From A Walk in the Park:
Police and Park Enforcement Patrol officers working in and around the city pools not only had to battle stiffing temperatures during the heat wave last week but also unruly patrons.
The NYPD arrested at least 13 people in Parks Department pool related incidents NYC Park Advocates has learned.
The charges ranged from Inciting A Riot, Resisting Arrest, Gang Assault, Robbery, Assault, Criminal Possession of A Weapon.
Several pools were temporarily closed to quell the violence and more than a dozen lockers were robbed.
Nice Astoria Pool report here. But my favorite is this one:
Police arrested a Washington Heights woman who created quite a disturbance when she refused to go quietly after putting on a show for pool patrons. According to law enforcement sources, Raiz Nunez, 21, was wearing a pink thong bathing suit with white sandals and dancing, shaking her behind while holding on to a railing in the deep end treating it like a stripper pole. The audience chanted as she gyrated and encouraged adults, and then children to smack her behind which some obliged.
The incident prompted some patrons with children to leave and caused a larger crowd to gather.
"She thought she was on the pole, and this would get her some attention and it did," said an officer at the scene.
She was asked to leave. Things escalated while she was being escorted out by police and PEP officers attempting to remove her from the premises.
"She was saying that she looks good and 'you are all just jealous that's why you're doing this.' She looked liked SpongeBob SquarePants," said an officer referring to the woman's apparent non hour-glass figure.
So for all those people who you hear saying, "I wish there was a free public pool in my neighborhood!"
Trust me, you really don't want one.
Astoria Pool - July 20, 2013 (6:15pm) NYPD arrested a 14-year-old male for Disorderly Conduct and four others after leaving the pool in related incidents.
It took three police officers, and pepper spray, to subdue an out of control 14-year-old teen on Saturday night.
The teen was being verbally abusive, cursing at lifeguards and disrupting patrons in the Olympic sized pool according to law enforcement sources.
After being warned multiple times by lifeguards and pool staff he was told to leave.
While being escorted out by police and PEP he turned around and "chest bumped" and threatened an NYPD officer, saying "what are you going to do," said a source.
The officer responded and pushed him down. The teen got up with open fists ready to fight and challenged the officer.
Two other officers came to assist.
The teen refused to be cuffed and flailed his arms in an effort to avoid arrest. An officer eventually used mace and the situation was soon under control.
"He confronted the cop with closed fists, " said a source at the scene. "Nobody in their right mind would have challenged this guy (officer) - he's built like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Something is definitely wrong with this kid. He thinks he's a tough guy."
The teen was issued a Juvenile Report for Disorderly Conduct and released to a guardian.
EMS transported one person to Mount Sinai Hospital Queens with unknown injuries.
Twenty minutes later a group of teens, reportedly friends of the 14-year-old involved in the prior incident, exited the pool and assaulted two people during a robbery in Astoria Park.
Two men were listening to music in the parking lot in Astoria Park, a block south of the pool near the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge when they were approached by a pack of teens.
They proceeded to steal a cell phone and mini speakers from one of the men. When he resisted he was beaten up. When his friend attempted to intervene he too was assaulted. Both men were punched numerous times in the process.
The two victims, one black- 22, and Hispanic 19 - were struck several times about the body and received cuts and bruises. A police barricade was allegedly used as a weapon.
The victims were treated at Elmhurst Hospital where they received staples to treat some of their wounds.
Police arrested four teens from Queens - three 17-year-olds and a 14-year-old. All were charged with Gang Assault , two counts of Robbery, Assault, and Criminal Possession Of A Weapon.
Jay-Von Fain - 17
Jonathan Campbell - 17
Stephon Gilliam - 17
(information on the minor, including the charges is not available)
I hate the NYC summer...no check that, I loath the NYC summer. Next Sunday, August 4 is Summer "Groundhog Day". 4 more weeks to Labor Day and then all human garbage and vermin crawl back into their holes.
NYC has disarmed the law abiding folks, and the perps know it.
Vibrant Diversity Thas' all cultural differences...
Pray for rain.
Jay-Von Fain - 17
Jonathan Campbell - 17
Stephon Gilliam - 17
Richard Jones, 17
Gwendolyin Gonzalez, 20
Roberto Torres, 31
Lorenzo Orlando - 38 - Brooklyn
Luis Flores - 35 - Brooklyn
Jose Colon - 44 - Brooklyn
Willis Kinard - 35 - Elisabeth N.J.
Roberto Torres - 31 - Brooklyn
Raiz Nunez, 21
Yamira Cajagas, 35
Ethnic minorities using a public pool...waddaya expect...civilized behavior?
In the good olde tymes, peeing in the pool was considered bad form. Today, anything goes.
No thanx. I'll cool off in the bathtub.
I'm shocked, just shocked, to see such carryings on at a municipal landmark pool.
Where's Pete "junior" Vallone? Ain't it his turf?
He's probably hiding under the bed.
I believe NYC Pools should only be for citizens of NYC. If you Aren't a citizen, go swim in the ocean. It's done in other municipalities across the country, why not here?
Vallone lives a few blocks north of the pool. You'll never see him there though.
The vermin that use that pool all come from outside of the area. You see them waiting at the bus stops and walking back to the PJs.
We never used the locker rooms. Putting anything in a locker there was like handing it to the crooks. The last time I went was a few years ago and the lady at the gate couldn't even speak english "Yous needz a locka". A guy ahead of asked "do you mean a lock, or an entire locker?" Apparently you had to have a lock to gain entry, even if you lived across the street and brought nothing but a towel.
Yeah, thats just about the list of last names that i would expect.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ethnic minorities using a public pool...waddaya expect...civilized behavior?
Can't say I disagree with that. Every summer it is some shit with these pools, I do not know why they even bother. I have to say this is really a NY thing, I have lived outside of NY and public pools were not like this.
Yea, but our future borough president wants to use this pool as a performance space - concerts, shakespeare, music - I kid you not - and the freakin diving platform will be between the audience and the stage. Just 40 feet from the pool and separated from the same with a 4 foot fence.
No roof, no stage, no toilets, no seats.
For $5 million he could have bought the Steinway Mansion for the community but he has gone on record of wanting that to become a 'catering hall'.
Did he mean 'Gentlemen's Club?'
Can't wait until he takes Helen Marshall seat - you ain't seen nothin' yet.
Its not God Save the Queen, but God Save Queens.
I live across the street from Astoria Park. From end of June to Labor day, I wouldn't stray near the park. It was full of lowlifes looking to pass their time, yelling, screaming and trashing anything in sight. No police ever to be seen. Thanks Pete Vallone Sr and Jr for nothing. You can't even police your own neighborhood.
Hey, George S of the Ditch Kills Civic likes the Astoria Pool-Theater idea - now how can anything go wrong if George likes it?
They don't respect anything that the taxpayer gives them.
Pools, food stamps, public housing, schools, playgrounds....
This attitude did not exist 3 generations ago.
I believe NYC Pools should only be for citizens of NYC. If you Aren't a citizen, go swim in the ocean. It's done in other municipalities across the country, why not here?
NYC residents? Do you think these kids are coming in from the suburbs????
I wouldn't stray near the park. It was full of lowlifes looking to pass their time, yelling, screaming and trashing anything in sight. No police ever to be seen.
I used to see cops all the time on Shore. I know the NYPD used to put out a pool post of at least two cops every year. Did they do away with it?
You don't need police at the Astoria pool.
If the natives become restless a mechanical (radio controlled) shark tossed in will drive them away.
Look at this freakin jerk - with his posters.
Mr Public Safety can't even control the park under his nose.
BTW, everyone's tongues are wagging in Immac about his law firm and the his behavior sending kids out to bother people during the Astoria Park concert for signatures.
Lil Petey is acting very bizarre as of late.
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