Former Queens Parks Commissioner Estelle Cooper passed away over the weekend, according to Sinai Chapels in Fresh Meadows.
The 82-year-old Whitestone resident, who was indicted in July on grand larceny charges for allegedly stealing over $50,000 from a nonprofit conservancy group she helped start, was facing up to 15 years in prison if she had been tried and convicted.
Insiders say that she'll have a prominent position in the "Great Women of Queens" monument now on the drawing board.
Interesting how all over councilman Dan Hallorans Facebook page is the information on her Shiva and how he will be attending.
" show me your friends and ill tell you who you are"!
I will not speak ill of the dead but the living should take note!
Bravo Danny Boy. She started off in the school boards in the 1960s. She had a stroke which limited her judgement. Her husband Adrian was an angel. Not to say she wasn't difficult to deal with at times.
Bravo Danny Boy? So it's ok to honor criminals?
I'm sure she met her maker and is burning in hell right now. Good riddance. I have no use for people who betray the public trust. She was a criminal.
I'm sure she met her maker and is burning in hell right now. Good riddance. I have no use for people who betray the public trust. She was a criminal.
Thank you for saying what a lot of us were thinking!!!
We reap what we sow. No wonder FMCP looks the way it does.
Oh no! How's the soccer stadium deal gonna proceed?
That's one sentence that can't be plea bargained.
Maybe I'm getting soft....
but out of my general love, for all living organisms....
rest in peace, anyway.
Maybe "Danny boy" is a "criminal" himself...although he hasn't been caught or indicted yet!
He's got Gambino crime family friends (Joey Franco, White House Restaurant).
"Holligan" Halloran....as shady as they come!
There was also an "end" to Donald Manes...but his plans remain as a legacy to his living accomplices.
Did somebody just say that Shulman is almost near her "end", or were you referring to her more than ample "rear end"?
I think that "granny" just cut the cheese after reading this!
It's admittedly cold and unfeeling of me,
but 1 down and 3 more to go.
Their seeds, no doubt, will sprout new crooks.
Who are those 3?
Take a good guess!
Is "Civic Virtue" really going to be replaced by a new statue group, "Great Women of Queens"?
I hope that Ann Jawin doesn't wind up as one of them.
I'd rather be confronted with "fat boy's" ass than be assaulted by that old battle ax's face.
Let's have a rogues gallery instead.
Surely, we have plenty of crooks in Queens to choose from.
Bring back "Civic Virtue"!!! But this time put him right in front of the steps of Borough Hall - there's plenty of empty space there. Demand this of those running for Borough President's office. He's city property just "on loan" to the cemetery in Brooklyn.
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