- He tells the Bay Club that he's been preparing to run for City Council his entire life
- The biggest hand he got was for mentioning the need for a traffic light on Corporal Kennedy street
- His "inspiring" story is just lame, and he's reading from prepared notes.
- He's speaking about himself in the 3rd person.
- People on the way to the buffet table cross in front of him while he is speaking.
- At the very end of the video, a woman yells out, “THANK YOU FOR BREAKFAST!” So that's how he got them to listen to him. Captive audience.
Here's his latest mailer:

Austin needs to understand that you can't ban outside employment unless you get the council job description changed from part-time to full-time.
The problem is not that the districts do not get an equal amount of ice cream money to spread around to local not-for-profits, the problem is that certain council members have been funneling this money to their relatives and friends. Evening out the playing field won't end political slush funds, it will just even out the playing field.
Does it really matter if lobbyists can't lobby their own family members in elected office? (This is currently illegal, anyway.) If they are family, it will behoove the family's long term financial picture for the elected official to vote in favor of whatever the firm's pushing for. Example: At some point, Pete Jr. and Paul are going to inherit the money Pete Sr. made lobbying. So of course they're going to vote yes on his projects without having been lobbied themselves.

Does anyone really believe that Austin spent time with his grandmother at the senior center?
He looks like Batman's arch enemy, The Riddler, in the original series.
Yes! The difference is that Frank Gorshin was extremely talented.
Don't forget:
Austin has "adopted his two mentors" (last page, paragraph under Cuomo/Shafran awkward handshake).
I wonder how Ackerman and Cuomo feel about being adopted by Austin! Living in a group home may ultimately be a better choice...
Nice campaign logo...
Guess he is try to channel the wildly popular current resident of the whitehouse.
"Does anyone really believe that Austin spent time with his grandmother at the senior center?"
I'm curious. Was it the North Flushing Senior Center?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nice campaign logo...
Guess he is try to channel the wildly popular current resident of the whitehouse.
Time to change the channel!
He probably made all those innocent seniors sign his petition. What a user!
Tired of the bums who never had a real job. This kid never punched a clock in his life. We need real people. Where are the teachers? Engineers? Scientist? Laborers? You want to fix this city try to convince some of those people to run.
But his Momma, Phyllis, loves him. I betcha she combs his hair and fixes his tie before the photo shoot.
Tired of the bums who never had a real job. This kid never punched a clock in his life. We need real people. Where are the teachers? Engineers? Scientist? Laborers? You want to fix this city try to convince some of those people to run.
Romantic as this sounds, "real workers" are no guarantee either. That kook Danny Dromm is a public school teacher, and the sellout Julissa Ferreras used to run a Beacon program for example. I'd pick the type of person you describe over the private school > Ivy League politics degree > self-preening political staff member pedigree any day, but it's no guarantee...
Well, wasn't he the accident from his Manes porking his mom? Maybe she needs to repair her plastic surgery after the latest eruption.
lo mano negra ti chiede
Anon No. 11 -
Y'know, when you look at Austin's face...
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