From NY1:
A huge hole in Ozone Park, Queens has sat uncovered for over a month after a gas main was replaced by National Grid, leaving the neighborhood on edge.
“Biggest concern is really the safety of them having this opened up. We have a school down the block, kids are constantly on this route, and you know kids are curious, so they're constantly looking in,” says resident Hardat Singh.
“I've seen kids actually jumping across, like daring each other,” says resident Zoey del Rio.
Anyone could easily fall into the hole, which is why residents say National Grid should cover it with metal plates at the very least.
It's OK They probably just forgot, and this being Queens and all, it's not that important
National Grid will leave this situation alone for a bit.
How come?
They can bill the city for a 1-month job that could take 4 days.
This keeps the stock strong and stockholders smiling.
"I've seen kids actually jumping across, like daring each other."
Kids will be kids. Meeting Life's challenges. You want them to wear bicycle helmets when they walk to school? It's called growing up. I've chased kids from my back yard when they hopped the fence. I even turned the garden hose on one of them between the narrow space between my house and the neighbor's. I practice the Grumpy Old Man routine in the mirror. But it brings back my youth watching their adventuring. I wish I could join them at times.
Queens = The Third World Across the River!
A good place to deposit M80's - extra long fuse, please
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