John Quintana’s three cars parked in front of his Coney Island home were destroyed by Superstorm Sandy.
But like thousands of other New Yorkers the veteran sanitation worker was hit with hundreds in extra registration fees by the state’s Department of Motor Vehicle's office to complete the paperwork for his new vehicles.
Now, a local state pol is urging the Cuomo administration to waive those added costs for Sandy victims.
“The state has an obligation to do everything we can to help these families who have suffered so much,” said state Assemblyman William Colton (D- Bensonhurst).
An estimated 200,000 vehicles citywide were ruined by Sandy's salt water surge, Colton said.
As a result, Cuomo announced a plan to eliminate dozens of bureaucratic charges for various state services, including waiving the $28 DMV fee for replacement registration documents.
But that did little to help Quintana, 59, who was forced to fork over nearly $800 in registration fees and to cover costs to transfer his old license plates to his three new cars.
lucky the guy can afford 3 new cars, I can't even afford 1.
Something don't sound right. $ $800 in registration fees for 3 cars ?
Did he owe a load of tickets, running hazmat, livery or private cab transportation ?
Downtown Flushing is LOADED with illegal van and car services--clogging up "no parking" and "no standing zones".
What's being done about that?
I could understand waiving the fee on the first car. But 3 cars? There are certain risks with car ownership.
Of all the different classes of financial losses, this is fairly at the bottom on any list. By the way, exceptions like this will draw fraud like moths to a flame.
So the $800 is a stretch for them to get the right paperwork, but they can afford to insure/gas/maintain three cars???
I bet they are the same people who will complain about not having enough parking spaces.
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