From the NY Times:
As a succession of blurbs from newspaper articles suggest that she has waffled on key issues, the narrator concludes, “When Christine Quinn doesn’t support our values, how can you support her for mayor?”
So goes a commercial attacking Ms. Quinn that, starting on Monday, is scheduled to appear on cable television stations like MSNBC and Bravo for three weeks. The 30-second commercial, the first of the mayoral race, comes quite early in the primary season, underscoring the competitive nature of the contest to succeed Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.
The commercial is not the work of one of Ms. Quinn’s opponents for the Democratic nomination, but of a coalition of left-leaning labor unions and Democratic activists who say they are not backing anyone in particular.
The organizers have pledged more than $1 million to the campaign and are spending $250,000 for the initial television advertising, said Scott Levenson, president of the Advance Group, which produced the spot. Another commercial is to be released this week, followed by several mailers and radio ads.
The coalition opposing Ms. Quinn is called NYC Is Not for Sale 2013 and appears to be a successor to a group that actively opposed Mr. Bloomberg’s 2009 re-election bid. It also includes an animal-rights group, NYClass, that has long fought with Ms. Quinn over horse-drawn carriages and other issues. But the coalition also includes Democrats who had previously been major donors to Ms. Quinn.
Please don't give Doomturd a free fourth term from Bermuda by electing MiniMe!We;ve already endured enough hissy fits.Though you do have to say,at least she is out and doesn't use a beard.Wonder how much longer the "romantic" coupling with Taylor has left.
I'm sending in my contribution to support this ad campaign!
Quinn is a disaster! She'd be far worse than Bloomberg.
How about a picture of a pig with a "No First Term!" banner, Crappy? Better sooner than later, no?
I guess Jimmy Van Bramer and Peter Vallone have a little explaining to do to the rest of Queens as their districts are just about the only ones that are backing Quinn in that borough.
Also note how the gay lobby is one of her biggest contributors. Glad THEY remember the rest of us still outside the tent.
Her own machine seems to be turning on her. I wonder what the real reason is.
Oh well. If there are any candidates that did not come out of the close yet.
Perhaps now is the time.
If Bloomberg was the continuation of Giuliani, then is Quinn also the continuation of Giuliani?
How does that go again? "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
The Mantra of The People: ANYONE BUT QUINN.
Quimm will split the city wide open!!!
She must be stopped!
Ms. Quinn...be scared...be very scared!
I saw one of these TV spots on NY 1 yesterday.
They are hard hitting and on the mark.
The loud mouthed queen of politics may soon be undone by them.
Keep up the good work, boys!
the lavender hill mob is mostly supporting her, though they might not like her style.
But, bless those gays, lesbians and transgenders, who have the brains and patience to have become a very powerful political lobby in the USA.
Contrast this with with the way that a lot of African Americans cannot seem to transform their anger into positive power.
Contrast this with with the way that a lot of African Americans cannot seem to transform their anger into positive power.
The LGBT is all about the greater good amongst their own, and work to support eachother. The issue with african americans is, once they get into power, they then only look out for themselves and sell out their own people (see Chuck Rangel and crew)
Giuliani was wholly owned by Ray Harding and Fran Rider.
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