I’m an enormous fan. Thank you for shining a light on the problems in this sorry, run-down borough.
I took these pictures at Bowne Park in Flushing this morning. The two dead turtles are about 10” and 15” in length. Look at how filthy the water is.
I walk my dog and pick up garbage with a number of friends at Bowne every morning. We have lately been seeing a lot of dead squirrels and turtles. The park is poorly maintained with rarely a Dept. of Parks presence. Please note today’s addition of a discarded mattress.
We’re all so pleased that the Dept. of Parks allocated 500K for an additional bocce court when they can’t even afford a minimum wage full-time employee!!! Could you please post these pictures and possibly embarrass the hell out of our local pols and the Parks Dept.?
Thank you so much.

Follow up:
Hi Crappy -
I sent the two Bowne Park pix to Tony Avella and he wrote a letter
addressing the situation on the same day! He's just an amazingly great guy!
That mattress might be some homeless guy's bed, or some $5 slut is plying her trade early in the morning.
Maybe Dan Halloran takes his dates there.
He can't afford motels with his legal fees mounting.
Thanks for posting this. The mattress and dead turtles (there was a third large one on Saturday) have been removed.
Now if only people could stop dumping their household garbage, spitting and blowing their noses on the ground (yes - a truly delightful sight!)
It's as though there are two populations enjoying the park - one that cleans it up and one that fouls it with garbage and bodily fluids.
Do we need pictographs indicating that garbage, mucous and phlegm are not desirable substances to distribute throughout our parks?
Mucous and phlegm...a great way to spread Tuberculosis!
There are some virulent strains popping up in our country that respond poorly to standard treatment.
Public places are public hazards if poorly maintained.
ANYONE can legally use a public park...maybe a 3rd worlder casing your house for a break in.
That's why I turned down homes, adjacent to schools and parks, when my real estate agent was showing me around.
You never know what is in the future of parkland.
Lewandowski probably wants a developer to make a bid on the Bowne park ala the USTA and MLS and The Mets owners have done with Flushing Meadows Corona Park.
Oh I forgot, Lewandowski had the department plant some dead trees in Bowne recently.
Our "representative", Councilman Halloran, lives just east of Bowne Park, about 4 blocks away.
I guess he was too busy representing the interests Joey Franco and Peter Marino...supporting their over expansion plans...to notice the filth.
Then again, he's got his own dirt to deal with now.
Thanks Tony, for doing the job that Dan should have been doing!
The Parks Dept. shouldn't spend that much money in expanding the bocce ball court, they should expand the children playground instead.
People playing bocce ball and gambling with cards (some of them betting money)are heavy smokers and this court is next to the children's playground where some of their grandchildren play.
The kiddie park is extremely underused - we need a DOG PARK!!!
The dog walkers are friendly and pick up garbage every morning.
Everyone else litters - including the parents and kids in the playground!
The bocce players are the worst offenders - they even threw out a custom made ash tray provided by the Bowne Park Conservancy (a fictitious group BTW). They do not deserve a second court. They don't add anything to the community. And yes - they do gamble heavily!
The smoking and gambling are small potatoes considering the Mister Softee ice cream guy was dealing drugs out of his truck and his handler was a bocce player.
These old farts don't care.
And neither do the local politiocians. The felon Brian McLaughlin lived less than a block away from the park and soon to be felon Dan Halloran lives a block away.
I have been working in flushing in this area for the past number of months. And yes its gross. The amount of Asian people that spit and barn yard on the sidewalks is amazing. I was told not to do that as a kid. Its gross, unclean and shows no class or manners.
Bowne Park was gorgeous 50 years ago when I was a little scrapper.
Omg, that Bocci Court is $500K? Omg, Parks is currently saying they don't have any money to repave Fort Totten Bike/Peds/Roller Path and fix washed away park benches and widen it at the Marina section by parking lot more han 4 ft and new signs and markings. Btw, asphalt according to an ABC News reporter is $100 per ton.
Isn't that the park where the Northeast Queens Republican Party has their annual shake down of the residents under the guise of an eastet fundraiser ?
Why aren't they " civic minded " and organizing a clean up? Or is the president too busy funneling money???
Isn't that clubs leadership closely tied to future inmate Danny boy halloran?
Yes , yes they are.
Anonymous said... "The bocce players are the worst offenders"
Are you for real ? If it were not for the bocce ball players I would not feel safe in the park. Those men are a good group of hard working people who live in the nabe and would certainly help a person in need.
That park would turn to Crap without them.
You don't know them then!
They don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. They wouldn't even start a children's league when it was suggested.
Just hang out with them for a while - they're always fighting with one another. And one of them slits tires periodically!
It's just a playground for wealthy seniors subsidized by the taxpayers!
Almost everyone one of those guys has a second home in Croatia. They're all rich. They should use their backyards except their wives probably wouldn't tolerate their nonsense.
And in case you haven't look very closely lately - these guys are too old to protect anyone!
Yeah, but those old retired soldieri bocce players do keep the park safe from muggers on a summer's eve.
Nobody messes with mobsters, even in their 70s.
It's good to have the goombahs around even though they might appear gavonish.
True...there's not a cop to be seen in Bowne Park...
so the "enforcers" of the bocce court fills this void.
What's wrong with Italian privatization?
Everybody knows that Italian neighborhoods never go bad....like Arthur Avenue, East Harlem, etc.
They may be old Croatians, but they still have young sons.
What have the olde tyme neighborhood Irish Daniel (Halloran and brian Mc Laughlin) done besides beering and blathering it into a mess?
Are you too "White" to fight to defend it, you privileged "A" hole?
it sounds like some troll of the Bowne Park Civic Association is commenting.
WTF do they do except forever complain?
They have no real power. That self absorbed woman that used to (or still is) involved in it, thought that her poop was ice cream!
And where is John Procida and his tea party folks?
Why can't they organize something fruitful to benefit the park?
the seniors who lobbied for their new bocce court and lavatory facility are doing it the American Way. they have real "bocce balls". their is a need for additional basketball hoops for the teens, also.too many teens have to wait to use the two hoops that exist now.
The comments are mounting.
It's nice to know that a lot of my neighbors are following Queens Crap. Ain't it great?
Where else can the truth be exposed so vividly and in such a timely fashion?
dead turtles and squirrels? sounds like poison to me.
Auburndale is now mostly South Asian
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