From the Daily News:
A unique housing complex is slated to go up this fall in southeast Queens for grandparents spending their golden years raising children.
The Calvary Baptist Church, in Jamaica, recently secured funding for the $15.6 million, 53-unit housing project for low-income seniors and grandparents.
The project, one of the only ones of its kind in the city, will be built at Guy R. Brewer Blvd. at 112th Rd. It is being funded through a combination of public and private sources and subsidized with $11 million in state-issued low-income housing tax credits.
“There are more and more grandparents who are becoming full-time caregivers,” said Mary Covington, who is spearheading the project for the church. “There are grandparents who do not have proper housing for their grandchildren.”
Many of them live in senior housing — where children are often not permitted — or in one-bedroom apartments, she said.
The five-story project will provide free, on-site childcare, counseling and handicap-accessible one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments. Some of the units will go to seniors without kids.

I wonder if they're required to pay real estate taxes like the rest of us? Nah.
Another excuse to empty rent stabilized and rent controlled apartments or for seniors to give up their house for speculators.
Any reason they cannot provide these services for seniors and their extended families to live in comfort in familiar surroundings?
I guess that collecting rent seems more profitable than saving souls these days.
maybe they should rename their church,
"The Church of The Bottom Line".
Gimme back that 'ol time religion, any day!
"There are more and more grandparents who are becoming full-time caregivers,”
Right, because their stupid offspring are in jail or prison leaving their single parent "families" to either shift for themselves or be dumped on the grandparents.
This "phenomenon" has been covered repeatedly on the TV news.
"Where are the parents?" is the real issue. but let's not address that, let's give the store away to the developers first.
If the grandparents raised absentee parents, then should they be raising the grandkids?
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