"There have been times when a developer with a huge project that will have great impact on a neighborhood and its infrastructure has been made to address those impacts to get project approval.
Rockefeller & TDC are going to make millions from Flushing Commons, which will put more stress on overworked water & sewer systems in Flushing-- and they don’t have to put in a penny to upgrade those systems.
Rockefeller & TDC are going to make millions from a project that will create dangerous over-crowding on the Main Street station platform & #7 trains that are bursting now-- and they won’t invest a dime to alleviate those problems.
TDC & Rockefeller are going to make millions from a project that will cram more students into already over-crowded schools, and they’re not required to contribute to the cost of more classrooms.
TDC & Rockefeller are going to make millions from a project that will increase traffic delays by as much as 1/3, bringing in more cars with fewer parking spots, and they won’t have to ante up anything to pay for the required solutions.
Rockefeller & TDC are going to make millions from a project that breaks a signed agreement to cap parking fees in perpetuity, have 2,000 parking spots, bring in a multi-screen movie theatre & a bookstore, and no one is making them-- or Bloomberg’s Economic Development office-- keep to the agreement.
Rockefeller & TDC are going to make millions from a project whose 3 year construction will destroy local businesses, but they won’t have to spare a cent for adequate compensation.
So who will be stuck in endless traffic jams, and pay for upgrading water & sewage systems, building more classrooms, extending the subway station, repairing damaged roads? Not Rockefeller-- they’ll count their millions and be outta here. Not Michael Lee at TDC-- the city councilman’s BFF.
We’ll pay-- through the city government that seized this property from black homeowners and a black cemetery, built a public parking lot-- not even a bus terminal!-- and is now selling it for the private profit of Michael Lee and Rockefeller. For shame!"
You can't say it better than that.
Seeing citizens stand up and say these things gives me hope for the future.
Thank you Ches.
Thank you Crappy.
"There's got to be a morning after
If we can hold on through the night"
Flushing has been, for at least the past 2 decades, a morass of corruption. Years ago that neighborhood-destroying Tommy Huang was allowed to burn down stores and threaten store owners in the downtown Flushing area. Now it's the politicians helping the developers steal from the citizens of Flushing what is theirs. Nice going, TDC and Rockefeller.
This lady hit the nail on the head.
The " Marty Markowitz" Amphitheater in Asser Levy / Seaside Park is another example of the City making a land grab. Killing off the only OPEN GREEN SPACE PARK in Brighton Beach.We will have over 40.000 people a week treking in our neighborhood creating massive traffic problems, pollution, public safety issues etc. etc.
The Parks Dept. can't even maintain or manage this type of venue. The City has to outsource the Management & Maintenance of this proposed monstrocity to a PRIVATE Concession, who won't put a dime into any infra-strucutre. The only motive here is how Marty Markowitz can feel good about himself & F%$K everyone else. The KING has spoken.
We'll see you in court Marty.
WOW! What a mouthful! Cheshire...you rock!
This is info you won't find elsewhere.
I love how the artist's rendering shows ample open space to walk around in. What a laugh! Traffic in the Main Street area is already severely over-congested and if this boondoggle comes to fruition it will become impossible.
What about doing something useful with the white elephant that is the old Kleins/Alexanders/Caldors store?
Rockefeller & TDC are going to make millions from a project that breaks a signed agreement to cap parking fees in perpetuity, have 2,000 parking spots, bring in a multi-screen movie theatre & a bookstore, and no one is making them-- or Bloomberg’s Economic Development office-- keep to the agreement.
I agree, if it doesn't have upscale movie theather ( which the only one close by is in College point), nor a Borders or Barnes and Nobles or any general upscale store, this Commons will be a piece of crap. I could picture it without the above stores, it will fill with no name stores that will not take in a lot of revenue. Just take a look a the flushing mall.. by college point blvd. It's dumpy because it lack upscale stuff. I seen it 'grow' from 2004. It was a big disappointment there..and I'm sure the same will happen to FC if there is no upscale stuff. (or think of Altas Mall.. a failure too).
So who will be stuck in endless traffic jams, and pay for upgrading water & sewage systems, building more classrooms, extending the subway station, repairing damaged roads? Not Rockefeller-- they’ll count their millions and be outta here. Not Michael Lee at TDC-- the city councilman’s BFF.
I live in North Flushing and during the summer I've noticed that the lights in my home are dimmer and the air conditioning units do not work properly. Please add to the list my concerns about an inadequate electrical grid as well!!! Are we missing anything else?
You want to decrease crowding on the 7 train? When you swipe your metrocard, make them show your greencard.
The power grid in Flushing is already over strained.
But the powerful political "elite" doesn't give a damn.
Are they getting Asian $$$$$ for their campaign war chests to let this leviathan slide through?
H-m-m-m-m...sounds that way.
Speaking of political incumbent sloths...where is our "esteemed" state senator "Moby" Stavisky?
She's been more absent than Cookoo Koo!
Wellington Chen has also remained in the background too.
Wattsa matter "little duke" letting TDC's little "white errand boy" Meyers front for you so it doesn't look like Shanghai is building an Asian colony that will span from Flushing to Corona?
But isn't that China's long term plan...to oust those uppity Latinos that are a threat to their intended real estate boom west of the Flushing River?
The troublesome "Blacks" in Flushing are already reduced to a small decorative bunch.
And Bloomberg is backing this racist plot (covertly of course).
Why else do you think that Flushing Commons is subject to a mayoral over ride....regardless if everyone opposes it!
The same scenario is currently underway at the Atlantic Yards.
Why else do you think that Flushing Commons is subject to a mayoral over ride....regardless if everyone opposes it!
True dat brothers and sisters!
Macedonia AME Church won't rock the boat on this.
They've been promised their token affordable housing units.
Small potatoes considering their land was stolen by NYC.
I was just thinking...that this whole project is set up so if anyone votes against it their also voting against Macedonia's project.
Then they can be called "racists" by the church.
How diabolically clever of the EDC!
What about the Asian discrimination against members of the community that is currently being accepted by the clueless masses???
There goes the neighborhood!
They must pay up, redesign or go elsewhere. We have no handouts to give.
Thank you Cheshire. Hey CB #7 - Listen to this woman, she knows what she's talking about.
Wait until Koo & Halloran have their little private chat about this project.
I'll bet loyalty to their political party comes first.
We're watching you both!
Do you want a second term?
wow koo reappeared after saying he can't attend 3 hour meetings. is that why he spoke 1st kissing myers between the legs? who says our electeds are not honest
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