The attached photo was taken about 1:30 PM on Saturday, November 19, 2011. The rail cars were parked on the overpass, a few feet from homes businesses and Mafera Park. They are clearly labeled with the symbol for radioactive contents. The name of the company on some of the cars was "Ice Service Group" (Industrial, construction, environmental). So in addition to having Stink Trains of construction and demolition debris and municipal solid waste next to our homes, schools, and parkland, are trainloads of radioactive material coming into the heart of our NYC neighborhoods now? For more photos go to: CURES.
What is classified as "radioactive" is kind of silly some times.
That term could apply to anything from the products of a fusion bomb to the radium in a watch I used to own. They are both radioactive.
Thank you for the "glowing" report.
We also have radioactive waste collection site all over the city including across the street from a school in Williamsburg.
There is radioactive waste coming from just about every hospital in this city. It has to be shipped out of the city somehow.
These trains come from the Oyster bay line.
They are cleaning up the old radium dial company in Sea Cliff. This company made clocks, meters and radio dials for the military in the 1940s
Shame since due to this Sea Cliff and Glenwood Landing have no mosquito's or greenheads during summer.
The radium in the salt marshes kills them and also keeps developers away.
They need to dump it back, perhaps dump it in Manhasset bay to keep the Persians out.
This low level radium from is only harmful to mammals and humans you ingest it.
It is on its way to Springfield
"Shame since due to this Sea Cliff and Glenwood Landing have no mosquito's or greenheads during summer."
Ok then we shall send them all to your house if you like them so much!
Dump the stuff at this guys house!
They got plenty of radon gas in their homes.
Flying on a commercial airplane results in approximately 1 mrem per 1000
miles travelled, so every round trip from New York to Los Angeles results in about 6 mrem
of additional exposure. Sleeping next to another person for 8 hours per night results in
approximately 2 mrem per year due to the natural levels of radioactive potassium in our
bodies. People that work in Grand Central Station in New York City are exposed to 120
mrem/year from the high Uranium content in the granite walls. Brazil nuts have 1000
times the radioactivity of most foods due to their radium content. So, we live in a world
filled with radiation.
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