70-20 to 70-38 57th Drive in Maspeth are owned by Prime Design Realty LLC. And they do design prime pieces of crap. All the standard elements are front and center on these 3-family mega crap pile, which has been under construction for 5 years now and counting. This may shock you, but the builder racked up site safety and work without permit violations. There was mostly open space here before they put this up, and it would have made a nice park, especially since the LIE is right on the other side. - Gina
This is really really depressing. Just butt-ugly top to bottom from the maze of overhead wires to down to the cheap & steep metal stairs (watch out in the rain) and the nice grey concrete 'yards'.
Nice job by the 'not ready for prime time' designers.
If I had to live in a place like this, I'd kill myself.
All this needs to complete the picture is an open trench with running sewage in the foreground!
These types of buildings should be outlawed. What crap!
Oh I don't know....sailing toy paper boats in that open sewage trench in front could be picturesque!
A regular summer regatta for the kids!
Where else are they going to play?
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