Where: Queens Community Board 7 meeting at Union Plaza Care Center; 33-23 Union Street, Flushing.
When: Monday, March 22, 2010. Meeting starts at 7:00PM sharp, but the "Flushing Commons" topic is scheduled for 8:40PM. We recommend that you arrive by 8:00PM, in case the meeting proceeds quickly.
Although "Flushing Commons" is being promoted as a benefit to Flushing, in fact it is an inappropriate, monstrous project that will permanently inflict very severe, negative impacts on everyone who operates a business in or near Flushing, who resides in or near Flushing, or who relies on any nearby roadway. It will kill your business and ruin your quality of life.
As bad as Flushing street traffic already is, "Flushing Commons" will drastically worsen it. The City's own environmental report identifies 21 Flushing intersections that will experience "significant impacts" and gridlock as a direct result of "Flushing Commons". Examples of routine future mid-day traffic delays, taken from the City's official "Flushing Commons" report:
Northern & Main:
833.0 seconds traffic delay – nearly 14 minutes; twice as long as now.
Roosevelt & Union:
1086.0 seconds traffic delay – more than 18 minutes; 3 times longer than now.
37th Avenue & Union:
196.4 seconds traffic delay – more than 3 minutes; 25 times longer than now.
These delays will be permanent, not just during construction.
Actually, the traffic will be even worse than the City admits, because the City's report completely ignores the additional traffic that will simultaneously be generated by the SkyView Parc development, Willets Point megadevelopment, and many other large projects nearby. This is a disaster-in-the-making that must be stopped.
TimesLedger newspapers have reported that when asked about the severe traffic, TDC President Michael Meyer has said that "residents and workers may have to change their transportation habits to adapt to the urbanization of downtown Flushing." Look at Meyer's arrogance: WE must change OUR habits, to comply with TDC Development's takeover of large portions of Flushing!
NONSENSE. Any project that requires everyone to adapt to the severe impacts that it inflicts upon an already stressed area, is simply inappropriate and must NOT be approved.
It is not we who must change; it is Meyer and TDC, who must learn that they are NOT entitled to wreak their havoc on the area where we work and live.
Please attend tonight's public hearing to show your concern. Consider signing up at the back of the room for speaking time during the "Flushing Commons" portion of the hearing (each speaker is limited to 3 minutes, maximum) and express your opinion.
Crappy, I hope you covere the story on Citizens Union board members quitting. maybe could you get a copy of that email ?
The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Now if they built FREE deluxe housing for retired persons then it would be completely acceptable.
Anon #1, the story is in the works. Anon #2, no, building free deluxe housing for retired persons would still be unacceptable. The project generates too much traffic no matter who is living there.
they want you to take public transportation everywhere!! EVIL CARS!!!
Many of you might already know me for my 25 years of dedicated unpaid service to Flushing and the surrounding community.
A partial listing of my credentials are presented as follows for those who may not be familiar with my record:
Former trustee of...the Queens Historical Society; Fort Totten Conservancy, Coalition For a Planned Flushing; current CEO of the Committee to Save the RKO Keith's Theatre of Flushing Inc.
I have attended each and every public CB7 committee, etc. meeting regarding this gargantuan project.
If it gets a final approval, as is, a traffic nightmare will be created that will exist in perpetuity...creating havoc forever!
Special interests will have finally succeeded in destroying Flushing.
An additional note:
Claire Shulman made her obligatory appearance boosting the "Flushing Commons" project when it was first unveiled at the Sheraton East Hotel, but where is the elusive Wellington Chen?
Is he not heavilly involved in it?
Or is he craftily taking a back seat and allowing TDC's Michael Meyer to act as a front man so that the depth of foreign interests won't be fully revealed?
Peter Koo---Where are you?
So that's what the spawn of Shulman and Bloomturd looks like!
The fact that it is not scheduled until 8:40 pm is a trick to wear down the opponents, who'll have to stay late, listen to the presentations, before getting the opportunity to make their public comments. That should have been the only item on the agenda and should have been scheduled to start promptly at 7:00pm
Well...here's Councilman ("the ever absent") Peter Koo's address, phone number, etc.
Barrage his office with your opinions regarding TDC/Rockefeller Group's "Flushing Commons" Muni Lot #1 project.
Word has it that he and the developer (Michael Lee) might be in cozy agreement on this atrocious sell-out of a public parking facility.
The Honorable Peter Koo
City Council Member
20th District, Queens:
Telephone 718-888-8747
Fax 718-888-0331
135-27 38th Avenue- Suite 388
His Director of Intergovernmental Affairs is Donald Wiggins
Email: dwiggins@council.nyc.gov
Flushing, N.Y. 11354
If that ex-councilman/convicted rapist Dennis P. (aka "Pinky") Gallagher should answer for Koo...well then...give him a piece of your mind too!
(LOL) Chuck "follow the buck" Apelian will give this the rubber stamp...just like he did for Willets Point!
And Eugene Kelty will follow right up Chuck's caboose!
Marilyn Bitterman will continue to collect her $85,000 (?) a year regardless.
Thanks CB#7 Donald Manes' favorite CB!
It'll be more like one minute to express your concerns.
Most TV commercials run 30 seconds...so that's two TV spots back to back.
Long enough if brevity is your strong point.
It's gonna rain tonight.
Let's see if you stalwarts will stick it out 'til midnight...'cause that's how long it's likely to run.
Liz Rhoades (yawn) will probably leave after her usual "bored housewife's" analysis of the evening's wrap-up.
My guess is the Chronicle's editor won't last past 9:30 PM.
We'll see!
I'm offering ten to one odds on it.
Thanks for info, I am always looking for something interesting on the Internet, i want to send
photos for your blog
Frank Padavan will be there with his hand in the developers pocket I am sure. Just like all those real estate agents with their Padavan posters up that sold our neighborhood out to the Korean developers.
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