There’s...an unintentional ‘bird sanctuary’, a small pond created by the rainwater on the portion of Queenswest slated for development of four more high-rises. Someday. In the meantime, that swath of land has been a stopping point for various migratory bird flocks. Lots of geese and heron.
Too bad it's only temporary. Queens could use a permanent nature preserve along its western shore.
Yes good luck - if there cannot be a preserve for humans from the developers of "cram-them-in-in-your-face-development" then a dirty water puddle sanctuary "aint gonna happen".
Only in Manhattan would this be feasible - in fact throw millions at it to make this become a reality there only. Otherwise charge Queens residents to drink this water
This is Queens ol' buddy...
where only hooked up developers
are offered such prime waterfront sanctuaries.
We've got to preserve the developers' opportunities for strip mining neighborhoods so that they can continue to extract their obscene profits.
Isn't PRESERVATION supposed to be the prime responsibility of the so called preservation community and all of those do little oversight organizations?
Only if it involves Manhattan!
Queens is seen as just a cup of hot water for developers to dunk their tea bags in!
After they've finish sipping...they leave us the bitter dregs and move on!
Overhead tht a rep from some park advocacy group is going around telling park groups that any plans they might have has to take into account the plans imposed on them by the city.
Instead of educating the community on opportunities, and giving them examples of what is going on elsewhere, these advocacy groups simply tell them that they can work within what the developer gives them.
So in other words, instead of having parks along the waterfront like the rich enjoy in Manhattan, you can have a kayack launching pier as a gift from the developer.
I guess this is what happens when all these green efforts are hyjacked by the developers.
Take a look at the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance board. Should be called the Developer Waterfront Allliance.
This explains a lot.
We don't want any conflicts with the developers in our communties.
The grassroots guys will lose, the local community board and pol will look bad, money to the local group cut, just a bad scene everywhere.
Can't everyone just go along? Things are so much smoother that way.
Hell, while we are at it, why have voting and press and courts and the like.
All they do is provide forums for conflict. Things, like zoning and developement, would be so much smoother it people would just do what they are told is best for them.
Don't you agree?
Isn't PRESERVATION supposed to be the prime responsibility of the so called preservation community and all of those do little oversight organizations?
Sure, and politicians are in 'public service' for the people.
The example of the waterfront advocacy group doing something like this is very interesting and explains a lot.
The problem is not that stuff is imposed on us.
The reason this sorry system is like this rests on the shoulders of those local groups from Queens.
Why don't they make a tincture of effort to see what is going on elsewhere?
Like community preservationists (who for the most part suck in Queens) why is raising hell, or at least asking a few questions, seems to take too much effort?
Hell you are an enthusiast. You are there because the subject interests you. No one is forcing you to be there.
So what the f*ck is wrong with you?
That fact that several acres of green parks was opening up was lost somewhere in this post by the Crapper. I wonder why he chose to do that.
That fact that "several acres of green parks" does not make a nature preserve was lost somewhere in your comment. I wonder why you chose to do that.
The fact that several acres blah blah blah ...
Great, we get 20,000 new people and two acres of parks like they proposed in Old Astoria.
Q: How stupid do they think we are?
A: As stupid as we let them treat us.
That fact that several acres of green parks was opening up was lost somewhere in this post by the Crapper. I wonder why he chose to do that.
It 40 more feet than what was there before.
Typical moronic Queens attitude. Let them overdevelop the neighborhood, so you can pay for the new electrical grid, new sewers, new school, etc that needs to be built. Hey - you're getting 40 feet of waterfront, so what are you complaining about?
It 40 more feet than what was there before.
Sounds like an astorians.com mod to me.
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