Hundreds of incoming kindergartners are languishing on waiting lists citywide, casualties of a tanking economy, shifting demographics and a shortage of seats.
"I think it speaks to incredible negligence on part of the Education Department," said Ben Allison, whose daughter was waitlisted at Public School 3 and 41 in Greenwich Village.
"It's basic urban planning," he said. "Services have to be tied to the population."
We don't practice basic urban planning in this city, Ben. Amanda Burden and company would rather rezone neighborhoods to allow millions of units of condos but not require developers to include simple necessities like elementary schools. For that, we spend hundreds of millions of tax dollars to buy, remediate and construct on contaminated sites.
What another crock PC Bullsh*t.
They under calculated how many illegel Mexicans and Central Americans are in this city.
These people refuse to use birth control and multiply like mice on our tax dollars.
Ever been to WalMart on a Sunday and see all the single moms gibbering in Spanish to 4, 5, 6 7 running wild.
1/2 of all the children in NYC under age 8 are the product of at least 1 illegal parent.
Up 400% from 1990
End the anchor baby program and ship all these people home.
Very few of these kids can be educated. Ask any NYC school teacher what kind of household these kids are raised in have.
Very few of these kids can be educated. Ask any NYC school teacher what kind of household these kids are raised in have.
I don't agree with your words, but worse for you, those illegal immigrant advocates that are making money off this mess will wave the 'bloody shirt' calling you all sorts of things to pull the public's attention from your words.
The better attack is to charge the clubhouse with talking out of both corners of their mouth - on one hand telling everyone how much they value these people, then out of the other, cutting back on services like hospitals, schools, etc.
This has been a problem for years. Give the developer an opportunity to make a profit (and repay his campaign donation) by sticking the taxpayer with the infrastruture costs.
I guess that nobody really gets it...STILL...that taxpayers are meant to be responsible for providing corporate welfare for the NYC real estate/building industry.
Instead of curtailing over development until services and infrastructure can keep pace with it, our destiny lies in supporting the uber-lifestyles of the greedy...the Ratners, Dursts, Trumps, etc.
You've been butt f----d and will continue to be until Bloomberg is given the boot!
Go on...re-elect the bastard so we can continue to be put on endless waiting lists
for our kids' education, adequate health care, emergency service delivery....you name it!
Stupid is as stupid votes!
I think you bring up a decent point, Crapper, about requiring schools from developers. NYC has been getting into the mixed use game in Dumbo, as well as some places in Manhattan. Bringing both a school and a new building is difficult tho, as it introduces not only a bunch of people to a neighborhood but also potentially a lot of kids from outside the neighborhood.
That said, schools are screwy pieces of infrastructure that are tricky to "ride" with a development. For instance, usage of water and sewer are fairly easy to predict, as well as being pretty difficult to put in after the fact. But schools? Predicting childbirth is very tricky - demography is far from an exact science.
Other places in the US use "APFOs" (adequate public facility ordinances), but they have issues on their own.
This article does a decent, but slanted job on describing them :
but do your own research if you are interested.
The current school crisis in NYC has been past the prediction stage for several years now, as communities watch "family friendly" buildings rise on every avail corner knowing what it means for their local school.
At least 3 new buildings scheduled to house schools are on land leased by DOE and mean one less school while glass behemouths are constructed on their sites, and their former students are crammed into interim space.
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