony" for a cigarette and hear the deafeaning roar of the el train!

Does it come with earplugs?