The death toll at city-construction sites more than tripled last year, to 21 from six the year before, a federal report revealed.
Building collapses and falls caused eight deaths each, four hard hats were killed by construction equipment or falling debris, and another worker was killed by an unspecified hazard, according to an Occupational Safety and Health Administration report.
Manhattan had the most fatalities with nine, followed by Brooklyn and Queens with four each, The Bronx with three, and Staten Island one.
It was the most construction fatalities in the city since 2008.
Shouldn't the Federal Prosecutor take a good look into this federal report.
To investigate matters of importance, such as:
Were any indictments handed down by boroughs D.A.s as a result of any of these fatalities? If not, why not?
Especially on Tommy Huang & Sons. sites.
But, alas, doesn't Bobby "the hairpiece" Scarano hold the record on site fatalities?
Construction deaths rise.
Where is Tommy Huang. He is believed to have left the country?
Could it be true, that the D.A. may be taking a second look at the facts surrounding the collapse on Queens Blvd.?
Could there be multiple investigations actually going on?
Extradiction - N/A.
C'est La Vie -- such is life.
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