The upscale Glendale mall, recently tossed into foreclosure and now controlled by a court-appointed lawyer, will shift its focus to middle-end retailers, and may cut fees for one-hour parking, its new management has revealed.
"Upscale is upscale. You have to have a community like Manhasset [in Nassau County] to keep that mall going," the mall's receiver, Paul Millus, said last week at a Glendale Civic Association meeting.
Millus and the mall's new manager, Michael Mattone, of the Mattone Group, listed Aeropostale, Banana Republic, Gap and Urban Outfitters as among the stores they would consider.
Millus, who is in charge of the mall until a foreclosure sale that is expected in early 2010, said he may also eliminate parking fees for those who spend less than an hour and a half in the lot.
He figured the charges steer potential shoppers away from Atlas Park, which features a Borders bookstore, a movie theater and several restaurants.
One thing is that Bobbi & the Strays may not be staying.
The first step of an inexorable process: soon to be loaded with the typical Queens tastless garbage and over crowded housing.
Remember the sad truth about Queens.
Manhattan or Brooklyn a bodega becomes a Zabars.
In Queens, a Zabars always becomes a bodega.
Who cares, just so they vote the right way and don't complain.
Right, 'Honest' Joe?
When they announce the addition of a 'Closeout Warehouse', everybody run! That is where it is going.
I was disgusted by the Amish Market more than anywhere else. I went there on 2 different occasions, and both times, there was no meat/fish department. The first time was around 11:30am on a Sunday. There was NO meat out. Not even a package of chop meat or some steaks or ANYTHING. They said the meat department guy had an emergency and wouldnt be there until 12. I went to the home store right down the stairs and came back at 12:30 - no meat dude and even the store manager was flippant about it - didnt care.
Next time I came, there was no meat on a Tues at around afternoon rush hour. Pathetic.
Fark them.
Upscale??? That's why they decided to get 2 bus routes diverted/extended to to stop there?Does anyone do marketing research anymore? Shut it down and make it a real park.
Certain things at Atlas do very well. With the right managment they can find a balance of stores, shops and restaurants that enhance the community and make a profit. First, eliminate the parking fees forever.
I agree with the last poster. It's still a nice place to go and visit and my wife and I do shop at some of the current stores and restaurants and use the movie theater as well. The Gap, BR etc. etc. is what this mall needs. Not these quirky stores that no one has really heard of. But they also need to stick to that. Nothing less than these types of stores. Definitely not any discount closeout store. Bay Terrace has some nice stores and it looks like it does a good business. At least when I visit there the parking lot is quite full... Glendale is NOT Manhasset but there are still people with money and taste beyond the discount closeout stores.... I agree that whoever they had doing the marketing or demographics of this place was an absolute idiot when they gave their recommendations!!!
Atlas park should have more stores like the outlets. If they would of gone in that direction we wouldn't have to travel out to Riverhead. Get rid of the parking charges all together it will bring more people to the location. It would be ashame to see them close down, what would go up a hospital? god knows we need one.
It's still a nice place to go and visit ....
Guys and gals, get a few facts in mind.
Like 'Honest Joe' Crowley, whose clubhouse is not to govern or serve the interests of the public, but to make money, developers do not care if a place is nice to go and visit.
If you want that, go to Yellowstone Park.
They are there to extract every dollar than can (and palm off the infrastructure expense to the public) so if this means 99 cent stores, nail salons, pharmacies, and restaurants full of mystery meat, as well as human warehouses in every square inch (like tearing down some of the parking garages) then so be it.
THEY don't live there, YOUR politicans will sing its praises, and THE MEDIA, counting adversting dollars will .... run ads.
Don't expect the city's elite to come to your aid, either. Those warehouses contain their staff.
The Mattone's are even sleazier than the Hemmerdinger's, if that's possible. Look into Carl Mattone's effort to build a 200' pier out into Little Neck Bay so he could dock his boat. Seems he was inconvenienced by the drive around the bay to Bayside Marina. That effort was knocked down by Councilman Avella & Sen. Padavan. Also while you're doing reasearch, bring up the Campaign Finance Board's Database and see just WHO is taking Mattone money. Most of the Queens Delegation to the Council are in Mattones pocket.
I am in agreement with many posters that parking fees should be reduced or free. Introduce stores folks want to shop at and perhaps lure the many National brands clothing outlets so that we don't drive to NJ or Suffolk County to get a deal.
Atlas is a pleasant place and it can be packed if only the right value mix of entertainment, shopping and dining are avaialble to attract the surrounding residents.
Thank God for Joe Mattone et al. I feel sorry for his kids to be burdened with that God "ugly older than him looking" white trash fat gold digger step mohter they have.
I think they open up a large store like Target or Walmart.
"I think they open up a large store like Target or Walmart."
No offense but hell no!!!
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