From DNA Info:
A proposal to build a $1 billion waterfront development in Hallets Point may include a new K-8 school, according to plans presented last week at a public meeting.
Developer Lincoln Equities Group wants to transform seven acres of the Astoria waterfront, constructing seven residential buildings with more than 2,000 apartment units, retail development and a landscaped public esplanade along the East River.
The latest plans for the site now include the possibility of a new school, according to an environmental planning consultant working on behalf of the developers. The school might be necessary to accommodate the influx of families expected to move into the area once the development opens, planners said.
"Having done some preliminary analysis of what this project means, in terms of new demands on the various services, we are also studying the potential for a new K-8 public school," said Linh Do, of the consulting firm AKRF. "At this point, we are thinking it will be located on the NYCHA campus."
Lincoln Equities is working with NYCHA and the city's School Construction Authority to see if a school would be viable on land that now serves as parking spaces for residents at the Astoria Houses, Do said.
Some NYCHA residents present at last week's meeting say they're thrilled to hear a school is being considered for Hallets Point. The closest public elementary school at the moment is P.S. 117, which is over capacity, enrolling 207 more students last year than designed, according to DOE statistics.
"We want to ensure that the school is a mandate," said Ronnie Minor, who identified himself as a community activist. "The school has to be built."
Andre Stith, a lifelong Astoria Houses resident who works with the local nonprofit Zone 126, said a new school would bring more educational opportunities to the neighborhood's children.
"Right now we have a situation where our children are getting into a lot of things, and it’s as simple as they have no options," he said.
And how does this change the game for electeds?
City Councilman Peter Vallone Jr., who has been on the fence about the Hallets Point proposal, said the inclusion of a school in the plan is a step in the right direction.
"That's something that I've been asking for, and I'm glad that they're seriously considering it," he said.
His main concern with the project is that the neighborhood doesn't have the existing resources to accommodate the number of residents the new development would bring.
"Schools for the children there is one of my concerns," Vallone said.
Vallone and other neighborhood stakeholders also worry about transportation, with several calling for a ferry service to Manhattan to be included in the plans.
What about the flooding, stupid?
It seems that each time a developer seeks to "corn hole" a community...he offers them "amenities" such as a new school or a senior center, etc.
After they've had their way, building their megaliths, they pay off the local residents with empty promises!
Prepare to bend over folks!
BUT BEWARE...for instead of slipping on a protective condom...this developer has sheathed his penis with sandpaper!
Isn't that mafia connected "doctor" connected with this one?
The Democratic primary (what else is there in Queens) is approaching--
and it's, "Vallone for borough president"--among a slew of other contenders!
You will be voting--so please, examine all of the facts carefully--before you blacken that little square on your ballot.
Begin by questioning yourself.
Has Astoria done well under the Vallones?
Look around. That's it--do a full 360 degree turn, and take it all in.
Is Astoria overcrowded and under served? Is the infrastructure up to par, or grossly inadequate?
Are there enough good schools? Are emergency services (NYPD and FDNY) what they should be?
Is transportation running smoothly? Has the air quality improved or gotten worse? For the sake of brevity, let's end the list here.
BEFORE you choose your next borough president, ask yourself this one important question.
"Do I want my neighborhood on the road to Astoria's woes"?
Then decide if you want Peter Vallone Jr. occupying Queens Borough Hall.
I'm still doing my research, prior to shopping for a qualified candidate, and haven't decided who I will be buying with my vote.
I'm still doing my research, prior to shopping for a qualified candidate, and haven't decided who I will be buying with my vote.
So after your tirade Peter remains in the running.
'Splains a lot....
Yet another project to wall off Queens waterfront with private development.
The latest plans for the site now include the possibility of a new school ... necessary to accommodate the influx of families ...
Some NYCHA residents present at last week's meeting say they're thrilled ...
Andre Stith, a lifelong Astoria Houses resident who works with the local nonprofit Zone 126, said a new school would bring more educational opportunities to the neighborhood's children.
Ah, the old well worn script is being followed. Nothing left to chance.
The buildings will be built, in an area routinely flooded, with inadequate resources, all but cut off from the outside world (and of course that is not all the planned development – only a portion).
Now my peeps, at least we should have some fun:
What is this ‘Zone 126’ ?
1. Elmezzi has focused the bulk of its attention within the community on the waterfront housing projects.
2. This is an area that is in the cross hairs for development.
3. That Zone 126 study they did is not an accurate profile of the larger community in the three zip codes: Astoria/Long Island City is NOT East New York.
How do these three points relate to each other?
Now look at the Elmezzi board (all this information gathered in a few minutes on the internet - if any of it is incorrect then it is retracted with our sincere apologies. We are only providing this with the intention of informing the community and helping it to make informed choices on its future):
Chairman – President Jose Rivero
Secretary - Stephen J. Saft of Greenwich Connecticut works for Withers Worldwide: “We represent a significant number of the wealthiest individuals and families in the US, Europe and Asia”
Treasurer - Alfred La Rosa – works for EisnerLubin as a partner in the trust and estate practice. Website quote: “Al helps clients plan their estates to facilitate a smooth transfer of wealth through the use of creative gifting techniques.”
General Member -Allen Freed – Tuscon Arizona
General Member - Dominick Fortino of Mineola. Note his office phone number appearing in a few places:
Office (516) 865-7022
Source: http://www.chamberofcommerce.com/great-neck-ny/34310490-the-thomas-jeanne-elmezzi-private-foundation/
Dutch Kills Property Owners Association, Inc.
37-40 31st Street
Long Island City, NY 11101
(516) 865-7022
Source: http://www.nyc.gov/lobbyistsearch
General Member - Lynn Grossman- formerly First VP Investments, Smith Barney
General Member - Nivia Pedroza – variously described as owning property in Bayside, Sunny Isles Florida, North Miami Beach, Florida.
General Member - Jack Sollazzo – lives in Lloyd Harbor, involved with Cascade Food Ingredients of New Port Richie Florida.
I guess the bottom line is does this line-up think that another 4?5?6?thousand people are great for our community in THAT location?
It so, may we reserve space at Hallet Point for them and their families?
Along with Alma Realty and the Vallones?
Nearest school is 171, not '117' - but hey why proofread or fact check..
Why did Elmezzi decide to focus their particular agenda for the community?
Is this what the Elmezzis would have wanted?
Who from the community decided how they should spend their money and focus their attention?
Did this activity open the projects to their influence and thereby open the projects to become targets for displacement and development?
Finally, why are there no local people on their board?
My dear malcontent--
when I go into a "tirade" you will certainly know it!
I thought that my political shopping advice was rather low key.
Perhaps "Peter is in the running" because timid souls, like you, are afraid to speak up, openly.
Some prefer hiding behind a rock and posting in anonymity.
My name backs my opinions.
Jerry is 100% correct! We as voters need to educate ourselves On what the candidates truly are about Not what their spin teams want us to believe they're about. This is why I keep saying we should write in whatever candidate we decide upon. This way we send the message to all of the crooked parties That we will not stand for their lies in thievery anymore.
Vote for the candidate because of what he or she stands for. Know what he or she really stands for by educating yourselves.
Thank you Jerry.
Alfredo you need a hell of a lot more than that.
The problem is that once someone stands up they are tripped up.
Queens is like this because that is what its residents want.
The Vallone trolls are watching. Kick them in the ass!
Wattsamatta Chuck "follow the buck" Apelian, you don't like your shady candidate Don Pietro junior being criticized?
DUMP APELIAN from CB#7. he's shady too!
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