Fraudulent businesses in rogue storefronts in Queens often fleece immigrants hunting for jobs or immigration help by taking fees for services they don’t deliver, according to a report out Thursday.
Many agencies also break the law by posting misleading signs and not providing contracts, researchers with New Immigrant Community Empowerment and the Community Development Project of the Urban Justice Center found.
They are urging the Queens district attorney to set up a special unit to target fraud against immigrants.
“Just walking down Roosevelt Ave., you notice the intensity with which services are targeting immigrants, said Valeria Treves, executive director of New Immigrant Community Empowerment.
“It’s very clear that there’s rampant substandard predatory practices by businesses in our community.”
What about immigrants committing fraud
against us US citizens?
Whoever wins...either Romney and Obama are going to HAVE TO deal with the rampant illegal immigration problem in this country whether they like it or not.
Closed borders are secure borders!
if the "immigrants" are illegal aliens ,they have stolen from the legal immigrants here and the ones on the entry waiting list.
no more sanctuary city. the cost to taxpayers is UNSUSTAINABLE at E/R's and public schools.
A spokesperson for the city’s Department of Consumer Affairs said it inspects hundreds of immigrant service shops each year and gets consumers back tens of thousands of dollars.
Say this again in your best "Dr. Evil" voice - "tens of THOUSANDS of dollars"!!!!
Here's a novel idea: How about a commission which investigates the BILLIONS of dollars in waste and fraud we tax payers have to support thanks to the "Open Borders!" industry????
Free speech or multiculturalism - choose ONLY one!
SInce the article doesn't mention who the culprits are, would it be safe to assume that it is other "immigrants" screwing their fellow "immigrants"?
do you think that some of the "UNCOMMITTED voters" at the Hofstra U.Presidential Debate, on Tue. will be permitted to ask when nyc 's ILLEGAL ALIEN SANCTUARY WILL END ? and cut citizens cost for their kid's schooling and hospital (medicaid) care ?
Daily News: "Immigrants along Roosevelt ave ?
When and how the hell did all those feral people immigrate ?
What of the companies that use these people to get around regulations?
High end Roosevelt Avenue...3rd world Latino cesspool!
Let's just annex Mexico.
What a world! We have the bureaucracy using taxpayer dollars to attack one criminal class (ie immigration lawyer scams) in order to protect another criminal class (ie illegal immigrants).
Who is looking out for the law abiding taxpayers in this mess?
They will charge a thousand dollars for an international notary apostile confirmation that they in turn get from the NYS DOS for ten bucks and tell you they actually went to "The Court of the Haigue"
Grace Meng .....Ya think ?
Illegal immigrants pay payroll taxes but often do not collect on things they have paid into, like tax refunds. You need a Social security number to get Medicaid welfare, and food stamps. This is an issue that has been stirred up to anger and divide the working classes.
Most immigrants work hard at jobs most of us don't want or won't do. Or do you want to wash dishes or pick fruit for minimum wage or less? I didn't see any Americans getting turned away for a dishwasher job at the restaurant I work at.
Read the news about fruit and vegetable farms having trouble harvesting since they scared the immigrants away- they tried to hire documented workers but no one wanted the job- the damages were in the Billions of dollars per year- there is no easy solution so maybe try to think about this as a very complex problem that needs a comprehensive solution.
Many of these people saying hateful things probably are friendly with someone at their job or neighborhood that might be illegal- would you say these awful things to their face? Rip up their family? "Oh but it's illegal!" Yes it is, a lot of things are, and like most social problems, the solution is a little more complex than these sound bytes I see on this post.
Illegal immigrants steal IDs of Americans so they can work illegally. They destroy people's lives and credit. Please spare me with the "doing the jobs Americans won't do" bullshit. There still are plenty of low skilled workers and high school dropouts who would wash dishes.
#14...show us your documented proof.
You say this as your five hundred pound carcass gets motored about by an illegal driving your ambulette?
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