Building Boom May Mean Jobs Can’t All Be Filled, Report Says
"According to the report, 72 percent of all of the city’s construction workers live in the city, most in Brooklyn and Queens, while most real estate workers live in Manhattan and most building services workers live in Staten Island and Queens."
Oh no! Let's open the floodgates so we have enough people willing to help make developers wealthier. Just cram 'em in Queens. DOB and city planning will help.
Photo from USA Today.
Why should this surprise anyone. The developers need a cheap, illegal immigrant work force to use as "building fodder" on unsafe construction sites! And if they should die, body bags are inexpensive. This is all part of the plan and it's getting out of hand! Nobody has any rights or say in these matters anymore......either the local residents, or the exploited workers. Only the builders have rights because Mayor Bloomberg has granted them that power! And anyone who raises their voice is branded as a confrontational whacko!
That photo resembles the corner near my bus stop. Only at mine they're usually drunk! Maybe if I had to line up each day for a lousy"shape-up" job, I'd a drink too!
New York State Assemblyman Brian Mc Laughlin's district office (former chief of the Central Labor Council) is located just about 5 blocks from a scene such as you've pictured. Being the "fine" labor leader that he is, you think he might have done something years back about "illegals" stealing union jobs . No! I guess he was too preoccupied with stealing from his own union's funds! He'll be needing a hacksaw soon!
Correction: Please, it's "CITY PLOTTING" not City Planning! And what about "Community Planning Boards" (as they used to be called)? I guess that they didn't do very much planning (except "greasing through" favorite projects) so I guess that's why they dropped the prefix! CBs are also part of the problem!
Many communities have this problem of mostly illegal workers lining up in mornings, littering and ogling the girls as they walk by, in full confidence that:
1. it will not be reported in the press.
2. they have the support of the machine (think of future votes and peoples with needs the machine is fully geared to help - I think this blog coined the word 'tweeding')
3. anyone with the courage to speak the truth will be branded a racist, thank you end of discussion.
Funny, how we don’t see this in Manhattan. No one reports that this part of NYC is systemically getting rid of its minority population. Instead of our politicians slapping us down on this issue, we should challenge them to ensure we all share in the wealth.
Hey, I hope that you're following all of this Mayor Mike, or your cronies are taking good notes! I wish we could all afford to buy our candidates, just like the builders do, the same way that you bought your office!
Oh, don't worry. As we speak our tax dollars are being used to craft a very nasty response to this site.
Remember, in politics, being smart is a liability, doing good is incidental, and being a back stabber essential.
"Oh, don't worry. As we speak our tax dollars are being used to craft a very nasty response to this site."
What kind of inside information do you have? Do your work for a politician or something?
No he just knows the way things work. You know, harassment of people via frivolous lawsuits and the like.
In a closed society like Queens, there is zero tolerance for dissent. To permit something like this to exist unhindered is a very dangerous thing. The whole damn pack of cards could come tumbling down unless something is done.
Reminds me of the famous Apple Computer commercial shown during the Super Bowl more than 20 years ago – remember – the person throwing the hammer at Big Brother.
PS Hey, the 'he' might be a 'she', you know feminine intuition.
Well, hopefully we still have first ammendment rights, unless our worthless politicians have put those up for sale along with our neighborhoods.
The problem in Queens is we have a one party system. It's a Democratic dictatorship run by the Manton replacements. Competition is healthy both in business and politics. It makes for a real selection among choice options. Though I belong to neither of the two main parties, I find that I often have no choice but to vote Democrat considering the idiots the Republican leadership (if there is any) puts on the ballot. So we're force-fed people like the Staviskys, over and over again. If not them , then its their scum compatriots. The Democrats will keep importing their votes. They care little for the plight of immigrants because they're too busy using them!
What is even worse, are those times you have no choice, just one name. And whether its Uncle Joe Stalin, or our little Margie Markey, it just ain't right.
Hey politicians! You want to help us? Then put in place the machinery to give voters a real choice!
I dare ya!
When you are a judge's daughter (as is Marge) you'll be sure to have a "cushy" patronage job at your disposal!
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