From NY1:
A Queens VA hospital is drawing some strong opposition from community leaders over plans to convert part of the facility into non-veteran housing.
The nursing home is to become thousands of units of condos or luxury apartments. This after City Planning downzoned the area. God bless America!
Of course,all those youngsters that have been serving since 9/11 won't need the the va!!!!!!!!!!!
They were -really- trying to get hold of all that R.E. the VA has on east 23rd st here in Manhattan.
They were finally shamed into dropping that idea.
As long as you keep electing the (mostly republican) whores to real estate, everything will be fair game and no promises need be kept.
So where will the veteran go to be cared for medically - sounds familiar?
ST. Johns Hospital is no longer an option for medical care but it's empty building can be turned into a giant highschool to replace the toxic site proposed for in Maspeth - gee all the kid that were to be bused to Maspeth can now have a local school of their own- first dibs for a seat vs the bused Maspeth kids - how can that be - yippie!
Your school analogy makes no sense.
I guess that once a soldier has "done his duty" he can be tossed aside!
They gave for their country and now we're taking from them!
As long as you keep electing the (mostly republican) whores to real estate, everything will be fair game and no promises need be kept.
Huh? Meeks is a republican, Tom White is a republican, Malcolm Smith is a republican? Do your homework.
'"Huh? Meeks is a republican, Tom White is a republican, Malcolm Smith is a republican? Do your homework."
The developers are, Bloombag is, and these decisions are made at the State and Federal level where republicans still hold sway.
The simple fact is that democrats don't have enough power to get their agenda passed with out -some- rep support and the developer's lobby gets awful ideas like this on the table as quid pro quo.
Shame on them all! especially bloomass..
When people volunteer or get drafted to risk their lives in the name of the US and then they see their benefits shrink. Politicians pad their benefits while people who were sent to war have nowhere to turn.
Shame on everyone who supports this conversion.
I bet every tax papyer would give a dolar more to vets instead of Presidential campaigns when they file their taxes. That dollar would have huge dividends.
Lino said:
these decisions are made at the State and Federal level where republicans still hold sway.
The last time I checked the democrats had the majority in both houses at the state and federal levels.
As for not enough power, the truth is they (Democrats) can't get it together enough to decide on anything.
It's about time they did something about these freeloading veterans collecting those hefty benefits that are draining the economy, and are most likely the one and only cause for our current economic crisis.
It's time they closed these ancient va buildings that are really just a reminder of another time in our shameful past. These old buildings are a blight on their neighborhoods, and stand in the way of progres. Luxury is what we need in our new vibrant! and diverse! communities.
Who the hell do these veterans think they are, wasting away their last remaining years, sitting on their old lazy asses, contributing nothing to modern society, believing they should be spoiled rotten just because they fought some silly war, like a hundred years ago!
It is time to do away with the past, and pave the way for the future. It is time to sweep away old, weak do-nothings, and welcome with open arms, the tweeded masses, who will do all the work that Americans won't do. It is time to take all the money that keep these old veterans well-fed, fat and bloated, and throw it all to our glorious day-laborers, our saviours, to whom we owe the salvation of our very society.
Now we can finally go from the outdated "God Bless America", to the more appropriate, "You Have Arrived!" Hallelujah!
omg, shame on you too! guess you never served and hopefully you don't have children that will serve. Maybe you do have children and this will be god's will to teach your sorry ass a lesson.
I believe the previous anonymous was being facetious.
The simple fact is that democrats don't have enough power to get their agenda passed with out -some- rep support and the developer's lobby gets awful ideas like this on the table as quid pro quo.
Does this mean all those senior warehouses that HANAC is building in Astoria could be converted to worker barracks and the oldesters used as a Trojan Horse (pun intended HANAC) to do blockbusting with massive out of scale buildings?
Why don't they move the old folks at this location instead of using our tax dollars to destroy our community?
omg, shame on you too! guess you never served and hopefully you don't have children that will serve. Maybe you do have children and this will be god's will to teach your sorry ass a lesson.
Queens Crapper said...
I believe the previous anonymous was being facetious.
Yes I was, thank you Crapper. To the poster who didn't get my sarcasm, please accept my apoligies. I thought my facetious tone would have been apparent. Please feel free to re-read my original posting with that in mind.
A lot of Veterans Organizations have seen a steady decline in the last few years with some of them having to combine and/or close all together. Its a shame that younger Vet's are not using the resources available to them. Vet hospitals and organizations have a bad rap, so Vets use other resources. They will be sorry when they're gone...
Meeks was approached by several Veterans Groups to open a dialogue about how to handle the Hospital situation. He didn't even respond to the invitation. BTW It's not the New York State Nursing Home we're discussing here it's the V.A. Hospital once known as St. Albans Naval Hospital.
As long as you keep electing the (mostly republican) whores to real estate, everything will be fair game and no promises need be kept.
The Dems control the state. What are babbling about, liberal-in-name-only? does that mean you are a conservative?
Meeks? Fuggedabouhim!
Meeks is a Moax.
Glad to see we're "supporting the troops," but I guess it's easier to tie yellow ribbons, wear flag pins, and mail them packages of cookies than to REALLY support them by making sure they have places to get health care when they get back from war. Hmph.
Thank you for your service. Now get lost.
So many unoccupied codos in queens..............do we need more?
my memory is scratchy...wasn't there some sort of radiation incident in one of the research labs there in the mid to late sixties..it lead to a corridor or whole section of a basement area being walled off..read something in the nineties about it..anyone know if it was ever mitigated?
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