Matthew Silverstein, one the five candidates running in the District 19 Democratic primary race to defeat the incumbent councilmember, Dan Halloran, announce he is dropping out of the race.
In a statement, Silverstein confirmed he will be ending his campaign for City Council after going through one of the most difficult years of his life last year with his mother passing away in December.
“My Mom was an amazing woman who wanted me to continue fighting for the issues I care about. However, after consulting with my friends and family, I have decided to suspend my campaign,” said Silverstein.
Although he will no longer be running, Silverstein hopes to find a candidate in the race who represents his ideals and could work together with him to put “this city back on the right path.”
Meanwhile, it appears that Mr. Graziano has lined up quite a list of civic & community supporters.
RE:P.Graziano's campaign statement on (RINO) Doomsberg converting public school playgrounds into parks : community members (one endorsing your election) of CPB11 and the Dist. Mgr. were present at P.S.159 on 33rd avenue/205street, Bayside, when this conversion was being planned with PlaNyc officials around 2008-9. see Queens Chronicle. Q.C. has many comments concerning this destruction of the softball field,full court B/B, with the planting of 19 trees(15 died in six months).they were replaced. some died and were not replaced .
one B/B hoop was placed over a sewer drain and the phony tiny running track has a sewer drain in one lane?
who was the councilman and assemblywoman in office then ? could they be dems ?
And the state senator was a republican and kept his mouth shut, as has the current councilman, also of the GOP. So what is your point, Gramps? Stop being obsessed with party affiliations and assess each elected official on their actions or lack thereof.
Republicans like "gramps" are dinosaurs about to become extinct like their party is about to.
Our nation has moved on. The needs of the average citizen is NO LONGER being fulfilled by tea party Republicans.
Witness how Romney got his ass whipped soundly.
Time to retire along with your tired old rants, "gramps".
Silverstein bows out of council race
Good riddance!!!
Whose coat tails will Markell try to hang onto now?!?
Anonymous said...
Whose coat tails will Markell try to hang onto now?!?
Good riddance to her too!!!
Halloran( conservative/g.o.p.) was not in public office when RINO Doomsberg's Planyc converted the P.S.159 school playground to a park.all of the local pols. were democrats,except the EVOLVED RINO Padavan. how else could he get elected 40 years,with a queens registration of 5 dems to 1 g.o.p. ?
are you in the tank and becoming like PRAVDA and Cuba ?this is America, where we still" may" have the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
Everyone has First Amendment rights, Gramps. Even the people who take a position that you oppose, in spite of your red-baiting and (heh) demonizing.
just the facts ,mam, just the facts......i can give the exact dates of the Queens Chronicle and Queens Tribune articles depicting the startling planting of 19 trees in the asphalt, across the P.S.159 Q ball field. forever destroying the play space for local teens.
honesty demands that one tell the truth .are the articles truthful? read them....a close friend tipped the journalists as to the destruction of the play space.the powers in the community even had a useless GREEN astro turf implanted in the outfield,with the Gazebo. so much for healthy,exercized young people,with 20 benches to get slovenly on..
Was he really ever in the race?
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