A Queens man who posed as a federal agent and boasted that he could get friends off the terror watch list has been convicted of conspiring with his wife and daughter to dupe hardworking immigrants out of nearly $2 million.
Shane Ramsundar, his wife, Gomatee, and their daughter, Shantal, each face hundreds of years in prison for conning members of Queens’ West Indian community into believing they could get them federally seized property at dirt-cheap prices.
“The jury has rightfully branded the defendants as con artists who preyed upon and unscrupulously exploited members of their own immigrant community who were in need of assistance,” said Queens District Attorney Richard Brown after the conviction late Tuesday. “The victims were betrayed by the defendants who turned their American Dream into the American nightmare.”
Ramsundar, 52, met many of the 19 victims at Hindu temples near his South Richmond Hill home, and passed himself off as a holy man, prosecutors say.
Over six years, the Ramsundars duped victims into thinking they could sell them properties in Queens and Florida seized from tax evaders and drug dealers before they went up for public auction.
Shantal Ramsundar, 23, laundered cash through her bank accounts and held her father out as a federal agent, and Gomatee Ramsundar, 47, conned victims into thinking her husband could get them green cards , prosecutors say.
A Queens man who posed as a federal agent and boasted that he could get friends off the terror watch list
Instead, Shane Ramsundar placed HIMSELF on the terror watch list!
Shane Ramsundar, his wife, Gomatee, and their daughter, Shantal
Just another typical hard working, "model minority" family!
conning members of Queens’ West Indian community into believing they could get them federally seized property at dirt-cheap prices
Instead, the Ramsundars are the ones who will now be inhabiting dirt-cheap federal properties - Hopefully for the rest of their lives!!!
Deport them - don't jail them here where will pay for their prison meals and health care for too many years to come.
There are thousands more in Richmond Hill playing the same game.....
As expected from turd world alien criminationals here to get over. Its always all in the family from crime to baby making to collect free $$$, housing and services
Send them all back to the banana republics they fester in !!
The scumbag sanctuary city ex-hippie mayor needs to be arrested and jailed for mass negligence with the lives of 2.3 million born citizens living in Queens.
An old girlfriend of mine just died because she couldn't be treated for for stroke symptoms in time. (pregnant females come first)
After weeks of bullshit waiting lists, backlogs and red tape her family flew to Germany for diagnoses & treatment.
It turned out to be brain cancer and to late.
Meanwhile this Illegal Immigrant shit get priority all the time because they are perpetually pregnant or have kids with runny noses.
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