From the Times Ledger:
Large trucks continue to use Grand and Flushing avenues in Maspeth after the city Department of Transportation instituted a traffic plan last summer prohibiting the trucks from barreling through those streets, business owners on the commercial strip said Friday.
The bypass plan was designed to route trucks that enter and exit the Long Island Expressway around the commercial and largely residential portion of Maspeth. Instead of using Grand and Flushing avenues, the trucks now travel down 58th Street and travel up Maurice Avenue.
The plan, developed by the city Department of Transportation, was approved in July by Community Board 5 after nearly a decade of debate.
“They come by anyway, regardless,” said Al Elayni of Carpetorium Inc. & Decoration, at 64-12 Flushing Ave. “I haven’t noticed much of a difference.”
Put an 11' steel overpass at the Brooklyn/Queens border. That will put an end to through trucks.
What difference does it make? There is no enforcement despite ordinances prohibiting truck traffic on the blocks they travel on.
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