From the Times Ledger:
Residents of a Flushing housing complex want students from two nearby high schools to stop engaging in X-rated extracurricular activities in their backyards.
The teens are having sex in broad daylight in the sheltered greenspace in Parsons Gardens, near the intersection of Parsons Boulevard and 76th Avenue, according to a civic organization.
“This is happening,” said Kenneth Cohen, president of the Flushing Suburban Civic Association at a recent meeting. “It’s not nice to come home ... in the middle of the day and find someone half-naked in your lawn chair.”
Cohen chalked the illicit behavior up to the fact that the kids come from all over District 25, which roughly encompasses the neighborhoods of College Point, Whitestone, Flushing and Queensboro Hill. Since the students can come from any of those neighborhoods, many of them do not live in the area where the high schools are, and thus feel they can act with impunity.
Was Dennis Gallagher there?
Ooops, I forgot...he prefers grannys...the ol' chubby chaser!
Lewd Act.
Call 911 to report a lewd act.
Report a lewd act done intentionally in public or in a place that others cannot avoid seeing it.
The City accepts reports of lewd acts, including people who are in their home but are purposefully exhibiting themselves to people on the street or in other buildings.
from 311 Online, nyc.gov/311
Call 311 ROFLMAO!!! By the time they get someone there the little troll will be giving birth from their little tryst ;-(
Tell 311 that they are Irish kids, and that they are smoking. Someone will be sent immediately.
Did Mr. Cohen ask for student ID and they showed him that they came from these two schools. This is beyond ridiculous, this is why people should not assume anything. Show us the proof Mr.Cohen. And by the way, I am sure that when you saw underage children having sex you called 911 and made a report for each time you witnessed this. Please show ups the reports. We know you would never witness such and not report it. AND where are the parents if this did happen which I doubt. Sounds like he doesn't like outside kids in his neighborhood. Show us the proof sir before you libel and defame a school, students and professionals.
Kids are having sex in those small triangle type parks near the expressway...they are often empty so no one can see them...
Where is the police - call them so that they could be called down and ticket them, determine if some amongst them are actually adults pedophiles and charge them with trespassing. Get them before judges to see if they should be taken away from their parents or guardians - why do we let the streets absorb these miscreants - lets get back control of private property and in charge of public areas. I guess these kids learned sex education well enough or doing their homework for it and hopefully using all the free condoms they give away in school for all flavors of sex.
These are not kids but "feral animal offspring" of illegal aliens who cant control themselves. The parents did the same thing back in those cesspool pueblos and hills they come from. A place were most teen females have 3+ kids and STDs from 60+ different possible fathers by age 18.
The process then repeats itself every 12 or so years.
These animals have no class. When we were teens we would go in our big old grampa cars, behind Christ The King or in the Maspeth woods.
(BTW that's how I know St.Saviors had graves on the property)
Call me a skeptic. Where are the pictures and videos of this? This needs to be studied in depth.
Where are the pictures and videos of this?
That would likely get the regular "Joe Blow" citizen compliantant arrested, called a pervert and sued by the brats parents.
Laws are different for news people on assignment.
The laws are all screwy in in blue states like NY & California no justice system exists only a legal system.
Cold water.............
These are not kids but "feral animal offspring" of illegal aliens who cant control themselves.
Basically kid are products of their parents and up-bringing. Needless to say illegals are rabbit-ting fast and furious because there is a belief that their offspring can be judged as being legal - born in the USA. Thus they are also hoping they get to stay here with them and become legal citizens because they are so good at rabbit-ting.
Needless to say I can rabbit like the best of them but I also need to feed, clothe, house and educate my rabbits and thus I buy condoms so that I minimize the my warren so that we are already healthily surviving without NYC handouts!
See; illegal rabbits "NO WORRY" because they are taken care of - food stamps,houseing, free hospitalization, POLS who design laws to protect them, police who ignore them - they are simply going to do what any happy person with "NO WORRY" does: RABBIT_TING - to bring litter after litter to the joy of living in the USA!
set up a web cam!!!
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