The "Lawn Litter" bill, introduced by state Sen. Frank Padavan (R-Bellerose) and approved by the state Senate in May, was passed by the state Assembly last week after a three-year fight.
Assembly passes Padavan bill to eliminate littering by fliers
Sponsored by Assemblyman Mark Weprin (D-Little Neck), the bill prohibits business owners from leaving fliers at homes where signs have been posted indicating that the residents do not welcome solicitors. If this legislation is approved by Gov. Eliot Spitzer, violators will be fined between $250 and $1,000. Padavan introduced the bill in response to complaints about solicitations, but the bill was blocked for three years in the Assembly.
Why would the assembly block it?
"There was a great deal of opposition from the industry that produces and distributes these fliers."
No doubt they voiced their opposition via campaign donations.
From the Creedmoor Civic Association:
"That's fantastic, but now we all need to convince Governor Spitzer to sign this into law.
Please call (212) 681-4580 and tell the person answering the phone that you are supporting the lawn litter bill and would like the Governor to sign it into law.
They will ask for the bill numbers.
Senate: 3420
Assembly: 6247-A
We all need to let him know that we want this law passed!
Remember, if this law is passed, if you desire, you can still continue to receive these circulars on your doorstep. This will give everyone the option whether they want to receive them or not."
The no circular bill should be extended to include all those pesky political campaign fliers also !
I will phone to demand that this bill be signed.
Then, I will demand that it be amended to reverse the lawn sign announcing "no circulars wanted" to specify that "circulars are welcome".
Reason: the circular distributors will simply remove your sign and claim that in its absence, you welcomed the circulars.
Do you think the legislators didn't think of this trick? They get the credit for acting on our demands, all the while satisfying the distributors' requirements.
Any distributor removing a sign from my lawn or any of my neighbors' lawns will go home with broken fingers.
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