THE cabby meter scam has been going on for years, involves 35,000 drivers, and the Taxi and Limousine Commission blew a chance to stop it in 2008.
That year rings a bell. Oh, yes, right, Mayor Bloomberg spent much of it trying to become president or vice president or anything except mayor.
Yet somehow he's not responsible for the pathetic performance of his agency on his watch. Stuff just happens, I guess.
It promises to get even better now that Bloomie's boychick, Dave Yassky, is commish!
Photo from the Examiner
Where's the report that has Chairman Daus taking back his instantaneous character assassination of all cabbies, and acknowledging what anyone connected to the industry knew from the get-go: that the overwhelming number of drivers made errors based on the industry's standard haste and stupidity in forcing poorly designed machines down drivers' throats. The TLC did such a bang-up job vetting the machines and the companies behind them, that one supplier went belly-up prior to the roll-out and postponed installation in about 25% of cabs for six months.
Check the Op-Ed piece in today's Daily News for some righteous re-telling of this story, heretofore the usual toxic NYC mix of agency dead-enders and tabloid know-nothing hysteria.
BLOOMBERG FOR TERMINAL CANC...wait, I've already said that haven't I?
Keep saying it; maybe it will come true
By the way, the TLC has since issued a statement that a much, much smaller number of cabbies were crooked, around 1,000. Quite a difference. Of course this correction didn't make the front pages.
Sorry but a thousand crooked cabbies is still an awful lot.
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