Toxic Site Eyed For Housing
These two stories are unbelievable. So these people will breathe some unpleasantness into their lungs...what is there to be concerned about? Don't they trust the government when they're told not to worry? Look at how right they were about Ground Zero!
Photo from Queens Chronicle
As someone who discovered he has a blood cancer a few years ago, it does not surprise me that I do not suffer alone. Besides Polycythemia Vera (ever hear of it?), I have been diagnosed with asthma, Epstein-Barr virus, a brain lesion, and I have undiagnosable neurological difficulties. The toxic soup in Queens is largely ignored by both elected officials and the press. I am heartened to see that there is some media recognition. I would like to see someone force the New York State and New York City Health Departments to investigate potential cancer clusters and other environmental health difficulties such as the increasing population of asthma victims in Queens.
When a politico steals money from their constituents, it is serious enough. When they cover up health issues rampant throughout former industrial sites in Queens, that's criminal!
Well newspapers, can you tear yourselves from writing political puff pieces, real estate pumper pieces, and perhaps, just perhaps, something on the pollution in this borough?
I want someone who is living in a 50 story Suna Tower on the East River to look out of their balcony at Ravenswood, just even with its 'smoke' stacks just a few blocks away, and know if they are placing their families in harm's way.
Go ahead, watch the toxic mix drifting from those stacks on days the wind is blowing to the south. Right in your face!
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