From the Queens Courier:
An Asian supermarket chain is under fire from a trio of picketers who say the company is not colorblind in its hiring practices.
Jim MacDonald and his two pals, Craig Kinsey and Vincent Middleton, say H-Mart only employs Korean or Chinese cashiers and Hispanic backroom workers at its northeast Queens and Long Island stores. The threesome has been picketing outside the location on Union Street in Flushing since late August.
“It’s unfair to block out other ethnic backgrounds and only hire specific ones,” Kinsey said. “Flushing is a diverse community. If you want to show diversity, put your money where your mouth is. Have some diversity in employment.”
The activists say they’ve toured three H-Mart locations in Flushing and two in Nassau County, only to find a disparity in store workers’ ethnicities.
“We saw no African Americans or white Americans working there,” said Kinsey, who is African-American and lives in Flushing. “It’s not fair because of the consistency of this type of trend in those stores.”
MacDonald, 63, of Flushing — who is white — said H-Mart is considered a standard supermarket and should be held to fair hiring procedures.
great job ,guys. it is about time that this practice is exposed.
Good for them to call attention to H-Mart's rascism!
How K- Mart never went after H-Mart for name infringement I will never understand.
Like I've said before and have been attacked for saying so...ASIANS DO NOT LIKE DARKER PEOPLE OF COLOR.
Try and rent an apartment in an Asian owned building if your are Latino or African American.
Flushing IS NOT really multicultural.
It is a monocultural GHETTO of Taiwanese, mainland Fujianese and Koreans.
Chinese long term plans are to DRIVE OUT Korean businesses located along Union Street.
Asians hate other Asians but NOT AS MUCH as they all hate DARK PEOPLE. They are RACISTS!
With an approximately 40% of Flushing's population being Latino, etc. how come the Taiwanese are ruling the roost?
Is it because Oriental money has bought CB#7 and its elected officials?
REVOLUTION....an idea whose time has come!
Latinos and Blacks unite! Drive out the Asiatic devils!
There is a more sinister plot in play here.
Asians are controlling your food supply.
Where are the traditional supermakets?
They've been forced out by Asian chains!
Gain control the food-water stores and you take over the territory....standard military siege tactics.
Maybe as long as those CB 7 thumb twiddlers, Apellian and Kelty, continue to look the other way, the practice will continue.
They remain in control of CB 7 solely to protect their own neighborhoods. Let downtown Flushing go to the dogs in the meantime.
Dump those two scheming, lazy, bastards, already!
There are plenty of jobs available for Latinos in Asian owned businesses...as stock or bag boys and bus boys.
Chinese won't work as cheaply as Mexicans.
If an Asian businessman has got a dirty or dangerous job to do he hires a Latino...a Mexican, Dominican, etc.
Tommy Huang's Latino worker was killed when a wall fell on him at Huang's building site.
Chuck Apelian is far too busy planning on running Paul Vallone's campaign when Don Paulo makes his bid for a city council seat.
"Follow the buck" Chuck has got no time to care about this situation.
Securing a lucrative political printing contract for Chuck's "Prestone" printing firm, trump his concern for anti-Latino prejudice by H-Mart.
It's way past time to get rid of this slick rug trader from CB 7's ranks!
They ought to be looking into the (adjoining?) basements of of this building to see what's going on inside. Is it prostitution or gambling or both?
What is that USELES Mitchel-Linden Civic Association doing about all of this?
With dinosaurs like Arlene Flieschman and self serviing political job seekers like John Choe...we suspect it's as little as possible.
Bring on the Latino-Black Caucus and put a ring around that racist market!
Notify the minority news media
(El Diario, Amsterdam News, etc.)!
I wonder if Apelian is going through his usual morning ablutions by following Queens Crap.
Careful that coffee is "mucho caliente", Chuck!
Careful not to spill it on your crotch.
Illegals run the joint. Asians are dismissive of anyone who is not like them.
Pardon me bringing up this point.
John Choe and Arlene Flieschman both live in Mitchell Gardens, adjacent to H-Mart, and both serve on its civic association's board.
How come that these "champions of justice" haven't joined in picketing the store?
Arlene's mouth is big enough when she opens it as a CB#7 board member.
John is always in the fight when it comes to Korean issues.
Why are they silent?
Are they afraid of diminishing their status or losing their positions?
Oops...my oversight...isn't H-Mart Korean...as is John Choe?
These 2 lazy phonies won't touch this hot potato...or should we be calling it a hot rice ball?
these people don't want to work there anyway . They're just losers with lots of free time.
Anonymous said...
There is a more sinister plot in play here.
Asians are controlling your food supply.
Where are the traditional supermakets?
They've been forced out by Asian chains!
You just touched a nerve! As a long-time resident in the Mithell-Linden community, I'm appalled that there is no fuss about the fact that the Key Food supermarket in the community has been closed for months and H Mart is our only source of grocery shopping that you can walk to. Pathmark is too far without a vehicle for some of us. AND when shopping at H Mart, try asking for help in finding certain food items. You might as well be shopping in a foreign country!!!
The reason is because immigrant businesses are run like sweatshops. There are none to bare safety protocols, vacation time, breaks etcetc. An english speaking employee that is familiar with US employment laws and labor rights is their worst nightmare.
H-MART is a symptom of a larger problem.
OB's Cavern, Cherry, etc...
They will kick your ass if you are white and try to drink there.
Cannot believe this is allowed.
"The reason is because immigrant businesses are run like sweatshops. There are none to bare safety protocols, vacation time, breaks etcetc. An english speaking employee that is familiar with US employment laws and labor rights is their worst nightmare"
Can't agree with more. It's not about racism, it's all about money.
What picketers? I've been there on several occasions but never saw 'em. I do, however, agree with their point.
These guys are 100% right, I live nearby one of these Hmarts and there's only Asians and a few latinos working there.
The bigger problem is that nobody including the manager "speaks English" or they play stupid when it comes to answer a simple question about any product.
Not only Inmigration should take a look at this, but the Consumer Protection Agency and other related agencies as well.
A new civic association needs to be formed, because the old one, Mitchell-Linden Civic, hasn't done shit for years. One of the alta kakkas running it is asleep at the wheel. The other is a North Korean sympathizer.
where is the "esteemed" Senator Stavisky on this?
There's another absentee legislator.
Maybe Toby Ann will issue a statement, in lieu of taking any action.
Mitchell Gardens and Linden Hill is slowly becoming Asian anyway, so what's the difference if they can't speak English at H-Mart?
I see Latinos working at H-Mart.
They employ Hispanics as stock boys because they will work even cheaper than a "coolie" will.
So that makes two sets of languages us "round eyes" can't understand.
If this is a 2 person one shot demonstration to get publicity, that won't cut it.
Daily picketing is needed to keep the heat on.
I don't think that H-Mart would ever employ anyone other than an Asiatic as a manager anyway.
They might hire a few Black delivery "boys".
This brand of bigotry has been going on for 30 years!
Why the sudden interest in it now?
And illegal immigrant employees won't be joining any labor unions either.
is it not more correct to identify, JOHN CHOE as alleged sympathizer of the Communist North Korean regime ?
Koreans escaped the totalitarian north and fought with the Allies in 1950-53, to try to defeat the invaders from the north.
NEVER FORGET ,37,000 Americans were killed.
Anonymous said...
Mitchell Gardens and Linden Hill is slowly becoming Asian anyway, so what's the difference if they can't speak English at H-Mart?
Hey troll! My neighbors and I aren't Asian. It's insulting to go into H-Mart and be treated as a second class citizen. I have to ask several employees before I am directed to the right part of the store. Since the Key Food closed, the neighborhood has been greatly disadvantaged.
Also, your English skills are questionable. It's Mitchell Gardens and Linden HIll ARE---not IS!!! If you're gonna say something stupid, why not use proper English grammar???
"is" or "are"....who can deny that Mitchell Gardens and Linden Hill have already gone about HALF ASIAN?
Toby Stavisky needs their votes so she won't take up either the H-Mart or Key Food causes.
No politician would dare insult the Asians.
The Key Food on Bowne and Roosevelt that closed became a Chinese market.
"Grand Open, Key Foo"....coming soon.
Wait until the co-op boards of Mitchell and Linden become dominated by Asians. You non-Asians better energize your lazy leaders QUICKLY!
Choe and his gang are patient opportunists.
H Mart is opening on Francis Lewis Blvd, Fresh Meadows soon. It is replacing the waldbaums next to Garden World. It will be interesting to see who they hire since whites and blacks and hispanics are in that neighborhood.
that location is 11358, not F.Meadows.
Korean mafia run chain?
hmart isn't as bad as painted here. It's an ethnic korean supermarket...that also carries other stuff...there are latinos and guys from bangladesh working there on northern, not sure about the other branches.
Too me this is a silly anti-immigrant protest.
I can only look at it in terms of my own ethnic background. I was born in italy but grew up in queens and brooklyn. It would be weird to have people not familiar with italian food working in our salumerias. Usually when it is the case, the workers have to do a lot of homework and still don't really get it.
It doesn't make sense to hire people in a specialty supermarket that don't eat the specialty food sold there or speak the language well enough to pronounce it right.
Of course most of these italian supermarkets are disappearing and outside of in bensonhurst have not grown to the size of h-mart.
H-mart is decent. We do need another supermarket in the neighborhood that has wider variety if possible, but maybe it wouldn't make enough money to survive.
In my opinion i prefer to live near italian supermarkets, that yes only hire italians familiar with the food, which isn't even true of the general italian american population since they are americanized. Stop hating on the koreans for running a decent business, with decent quality, and decent prices. You whiners all deserve a c-town...or even worse a whole foods ;)
Bitches please. We don't hire any other race because you guys tend to be hateful or judgement of our cultures/ethic backgrounds. Secondly, we hire only asians because we eat the similar types of food, speak closely related language. I'll admit some asians are racist but don't generalize that all asians are racist. Secondly we hire hispanics in the backroom because most of them have experience working for asian establishments and know some common words. PLUS they are HARD WORKERS, don't complain and show up ontime to work. If you showed some intiation to learning some common words, maybe you might get hired.
Are those "hispanics" legal?
Maybe the labor department should look into this.
To show proper respect...it's Hispanics with a cap "H".
The more generally accepted term today is "Latinos'.
You folks like to be called "Asians" instead of "Orientals" don't you?
Almost ALL of the Chinese that I've heard speaking are prejudiced against Latinos and African Americans.
I SPEAK MANDARIN...so I know what they're saying!
You sound like one of Grace Meng's trolls.
"Bitches please".
Are those "latinos" being paid fair market rate or are they being treated like "coolies"?
Uh...and...this is America so YOU learn OUR language which is English!
In NYC business is conducted in English when dealing with the general public.
I guess that we should all be reading the new Stavisky-Meng sponsored English-Asian translation pamphlet to learn a few phrases.That was a total waste of taxpayer money.
"Shei shei" (thanks) but no thanks! "Bakka-ta" (stupid) idea!
Leonard Stavisky offered the same booklet years ago and it was a total failure.
Maybe Chuck Apelian got this most recent Stavisky-Meng printing contract.
Are those "hispanics" legal?
Maybe the labor department should look into this.
- I have no idea if they are legal or not. But they are hard workers, they don't complain and show up on time. As for the pay, i think they get similar amounts depending on experience but they might get paid a little less, i never really looked into how much anyone at the supermarket makes but it should be reasonable amount since H-Mart charges ridiculously high prices for stuff. Overall, they still need to be able to support and feed themselves but i do believe they should be require to get some type working permit and pay some income taxes at least.
To show proper respect...it's Hispanics with a cap "H".
- i don't know why you care but if you look again, i spelled asians with a "a" as well so.... im not disrespecting anyone.
The more generally accepted term today is "Latinos'.
- I guess but if you look at this website, it explains why i said Hispanics because i don't know many people from Spain. But i will keep that in mind. http://womeninbusiness.about.com/od/businessetiquette/a/pc-hispanic.htm
Almost ALL of the Chinese that I've heard speaking are prejudiced against Latinos and African Americans.
- i'm not gonna defend this because it is true but there is always two sides to a story. Latinos and African A. are just as racist/prejudice to asians so it is mutual. I'm not condoning it but it is what it is.
Uh...and...this is America so YOU learn OUR language which is English!
In NYC business is conducted in English when dealing with the general public.
- You sir/ma'am, are total fucken idiot. America was built as a melting pot, so other languages are totally accepted. Secondly i did learned "our language" because you can read what the fuck im typing/typed. Thirdly, if your fucken mentality is to learn english, why don't you tell everyone to fucken learn english and not just asians. I recall that the most common secondly lanauage taught is spanish in P.S. and asian languages are dead last (not hating, just stating a fact). Oh yea, NYC business is not just conducted in English, that's why there are so many translators in NYC (ex. DMV, hospitals, courts, police). Also nowadays when they hire people they ask for bilinguals. So think, before you criticize with your prejudice bullshit.
Yawn! Your discourse is better than a sleeping pill.
You go a long way to try and have the last word...AND EXTREMELY WORDY it is!
Its wordy enough to be a student report for some local yokel community college.
Final question... How many Hispanics or Latinos do you see in managerial positions in Asian businesses?
Back it up with facts...names and places...not conjecture and anger.
Use spell check and CAPITALIZE.
BTW, you sound very much like a reverse racist.
Uh...and write in English please.
It's fucking...not fucken!
Shall I correct your term paper line by line?
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