Here's the latest offering from the Food Channel which airs tonight at 9pm:
"With a menu that includes a Tibetan soup with yak, a Pakistani dish with goat offal and a chicken blood pancake, Andrew finds that a trip to Queens, NY, is just as good as a trip around the globe!"
Mmmm...pass the chicken blood pancakes!
Offal sounds awful!!!
We eat the unborn offspring of certain birds with slices of flesh from the underbellies of mammals...
I guess it's what you grow up eating that sounds appetizing.
"We eat the unborn offspring of certain birds"
Actually, no we don't. We eat unfertilized eggs. So they aren't "offspring" at all.
We also generally don't eat flesh. We eat muscle. You know, the part of the animal with actual nutrition. Never understood why eating chicken feet was popular, when chicken flesh in this country is so inexpensive.
Get the mop.
You don't really want to know what goes into a BigMac!
I do not understand the trivial lives of foodies - cousins to reality show and sports fanatics.
Mention something important to these people - like politics - and their eyes glaze over.
The fact that this off the wall fare is promoted from Queens is another step on a process that stated with Archie Bunker - Queens is a weirdo wacko Alice-in Wonderland place best left to the locals.
Scotts love that Haggis (blood pie), and Greeks their Magritsa (lamb offal stew).
The Times also loves to report on the international exotic food finds in Queens , where you can find treasures like guinea pig. Forget the fact that it's not a legal food item in this country. It's becoming more commonplace. And love it when, every Cinco de Mayo, they have whole animals on the grill! Enforcement is non-existent. I'll bet you can even find cat, dog, or live sushi if you know who to ask.
Foodies reduce the entire borough to a buffet. It's great being marginalized by people who think eating the food of other cultures makes them worldly, sophisticated and open minded.
Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.
i can't fathom why everyone feels it's okay to bash the food of other cultures or belittle it as being gross/barbaric. Honestly GROW UP!It is not about being open minded and trying other foods. It is about RESPECTING other cultures. If you don't want to try it then you don't. You're an adult! But don't immediately dismiss it in a childish and rude way as a child who pushes away his/her veggies on the dinner table. Who said what animals/parts of animals are edible or not? What about cows and Hindus or pigs and Jews. Is there something wrong with them because they do not eat those animals? They find us/you gross for eating beef or pork. Me confuzzled! You all remind me of my parents. I can't take you guys anywhere nice because god forbid, there is hummus as a side dish and you immediately dismiss it as vomit or garbage or worst making a scene in a restaurant yelling, "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!"
Didn't they already do this "oohhh look at all the weird food in Queens" show with Anthony Bourdain when he ate the live octopus in Flushing?
"i can't fathom why everyone feels it's okay to bash the food of other cultures or belittle it as being gross/barbaric."
It's called freedom of speech. Deal with it.
And I hate to break it to you, but most of these "exotic" cultures are gross/barbaric. Take a look at the vibrant and diverse trash they leave all over the borough and how they treat their women. Maybe when they respect our values and culture, we'll find something to respect about their food.
Nothing barbaric about maiming a shark and leaving it to sink to the bottom of the ocean and die so that you can make fin soup that you believe makes your pecker hard. Lots to respect there.
I will take ethnic food made from natural ingredients over the chemically treated processed American food any day! Look at a can of American food- it's all Latin terms. Look at all the soft drinks- they all have high fructose corn syrup. Yuck!
Yes, ethnic food made from natural ingredients, like MSG, melamine and benzoapyrene.
If you think the food that gets imported here is safe, you're dumber than this TV show.
Everyone is bashing about offal. Everybody's ancestors ate offal. One of the best offal I've had was in London in a famous restaurant named St. John Restaurant. Yes it was English offal, made with the same offending parts of the animal that the Asians and Latin countries are eating. It was just more expensive with tablecloth, fancy utensils and movie stars on every other table. Yummy!!
Everyone's ancestors may have eaten offal. But most of us have evolved.
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