Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jackson Heights woman beat dog with shovel

From the Daily News:

A heartless Queens woman was arrested for crippling her 11-month-old English bulldog after witnesses caught her on video beating the pooch with a shovel, officials said.

Maria Aguilar, 36, was arrested by the ASPCA and charged with animal cruelty.

The young bulldog, named Spike, had been abused repeatedly over the past few months.

During his short life, Spike has sustained a hip fracture, a broken leg, three broken teeth and injuries to his ears, according to ASPCA Assistant Director Joseph Pentangelo.

The pup, which is being treated at the ASPCA hospital, is also virtually blind in his right eye.

ASPCA investigators were called to Aguilar's house on Feb. 24 after witnesses reported hearing a dog crying.

One of the witnesses used a camera phone to tape the abuse, also capturing Spike's howls of pain. Aguilar is seen throwing Spike to the ground and then slamming him with a snow shovel.


Babs said...

This is SOOO sick - this woman is a freakin' monster.

She MUST do some serious time in prison!

Whatever the laws are - obviously they are not harsh enough for this piece of sh*t.

Babs said...

Also - thanks to the efforts of the neighbors, this poor dog will be able to live without pain and some dignity.

Credos to you - whoever you are!

Anonymous said...

That dog will kill someone down the road, if he is allowed to live

do the right thing, put the dog to sleep

Anonymous said...

thanks for this neighbor who videotape this abuse. She saved his life. I wish I could shove that shovel damn this ugly nasty woman.

Anonymous said...

That dog will kill someone??? What are you stupid??? It's blind in one eye, lame, it's small and slow at best. Who is it going to kill??I hate it when people who don't know anything about dogs or their temperment comment. I routinely rescue abused animals and none of them attack. Do us a all a favour and just go away!

Anonymous said...

I have a bulldogge, I can't imagine anyone could ever beat an innocent creature like this. Why didn't the husband step in earlier. I am a Latina, and I am ashamed that this Latina could do this.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I wasn't able to see the video on my computer. It didn't work somehow. But just the thought was making me sick. Poor pooch.
Makes you wonder what the rage is all about with this woman.

Anonymous said...

I can see beating the crap out of the owner who lets the dog poop all over the sidewalk, but one's own dog?

Anonymous said...

she needs to get exactly the same beating she served the poor pup.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if people think the food on their table was treated any differently when it was alive.

Bubba's Daddy said...

i promise she's getting snow shoveled as soon as she's out. thx for giving her address. what's good for the goose..........

And to the moron who thinks he should be put down. This is an ENGLISH BULL DOG. You're more likely to be mauled by a poddle.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to take a shovel to her. I hope she is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Perhaps cleaning cages and picking up poop as a volunteer for the ASPCA will humble her. She needs psychiatric help.

Anonymous said...

maria belongs on the water board.......

Anonymous said...

I wonder about the incidents of other dog/animals that aren't seen.

Take a GOOD look outside, this world is a piece of shit.

Cherokeesista said...

SICK TWISTED BITCH!!!!! I DO NOT ADVOCATE VIOLENCE!!! BUT I'D LOVE TO GET MY HANDS AROUND HER NECK!!!! I've got 2 dogs both rescued, 2 cats both rescued and I could never imagine hurting my babies, I couldn't imagine hurting any animal:( BUT KARMA IS A BITCH!! SHE WILL HAVE TO PAY A PRICE FOR HURTING INNOCENCE!!! And it makes me wonder if she'd do that to a poor defenseless dog IMAGINE WHAT SHE WOULD DO TO A CHILD, LETS HOPE SHE DOESN'T HAVE ANY KIDS:(

Unknown said...

I had to turn off the video, this poor little puppy should not be put to death, the woman with the shovel should. My wife and I want to adopt this beautiful little dog and give him a loving caring home, please let us know if this is possible.
Jerry & Joanne, Crystal Springs, NJ

Anonymous said...

What a jerk this woman is...someone should have a person beat her neck in with a snow shovel till her neck breaks so she sees how it feels, only GOd knows what else she did to this poor poor dog....Oh my God...this is so terrible.....I hope someone in jail punches her face in

Anonymous said...

this stupid woman needs to feel pain

i wish i could get a few mnutes with her and her moron of a husband- who is their vet mr. magoo?

i am sorry but these puppy/animal abusers are sick bastards that need to go to prison
this crap has to stop

Anonymous said...

I currently just saved a miniature shorthair dachshund that some big monster man HUNTER kicked up against the wall till it had seizures...He also put the dog in a small little cage at night so it couldnt move. Now I have the dog he sleeps next to me ,made friends with my other dachshund. The dog is the sweetest gentle little sweetie....He was getting abused and as soon as I found out I said I would take him, now he is mine and getting lots of love....He yelps it he is picked up in a certain spot underneath, probably has tender rib injuries, I have to get it checked out...otherwise he is fine...This lady is really EVIL, people who hurt animals hurt people too, they are mentally unbalanced and clearly should not own an animal....Please report abuse anyone out there if you suspect it!!!!!! PLEASE this bulldog must be in so much pain it is so hurtful to my heart.

Deke DaSilva said...

The sad thing is that this incident infuriates Jackson Heights Democrats more than Hiram Monserrate does!

Anonymous said...

This video is so disturbing and this women is such and evil sick bitch that I would really like to see a video of someone beating her in the head with a shovel until she is blind and won't walk again. the punishment should fit the crime and the laws are not tough enough.the neighbors are heros, but I would have then turned off the camera and gone after her sick ass with the shovel. I hope she has a lifetime of illness and suffering til she dies....

Cherokeesista said...

Could I please have the Bitch I'd love to tie her to the back of my truck and pull her around Flushing:)

cherokeesista said...

Bubba's Daddy said...
i promise she's getting snow shoveled as soon as she's out. thx for giving her address. what's good for the goose..........

Hey Bubba's Daddy can I come with:)

Anonymous said...

The woman is obviously disturbed and an "other." Unfortunately, not much is going to happen to her probably...welcome to a sick and demented world that went wrong a long time ago...poor dog.

Anonymous said...

She may do a year at rikers,that's too easy.She needs to go upstate,send an e/m to DA Brown.

Anonymous said...

I hope Maria Aguilar gets a taste of her own cruelty. It was so disturbing to see that news story. So heartbreaking. I want to go to her trial so that I can clap and cheer when they throw the book at her. She deserves to get the same treatment she gave to her helpless dog!!!!! She is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Kill her now. Fucking cunt.

Anonymous said...

I hope Maria Aguilar will suffer in jail 100 times the pain she put that poor innocent dog through. Animal advocats should make sure she gets the maximum at sentencing! Spread the word about this case, post links to the story so this monster can be exposed to everyone and her actions will not be forgotten.

Thank you to the caring neighbor who got the slam dunk evidence!

Melanie Neer said...

any person who abuses any animal should get the same punishment and abuse as was done to the animal. I watched a segment on TV about this and the reporter interviewed the woman's husband and son....the son said she shouldn't go to jail since 'IT'S JUST A DOG?---I'm just betting the son beat it too since he saw his mother do it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says..

In the NEWS it said her husband took the dog "12" times to the veterinarian for injuries. Broken rib, fractured hip etc...The dog is only 11 months old. WTF!!!
Why didnt the Vet report this to ASPCA????? Have they no accountability???

toniq said...

I think this woman should serve some serious time in prison. That kind of cruelty against any living creature is simply wrong especially against a dometicated animal such as a dog. She should then have to register as an animal abuser wherever she goes so everyone is forewarned to not sell her or give her access to any pets in the future. Her son said "its just a dog". A parent displaying this kind of behavior in front of children is a form of child abuse. That kid needs psychological counseling. And to the person who thinks the dog should be put down. You couldn't be more wrong. He needs what he didn't have..a loving home with good people. I guarantee he would be a loving pet if he had that.

toniq said...

This woman should go to jail for what she did to that dog and serve some serious time, Her children need to be de-programmed as her son seems to think its OK to beat a dog when he said "its just a dog". This is the United States-We have Laws here against that. Exposing your children to this type of behavior is a form of child abuse. And to the person who thinks the dog should be put couldn't be more wrong. I guarantee that this dog can go into a loving home and become a wonderful companion to the right compassionate and loving person. In fact I would take him into my home where he would not have to worry about ever being abused again.

cherokeesista said...

So her son says she shouldn't go to jail because it's just a dog. Well "SON" YOUR MOTHER IS A PIECE OF SHIT AND FROM YOUR WORDS SO ARE YOU!!!!!! ROT IN HELL SICK TWISTED PIECES OF CRAP!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Klink Cannoli said...

I was disturbed watching the video and hearing the dog yelps. But then I was really disturbed reading some of these comments.

Ilona said...

pmpupdamike: The husband AND son are saying she is innocent! And the son was quoted on TV as saying "It's ONLY a Dog"! Crimes like this cannot go unpunished!!

faster340 said...

"Why didnt the Vet report this to ASPCA????? Have they no accountability???"

EXACTLY! The vet is too busy making money off this poor dogs misery..

The problem is that the law doesn't look upon animal cruelty like it does for humans. Cruelty to humans is the next step for these people if they aren't there already...

Anonymous said...

this woman needs to be beaten with a shovel until she dies a horrible painful and slow death, anyone who would hurt a harmless animal is pretty mentally sick and should not have the right to sustain life on this earth

Babs said...

Maspeth Mom says..

"In the NEWS it said her husband took the dog "12" times to the veterinarian for injuries. Broken rib, fractured hip etc...The dog is only 11 months old. WTF!!!
Why didnt the Vet report this to ASPCA????? Have they no accountability???"

I CAN'T believe this!? HOW the freak ELSE does a dog get injuries like this if not inflicted by a sicko like this woman.

Who is the vet - anyone know? All vets should be FINED heavily if they are treating animals like this and not reporting abuse!

This poor little dog.

panzer65 said...

I'm sure there are shovels in prison, albeit a woman's one, to administer payback.

Anonymous said...

Even when a dog like this survives it will probably be a very dangerous animal. If you ever select a dog from a shelter, raise your hand as if to strike the dog.

The dog you want is the one that shows puzzlement or no reaction at all. A dog that cringes or bares its teeth has been abused and will always be unpredictable and potentially vicious.

Anonymous said...

This woman is a savage, she should feel the same pain that she has inflicted on that poor dog.
And sadly - her son made the statement, its only a dog -- which proves "Like Mother, Like Son" He'll follow in her footsteps, there should be away that no one in that family should ever be near any dog or any innocent animal or innocent child!!
What the hell did her husband have his head in the sand. Thank God for that neighbor that took a stand.
I hope she gets what she deserves and more, that miserable piece of crap, she should suffer just like that poor dog has.

Anonymous said...

I want to kill this bitch. I can't believe her neighbors knew of the abuse and no one took a bat to that cunt's face. Bitch deserves to die. I don't want her to go to jail, I want her out there free so I can pour gasoline on her and light her up...but first I would cut off her arms. What a fucking cunt, DIE YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is one sick bitch. I hope she doesn't have kids. That poor pup. "Rescue Ink" guys should call some of their friends..they are from Queens.

Anonymous said...

Bubba's Daddy...I totally agree! I would love to break her face with the same shovel myself.

Anonymous said...

I am sooooooooo upset. Please can someone keep me posted on the little dog. It is so heartbreaking to see that little dog being beaten like that. Don't dog have to relieve themselves just like people? Why is he being punish for needing to relieve himself. Please I hope that dog gets the best home and care like my two dogs. A shih tzu and a black lab that I rescued from the street five years ago. I hope if he is adopted that they will spoil him rotten just like my dogs. They are rotten to the core.

Penny Titus said...

Oh by the way my email address is, i am the one with the spoil shih tzu and black lab.

Anonymous said...

You wonder of the food we eat was treated any different? What? Are you making this a PETA forum for commercial livestock or chicken abuse too? The damn woman beat a puppy for chrissakes!

Anonymous said...

If anyone cares to leave a message for these awful people - their Phone # is 718-335-0898

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said -" 40 comments and counting. But only a few with the story on the father who beat his little girl. Nice set of values."
I knew some ahole was bound to make this stupid comment sooner or later. Your statement doesn't deserve an answer - but, someone SHOULD so I will just to get it out of the way in the HOPES that it will discourage OTHER stupid comments."

wow - my comment hit home much? take it to heart, did you?

Babs said...

Me: Your statement doesn't deserve an answer - but, someone SHOULD so I will just to get it out of the way in the HOPES that it will discourage OTHER stupid comments."

You: wow - my comment hit home much? take it to heart, did you?

Me: it didn't work I see - oh well I tried.

Unknown said...

Poor fucking little bitch...thanks to whomever posted her address. That same orange shovel is going up her ass, and will be shoveling my driveway.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah and If i was to see her family on the street poor guys. It makes me want to go and throw a molotov cocktail and burn there ass.

Anonymous said...

OMG ever since I saw this video I have been so depressed. I have never in my life felt so helpless or worthless! I wish there was something I could do this very minute.I cant begin to express my love for animals, especially dogs. It kills me just the same when I read comments from fools that have no compassion and only express that this dog should be put down. WRONG its fools like you & MARIA AGUILAR that should be put down.

Anonymous said...

This breaks my heart, i did follow up to see how the dog is and any info for adoption. The ASPCA told me, he is getting better and will be going home with someone from the ASPCA. I hope the sick monster, heartless person gets hers in jail. Whoever you are that taped this, THANK YOU!!!!! you saved Spike's life. The thing that mind boggles me is, WHY IN THE HELL DID THE VET NOT LOOK INTO THIS AFTER THE FIRST ABUSE!!! Where is the justice????

Anonymous said...

I would like to attend her trial too. This kind of thing can not be tolerated. Does anyone know when/where her next hearing will be?

Anonymous said...

Iwas told she Maria Aguilar is due in court on April 12. I want to be there, but how do I find out what court she will be in?

Manpreet said...

If she can do something like this to a helpless animal, there is no soul left in her. She is a threat to society at this point and is capable of hurting people. Hope she's put away for the rest of her sorry life.

Anonymous said...

On March 8, anonymous posted "call Rescue ink" For what? Call them for what? They do NOTHING.
The woman was arested by a real animal welfare team and is facing felony charges. Rescue ink does NOTHING. They have no authority. When there is a camera around they yell and scream like they care to elicit donations. Stick with the real deal. Not Jerks in search of your money for a phony show. This woman who hurt the dog now faces justice thanaks to people who care not a bunch of bums scamming people.

Anonymous said...

Rescue ink??? You mean rescue STINKS. Do NOTHING.

Ruby said...

After viewing the video where Maria Aguilar is brutalizing the baby pup, it is quite apparent that Maria Aguilar committed several disturbing crimes that are supported by evidence, witnesses, medical records and the defendant's confession

Furthermore, I would like to address a very important factor: Victor Estudillo, witnessed a series of criminal acts being performed to the baby pup for a period of 11 months. This is supported by the fact that the baby pup was brought to the vetirnarian 14 times. Therefore, you have 14 counts of animal abuse. The fact that there is a media coverage stipulating that the pup experienced months of abuse clearly indicates that Maria Aguilar engage in a course of criminal behavior for an extended period of time, specifically 11 months based on the facts presented. In addition, Maria Aguilar, according to the news, initially lied to the ASPCA police and denied the criminal acts and then admitted to the criminal acts, once she was presented with the video that shows Maria Aguilar beating the baby pup. Lying to the ASPCA Police and hindering prosecution are two additional charges that should be added to the two felonies Maria Aguilar committed.

Victor Estudillo is in, the face of the public, an accessory to these criminal acts performed over a period time by Maria Estudillo
because he witnessed the acts and did nothing to report the abuse. Victor Estudillo should be indicted as an accessory.

I honestly feel as do many supporters, that the only way to prevent and stop animal cruelty is by fully prosecuting these individuals in an effort to stop the criminal offenses that are being committed. When individuals such as Maria Aguilar commit crimes the only way they can comprehend the severity of their crimes is by serving a jail sentence that will allow her and her husband to think about what they they did to place themselves in that cell. Maria Aguilar is charged with two felonies, each punishable with two years in prison for a total of four years. In actuality, it is really fourteen felony accounts because of each time the pup was taken to the vet to attend to the wounds inflicted by Maria Aguilar. Maria Aguilar engaged in a course of criminal behavior for over 11 months which is about 300 days where Maria Aguilar brutalized a baby pup.

Anonymous said...

So Maria Aguilar was in court this week, and got off with 2 years probation and a $200 fine. The message to animal abusers is clear: beating your pet is no big deal...