From Sodahead:
“Personally, if I had it my way I would ban them all,” stated a stern-faced Michael Bloomberg to reporters Thursday morning.
But New York’s Mayor is not talking about soft drinks this time. He is not talking about salt shakers, guns, cigarettes or headphones. No, this time Mayor Michael “The Ban Man” Bloomberg is speaking of Easter eggs. Yes, Easter eggs and the famed 400-year-old hare that delivers them, the Easter Bunny.
The New York City mayor signed an executive order Thursday forbidding the bouncing, buck-toothed icon of Easter from leaving the city’s children with plastic Easter eggs no longer or wider than one inch, thereby reducing with amount of candy that can be stored in them.
Happy Easter to all, and don't be an April Fool! - QC
Can not put much candy in those small eggs, but kiddie could choke on them. Better to choke on them then eat sweets.
"This is the size of my brain"
Ovum envy???
This 5' 7", micro managing, half-pint,
Napoleonic, nincompoop, has gone clearly off his nut!
Bloomberg is a bad egg with an ego the size of Jupiter.
Leggo of NYC already!
Thanks be, we'll be rid of him soon--and that ain't soon enough for me!
Hey, Mayor Mike...you look a little constipated.
Shove that nice little pink suppository you're holding where the sun don't shine!
has the tiny chicken come home to roost? in the welfare city ?
"has the tiny chicken come home to roost? in the welfare city ?"
No caps, poor grammar, we know it's Gramps again.
As for "coming home to roost", ask your gop about that one.
All those years of demonizing "Liberals", intellectuals and immigrants have finally done them in.
What is he really holding? Is that a testicular implant???
It looks like Bloomberg just laid another egg!
And here I thought he was banning jelly beans to help fight obesity.
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