From the Daily News:
Julia Harrison is having the last laugh.
These days Harrison, 91, smiles as her enemies twist slowly in the wind as she gazes from her fourth-floor co-op on Union St. in Flushing.
“Every dog has his day,” Harrison says. “In 2000, John Liu, the arrogant little pup, walked into my living room here and announced that my political career was over. I showed him the door.”
Today Liu is in the middle of a federal campaign finance investigation, dashing his mayoral dreams and threatening his political future. Meanwhile Harrison was recently reelected as Democratic female district leader from AD 22 Part B.
“I don’t mean to gloat,” Harrison says, “but I won’t say I’m not enjoying it.”
“The holier-than-thou assemblyman who led the march on City Hall demanding my resignation was Assemblyman Brian McLaughlin,” she says. “Today he’s doing 10 years in a federal pen for corruption, including stealing $90,000 from a Little League. The other self-righteous hypocrite who tried to end my career is Alan Hevesi, who got caught stealing public money. He’s also doing time.”
She's two for three and batting for a thousand. I'll put my money on her!
from n.y.post editorial "JOHN LIU"S TRANSGRESSIONS"
CONTRACT ABUSE :" Liu blocked a $150 million police pension-fund investment contract from the Blackstone Group after an executive there criticized unions IN PUBLIC, as the Post reported.
his real goal was to kill debate about pension costs--AND CONTROL WHAT PRIVATE CITIZENS CAN SAY IN PUBLIC
he also steered two no-bid contracts for $144,000. to pro-labor groups."
my friend almost had her S.S.I. benefit reduced,three weeks after challenging CM Liu at a public meeting, a few years ago.
you can thank Working Families Party for this crap- John Lui.
Julia Harrison was railroaded by the Stavisky/Mc Laughlin/Hevesi/etc. political mob because she told the truth.....the whole truth and nothing but the truth....about Flushing's Asian colonizers, crooks and schemers.
Yes, and they have proven over the years to have frequently, "Bilked their own kind"!
What goes around, comes around.
Now it's Liu's turn to get it in the rear.
And so he soon might in the prison shower room.
let's not start dancing in the streets folks.
The daisy chain of clubhouse corruption still has so many petals on its flowers that haven't been plucked yet.
What other Asiatic puppet master is still lurking out there that needs to be caged along with Mr. Comptroller?
Wellington Chen seems to have been a fixture in the background since the days of Donald Manes' corrupt reign.
Shouldn't the feds be directing their attention to this diminutive but extremely well connected man next?
And let's not forget Congressman Ackerman and his crew....Nussbaum and Schenkler.
Could these Far Eastern groupies be getting a share of the Oriental loot that's been floating around Flushing's political scene?
RIP, John Liu.
The more arrogant they are....
the harder they fall.
And this puny bastard is as egotistical as they come!
And how appropriate that in this Autumn season....
we are here to see Liu's career aspirations flutter
to the ground like a yellow leaf.
Anon No. 2:
I believe that Liu is a pretty evil guy. However, I tend to doubt that there's a link between your friend's SSI issue and challenging Liu. No part of government works that fast.
Fact check time:
Julia Harrison wasn't driven out of her career by a shifty one eyed political worm.
She was simply term limited out of office.
But she still won her re-election bid with (I believe it was) 65% of the vote in her last term!
All this,
despite her political enemies' attempts to malign her character.
If she had been permitted to run for a 3rd term---she would have beaten the tar out of John Liu.
And you can witness today how Flushing really went down the skids fast after she left office.
And let's not forget Congressman Ackerman and his crew....Nussbaum and Schenkler.
Are you paying attention FBI???
Right on, Julia!
And let's not forget Congressman Ackerman and his crew....Nussbaum and Schenkler.
- - - - - - - -
What about the CB 7 crew?
A cruel irony indeed, as what she chuckles over today will come back to bite her on her bony backside. She shan't fare well, even in history's rosy glow. Good riddance to bigotry, even in the form of old crackpots!Modesty should have precluded her from such vainglorious bleating... 'cept!
Was that Hedda Nussbaum ? or perhaps Sukhreet Gabel?
Your a creep. Get lost.
Can't say I ever liked her, but I do get where she's coming from now. (BTW, has John Haggerty, Jr. been sentenced yet?)
December 7th.
"my friend almost had her S.S.I. benefit reduced,three weeks after challenging CM Liu at a public meeting, a few years ago."
Boy, there's a whopper. A local Councilman has clout with the Feds.
These con-servatives are a lot like ol' Joe Stalin. tell a big enough lie and fools will think it true.
...and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Make a pre-New Years resolution: Stick to the truth...or at least make the lies entertaining.
Harrison was never a bigot...
you Liu/Stavisky/etc. trolls.
She was framed by the press and afterward crucified by the Stavisky led clubhouse pols!
Toby NEVER forgave Julia for beating her out of the council seat.
Harrison formed "The Network For Inter-group Harmony"...which included ALL races, colors and creeds...in her first duties as councilwoman (maybe even before that, as an Assemblywoman).
But Flushing's Asiatic colonizers
DID NOT like her "fair play for all" credo.
It's been well known that they dislike the other peoples of color...particularly African Americans.
Our crooked pols supported the Asiatic swindlers on this because they wanted the "Blacks" driven out of downtown Flushing!
These corrupt pols also liked getting illegal overseas Chinese campaign contributions.
It all statred with Donald Manes...continued by Gary Ackerman (unto this day)...
so on and so forth...etc.
Ackerman took a trip to Taiwan a couple of decades ago, under the auspices of criminal Tommy Huang, for a "fundraiser".
We believe certain members of CB#7 also went to Taiwan.
We were told that Huang later offered the same "fundraiser" opportunity to Councilwoman Harrison.
We were also told that she immediately refused Tommy's offer and reported him to DOI!
No doubt, the inmates will soon be jumping Liu's "bones" in prison.
When his bony ass is laid in the dust...his larcenous "legacy" will be forgotten.
Tempis fugit...and we all pay the piper!
In the meantime...
I'm keeping my score card handy...
to see who gets indicted next in the game.
I was never a fan of her politics, but when you asked Julia for help-you got it!
She at least stood for helping constituents-something never seen nowadays.
Go get 'em, Julia! Hell, go ahead and gloat, too!
I think that those inscrutable Asiatic "emperor-makers" who were running the "Mayor Johnny Show" just lost their "golden" (shower) opportunity to run NYC via their myopic puppet, Mr. Liu.
One might say....that particular Oriental opium pipe dream has hit a bamboo ceiling.
Comptroller Liu....OK.
Mayor Liu....definitely, NO!
So it's back to the sweat shop, brothels/gambling and human smuggling empires for all.
It looks like those patient Chinese Commie 5 year plans didn't work so well.
The one good and sure thing is that Liu is finished.
Now let's roll the credits and exit.
Bravo Julia!
You lived to see your treacherous enemies heads brought before you!
And you absolutely have the right to enjoy this moment....guilt free!
It's Mc Laughlin, Hevesi and now Liu who are the guilty ones!
Councilwoman Harrison ALWAYS cared about her ENTIRE community and served ALL of them ALL very well!
Evan Stavisky must be throwing a flaming-fagot hissy-fit over this.
Made Mamma Toby a grandma yet?
I guess reading the last comment, Pinky Gallagher must be having a pretty lonely (and drunken) Thanksgiving. Home alone, pathetic, how sad.
Sweet Julia I miss you and your still one of my Heros;-) Your a Strong Sista ... God bless
“The holier-than-thou assemblyman who led the march on City Hall demanding my resignation was Assemblyman Brian McLaughlin,” she says.
The March was organized by Evan Stavisky - Now head of the Parkside Group and son of that bitch Toby Ann Stavisky.
Go Julia go!
Evan Stavisky must be throwing a flaming-fagot hissy-fit over this.
She knows Dorothy?
Like the old adage says:
She who laughs last laughs best!
Have a good belly laugh Julia.
You've earned it!
And God bless.
Absolutely correct!
That march against Julia was right out of the Stavisky play book of dirty tricks.
Maybe it's time for us citizens to march to Toby Ann Stavisky's (campaign money laundry???) "North Flushing Senior Center"!
Wadda ya say FBI?
Maybe it's time for us citizens to march to Toby Ann Stavisky's (campaign money laundry???) "North Flushing Senior Center"!
At least you'll be able to find the Senior Center, you'll never find Toby's unmarked, hidden district office!
the ackerman/shenkler queens tribune weakly has not mentioned a word of John Liu's campaign fund scandal, to date.
Councilwoman Harrison ALWAYS cared about her ENTIRE community and served ALL of them ALL very well!
And that's the truth.
do you really believe that the S.S.I,in Flushing (majority Asian employees) would return 40 years into a clients benefits and find a calculation error. When there was'nt any error ?
my friend earned the most in that year ,of her life ,and much more than the maximum for 100% s.s.i.benefit.
if the politician initiated this problem for her, he counted on her not being able to prove them wrong. which her documents did,because she had saved her records,all those years.
You said it:
If the politician initiated this error. I don't believe that Liu, bad guy that he is, initiated it. You're reading way too much into it.
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