From NY1:
Long Island City High School is getting millions of dollars to improve under a federal program, but now teachers and administrators say it's that effort that spun the school into chaos to begin with.
The Queens high school is one of 33 schools in the city that won federal funding to fix its problems rather than shut down. Each gets up to $2 million a year for three years to make some big changes.
However, as NY1 first reported, the changes at Long Island City have not been good.
Last week, 120 class sections were cut out of the schedule. Four course offerings were canceled entirely, meaning 900 students attended two months of classes in courses that no longer exist. All 3,500 students were given new class schedules with different teachers.
The school blames the transformation program.
Howard Hurwitz, where are you?
Maspeth Mom says...Another collassal education failure. why am I not shocked.!!! Who is suffering for these screwups ...the kids...People who cause these huge screwups should be fired from their positions.High School kids have only four years to copmlete their education.If they start to fail in school they wont want to return. Who is sthat helping...not our society thats for sure.
R.I.P., Howard.
which LIC HS is that in the photo? not the modern structure on Bway west of 21 St (nr the Bel-Aire diner), with the HANAC senior residence on the corner ... continue west on Bway and you walk into Socrates Park ...
no time to write now about the useless students imported fm the illegal migrant population or Claire Shulman's lies to the local cmty to get the school built ...
And what do the political mafiosi of La Famiglia Di Vallone have to say about all this?
Hey, Don Cheech....waz up?
My son graduated from LIC and I liked it. It was far superior to McClancy High School, where kids are being robbed by their fellow students while the hapless administrators look the other way.
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