I stopped by my mom's apartment in Sunnyside today on 45th Street between Skillman and 43rd Ave. Across the street is a Jewish Synagogue next to Queen of Angels Church. This Synagogue has been there since at least 1955.
The Synagogue is now boarded up. Where there was "No Parking Any Time," there is now alternate side of the street parking. Neighbors tell me co-op's/condos are going up.
Nothing is sacred anymore.
- Bryan
We have know about this for quite some time and are currently monitoring a number of other religious properties in western Queens that are going to be developed.
Why cannot these properties be sold to other groups? Racism? Discrimination?
The developers, politicians, and churhmen know that religious properties are exempt from many of the rules that govern development.
What a perfect Trojan Horse to bring an out of scale project into a block. Once you have a monster, it can span other monsters as the rest of the block flees the blight.
BTW, love the Trojan Horse concept, particularly in CB1, the community board from hell.
how about the other Synagogue that has been closed for a while on 43rd St between Queens Blvd and 48th Ave? that looks like it will be torn down also!
oy vey. My buddy Lawrence was Bar Mitzvah'd out of that synogogue. They had his spash (lex?) at the old Boulevard Manor between 46 and 47.
The old nabe is changing so fast - as is Greenpoint, Bklyn. I was in Sunnyside for the first time in years this past weekend. Saw lots of changes. I used to meet my buddy at that sacred 45th St. building after he attended Hebrew School in prep for his Bar Mitzvah (circa. 1968). His party was held afterwards at the Boulevard Manor.
That synogogue is on 42nd Street, off the corner of 47th Ave. It's not next to Queen of Angels, which is on 44th Street. And thank God there is a litte more parking now...have you ever tried to find a parking spot in Sunnyside? The synogogue closed because most of its members moved out of Sunnyside, because Sunnyside is much more culturally diverse than it once was, and people from "old Sunnyside" don't like that. Queen of Angels School and convent closed down, as well as St. Theresa's School; yet do you see the Korean churches having any problems(on Q Blvd/42nd Street and on 40th and Skillman)? Never mind the one on 43rd St by Pathmark (the largest piece of land owned by a religion in the state, I believe). It's not that certain religions are being discriminated against; it's that certain types of people no longer wish to live in Sunnyside.
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