The next time someone argues that illegals should remain in the country because they work hard and their kids succeed, please show them this NY Times article:
About 41 percent of all Mexicans between ages 16 and 19 in the city have dropped out of school, according to census data.
No other major immigrant group has a dropout rate higher than 20 percent, and the overall rate for the city is less than 9 percent, the statistics show.
This crisis endures at the college level. Among Mexican immigrants 19 to 23 who do not have a college degree, only 6 percent are enrolled. That is a fraction of the rates among other major immigrant groups and the native-born population.
Moreover, these rates are significantly worse than those of the broader Mexican immigrant population in the United States.
The problem is especially unsettling because Mexicans are the fastest-growing major immigrant group in the city, officially numbering about 183,200, according to the Census Bureau, up from about 33,600 in 1990. Experts say the actual figure is far larger, given high levels of illegal immigration.
...educators and advocates say that unless these efforts are sustained, and even intensified, the city may have a large Mexican underclass for generations.
These problems extend throughout the swelling Mexican immigrant diaspora in the New York region. They have also afflicted the population of second-generation Mexican-Americans: While educational achievement is far higher among American-born children with Mexican ancestry, it still lags behind the rates of most other foreign-born and native-born groups, according to census data, which was analyzed by Andrew A. Beveridge and Susan Weber-Stoger, demographers at Queens College.
Syndi Cortes, 19, one of five children of Mexican immigrants in the Highbridge section of the Bronx, said she dropped out after getting pregnant at 16. She had already been cutting most of her classes, she said, and so had most of her Mexican and Mexican-American friends.
Last year, she tried to resume school, but her mother, who was working long days as a housecleaner, was opposed to day care and forced her to drop out again to look after her baby.
We are encouraging and protecting millions of illegal immigrants from countries that do not value education, view a woman's role as that of a baby factory, and live off the backs of taxpayers, while prohibiting people from better-educated countries, who are practically guaranteed success stories, from setting foot into the States. This is yet another Ponzi scheme that is costing Americans and legal immigrants big time.
Furthermore, the reason many of these folks can't learn English is not because they don't want to, it's because they never learned to read and write in their own language. When mom and dad pulled you out of school in 3rd grade so you could help them work, you don't have time for book learning. In turn, you can't help your own kids when it's their time to learn and don't feel the need to encourage them to study hard because it wasn't a priority where you came from. It's a sad situation, but one we can't and shouldn't be responsible for trying to fix.
Let's also realize that legalization means a guaranteed minimum wage. Which means the incentive for employers to hire illegals has been removed. This sets up a situation where they are now directly competing with Americans for retail and other low-level jobs rather than just the "jobs Americans won't do" like farm labor and slaughterhouse duties.
Damned if I know what the answer is, but neither amnesty nor the status quo are it.
The education level for our citizens is going down quickly.
Should we be spending time and energy to bump up the education for people who are not even supposed to be here? And who likely pay no taxes (other then sales tax) to pay for that education.
Sorry, this is so stupid. To even think it's OK shows how far we've gone from having common sense.
The answer is to bring in more Koreans, so the Mexicans can sort broccoli and peppers at the formers' vegetable stores. Liberal yuppies get fresh greens. Win-win-win for everyone.
Just one question: isn't normal that children of illegals to remain uneducated since nor them, neither their parents have no right to be in the US? I thought that in order to have the right to eduction one must be legally admitted in the US which applies to all foreign nationals? Am I getting something wrong?
With no legal documentation, and living in overcrowed illegal housing, while holding down three minumum wage or worse jobs, all while finding food and dipers for the baby, hitting the books in a language I bearly understand just isn't my highest priority. But I still find time to go to church every Sunday. I guess I just suck.
Definitely NOT a typo.
Did I read that right? From the NY Times referred-to article:
"Illegal immigrants who graduate from a high school in New York State or earn a G.E.D. are not only allowed to attend the state's public university system, but are also eligible for in-state tuition."
Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus.
Check it out folks for yourselves here." (But sit down first. You don't want to hit your head on the floor.)
Hey, you can't blame the Mexicans for leaving their toilet of a country. And I do mean toilet. I've driven to Mexico twice in the '80's before the drug wars. The capital, Mexico City, ferry to the the Baja, Juarez, Ensenada, etc. Their highways make driving in pock-marked Willets Point look like heaven. It's just a thrill using the bathrooms in their collectivized Pemex gas stations. Did you know that flora actually grow out of the haven't-been-cleaned-in-ages Aztec two-step toilet bowls? 'strue. That's why the land surrounding the gas station is festooned with toilet paper. The customers use the neighboring desert to do their business. Si, amigo.
From the I'd-rather-have-Chinese-than-Mexicans-as-neighbors-Department:
I drove on and couldn't wait to cross the Tropic of Cancer in the state of Zacatecas.
Here's how the Mexicans maintain their monument.
Here's how they do it in Taiwan.
The sociologist sez: Who ya want livin' next ta youse? The Asian or the Hispanic?
That's why you wont see the Korean working for the Mexican.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
What is the problem, people.
The immigrants are cheap labor, do not challenge people in authority, like McDonalds culture, and know to support the Democratic machine.
As George said, win win for all.
Does Archie and Edith get upset?
Who cares?
'Nuff said.......
Ever take a look behind the counter in the Pizza joints through out N.Y.C ? Plenty of Mexicans making your Italian food for 1/2 the pay any on the book American worker would receive. I now make my own Pizza pies at home instead of supporting the under the table off the books cash Pizza places.
"McDonalds culture"
F_ McDonalds !
I keep bottle water a juice in my truck all the time
Every time I go in McDonald to take out 2 simple 89 cent hamburgers I cant beleive what I see.
70% Mexicans and Central Americans.
They have fully loaded tables, giant portions every fried crap and saturated fat on the menu. Cups of sodas the size of 1/2 gallon milk containers.
The kids are usually 2-8 years old stuffing mouths with this poison like they haven't seen food in days. All of them 4 feet high and 150+ pounds minimum.
The parents (as mothers as dumb as they are) don't see anything wrong with 6 years olds so overweight they can hardly walk ?
America is looking at a 50 million strong firestorm of obesity & cardiovascular disease.
With the average heart procedure costing $100,000 Do the math $100,000 X 50,000,000 children of illegal immigrants with diabetes and heart disease.
How is all this disease going to be cared for AND paid for ? The beds of sick people unable to work would circle the globe twice
As anybody seen a Mexican or Guatemalan male or female over age 70 not in a wheelchair or a casket ?
As a faithful reader of this blog, I can't believe the ignorance, prejudice and hard-heartedness of the comments on this item. Any decent sense of humanity would recognize the need to "light a candle rather than curse the darkness". Shame on you folks who don't see the bigger picture: what's good for the least of us is good for all of us.
"Ever take a look behind the counter in the Pizza joints through out N.Y.C ? Plenty of Mexicans making your Italian food for 1/2 the pay any on the book American worker would receive. I now make my own Pizza pies at home instead of supporting the under the table off the books cash Pizza places. "
Extra Cheese Pizza on Northern Boulevard in Flushing (14720 Northern Boulevard, Flushing, NY
(718) 961-3122) ONLY HIRES YOUTH FROM THE COMMUNITY/SURROUNDING AREA. They make a mean slice of pizza as well.
I'll give Extra Cheese Pizza a try.
Marino Brothers Pizza in North Flushing and Graziella Pizza on Fracis Lewis Blvd. charge some high prices ($15.95) for their large pies. Most if not all the workers look like newly arrived immigrants. Can't tell for sure if they are legal or not. But I bet most are off the books and pay little if no taxes. M&G Pizza 1905 Utopia Pkwy hires local kids as well and the Pizza and prices are great.
Bless you my child. You will sit at the right hand of God.
Let's indeed light that candle.
Close the border. Enforce the immigration laws. End "Sanctuary Cities".
Mexico for the Mexicans.
perhaps the Board of Ed's first lesson should be to teach the definition of Illegal!!!!
The State Department should send a bill to the Mexican government for educating its children. So tired of throwing money at a problem that will never go away. Cut off free education to all undocumented students and they will go home. Now, we are expected to pay for their college tuition. Thank God most of them never get that far in their education. Schools are babysitters for these illegals. Nothing more. Free education,free breakfast, free lunch, free after school. No wonder they all come here.
The State Department should send a bill to the Mexican government for educating its children. So tired of throwing money at a problem that will never go away. Cut off free education to all undocumented students and they will go home. Now, we are expected to pay for their college tuition. Thank God most of them never get that far in their education. Schools are babysitters for these illegals. Nothing more. Free education,free breakfast, free lunch, free after school. No wonder they all come here.
Look if you really really really believe this then say this to one of the machine hacks publically.
"jobs Americans won't do like farm work . . "
I want to puke everytime I either hear this or read - it is the MANTRA of the illegals and the Repuks who support them.
quick education for los stupidos - America was BUILT by farmers - American farms are being foreclosed upon - American farmers suffer - they work extremely hard to compete with the megafarms that big business has been building.
They do not treat their animals like garbage - they do not treat their farmhands either like garbage and will provide for them a wage that they can thrive on not merely survive on.
Stupid scum - like those who keep saying that Americans will not do farm work - want only to exploit and abuse our democratic way of living.
the NYC Dept. of Education budget for 2011-2012 is $21,( Billion)000,000,000.00 .
the cost to "educate" one public school pupil for one year is $20,000.00.the cost for one "special ed. "pupil " is $45,000 to $65,000. also add the busing costs which are $35.00 per pupil /per one way ride.
a citizen student could afford an IVY League University with this outrageous cost for public lower "education".
how much do the U.F.T. officers get paid per year ,with benefits ?
"jobs Americans won't do like farm work . . "
I want to puke everytime I either hear this or read - it is the MANTRA of the illegals and the Repuks who support them.
Yeah, that's not what I wrote. I wrote "jobs Americans won't do" in quotes not because it's what I believe, but because that's the stupid rationale for allowing unchecked illegal immigration.
The Mexicans are the fastest growing ILLEGAL immigrants in the country!
Of course they drop out in highschool - they are too busy rabbit-ting and then nursing their young rabbits or working to feed them! Make more rabbits US born and your rabbit family has a chance to stay for good!
"As a faithful reader of this blog, I can't believe the ignorance, prejudice and hard-heartedness of the comments on this item."
Please take your bleeding heart to Mexico!
Last year, she tried to resume school, but her mother, who was working long days as a housecleaner, was opposed to day care and forced her to drop out again to look after her baby.
Love it! If my teen skipped school every day, then got herself prego and dropped out and now complains that I won't quit my off the books job to raise her baby, so she can keep cutting out of school and get pregnant again, I'd kick her out!
look at the end of the day illegals are just that what ever flavor they are they are not supposed to be here by law, unless they followed the entry procedures. PERIOD!THERE IS NO MONEY FOR CITIZEN YET ALONE ILLEGALS!
If they don't learn, their labor will remain cheap and we won't need more illegals
I have no sympathy for all these illegals. I myself came to the US by myself as an immigrant, found housing by networking at the airport and got myself a Mid Level Practicioner degree on my own. Yes life was hard but I know the meaning of sacrifice and know the meaning of pride.
Mexicans are hard working , highly eduacated and very slim.
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