These photos show the neglected property directly across the street from the Queens GOP office, Council Member Dan Halloran's office, and the "Halloran for Congress" campaign office.

Hey, Dan, what's wrong? Too busy running for congress to keep up with your current job? Or did you think the photo op would fool us for good?
Is this a sign of how you will represent us in Congress?
Time for another photo-op, quick! Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share!
On another note, are the three stones a pagan thing or feng shui?
nice to see someone is calling him out on his bullshit
he is a lying sneaky piece of work
if elected congress we are doomed
however if he gets elected to congress we will be rid of him on the local level
catch 22?????????
He boasted of working with the community as well as the landlord who "didn't realize the property got so run down."
Really the landlord did not realize the property got so run down, what do you absentee landlords think that vacant lots just automatically take care of themselves. Yes, the problem is Council Member Dan Halloran (and his office is right across from this blight), but the bigger problem are these property owners and the city that does very little to stop this behavior.
You're 1000% correct the City does nothing the City council is a big part of that city that allows this kind of crap to continue
I don't understand why it is Dan's responsiblity - is he supposed to cut the lawn himself?
The property owner is negligent - the property should be fined and refined (either by the Building Dept or the Health Dept) until the property is decent.
You can have the grass cut once a week for $25 a week. I guess that's tow much for the Landlord to spend !
Yes, he should be fined, and Dan is the one who should be making sure that happens.
Make it a wildlife preserve, community garden or park if nothing is getting built on it.
Dan Halloran's record protecting your nabe so far:
Sided with (Gambino family friend?) Joey "d'or" Franco's White House restaurant expansion.
Took Peter Marino's side in Marino's Market expansion plans (they lost due to strong nabe opposition).
So who will Dan be f-----g in the ass next?
Do you really want this weirdo "representing" you
(or who?) in Congress?
I'd vote foe Satan before Halloran!
At least then we know we'd have a seasoned hard nosed professional dealing for us in D.C.
What are those three rocks....a sacrificing altar for Grand Atheling Halloran's Theod tribe?
Dan is probably at his favorite Bell B'lvd. watering hole too busy bending the elbow.
Is he looking for a curvaceous young female to replace his old squeeze, Megan?
Grace Meng. for Congress.
Even with her daddy's baggage....
she's the saner choice.
Anyway, she'll be watched closely.
Halloran's still got a screw loose somewhere.
He's a pathological liar and will turn on you for a dollar or more POWER!
You can't erase his GOD complex!
Maybe Dan can cut a deal with the owner
to park his Jaguar there.
Is there truth to the rumor that Halloran intends on purchasing that lot to open up a gin mill?
Shurrin be ghorra!
Everything grows faster in August. Sunflowers, tomatoes, and weeds.
Those are Dan's stones.
He's sure got "the stone" to ignore this blight
directly across from his office.
In this case he's got beyond just a pair....
three of!
Oh Danny boy...we're impressed.
Dan is the one that came out and put on this whole staged show trying to come off like the peace maker who gets things done. He rolled up his sleeves and worked side by side with the owner. The same way he spoke for franco and marino. Notice a trend?
The spot is directly across from his office. He opened his mouth .
There needs to be a follow up on this one!
"And for a good laugh, watch this followup from WPIX where HALLORAN SPEAKS ON BEHALF OF THE OWNER and says he "had no idea" what kind of condition the lot was in. So he bought the lot sight unseen? Or did he win it in a poker game?"
georgetheatheist said...
Everything grows faster in August. Sunflowers, tomatoes, and weeds.
And Dan Halloran's nose!
(Couldn't resist. Thanks for the setup, George.)
The 3 stones are definitely feng shui. No more fruit baskets for me. All Grace's moolah goes under the rocks now.
Dans motto back in law school when he ran of student government was Dan Dan he's your man if he can't screw it up no one can
or something to that effect
The reason those weeds are growing so quickly George, is Halloran's patent fertilizer!
Bullshit makes the flowers grow
and Danny grows them row by row!
Anyone notice the "Halloran for Congress" poster in Marino's pizzeria window?
Don't think that Marino Brothers hasve scraped their expansion plans either.
The community had better keep an eye on these crafty Siciliano fratelli.
Watch what happens next....
Here is a quote from Councilman Halloran, change the names and what do we have?
"Over the last six months, (President Barack Obama/ Councilman Dan Halloran) has (golfed/drank on Bell) (10/100) times and held (106/?) fundraisers,(Gone to Isreal to buy Congressional votes) but his (jobs council/City Council) has never (met/done anything for the district)..... priorities?"
What a loser this guy has turned out to be. He is too stupid but thinks he is so much smarter than everyone around him. Can't wait to see his crash and burn come to a Halt.
Halloran for congress let's get him out of the council. Only problem with that is Vallone.
Doofy Dan...
can you picture him engaged in a 12 hour filibuster
on the floor of Congress....sputtering and gesticulating wildly?
Good Lord....spare us all!
He behaves like a drunken 19th century ward healing hooligan when given the floor of any event.
Don't invite him to your civic association's candidate night, unless you've booked your hall for the entire evening.
Or get the hook and be ready to drag him off stage.
Maybe those 3 stones are a surviving historical boundary marker from the Lewis & Clark expedition.
Will ya look at those 2 shit shovelers.
Dan's got the big shovel stowed in his office
for when he's out on the campaign trail.
Manure anyone?
Actually, the three stones depicted are cutting-edge quite artistic landscaping. Don't be a Philistine.
For very recent proof, click here.
is Q.C.censoring the constitutional free speech of the commenter's who are not negative on CM Halloran, on this post?
the actual vote in his cm district gave him a majority,in the 2010 election.
the comments here are 100% negative . how can that be . are some commenters being stifled ? and why ?
Halloran has spent the last three years blustering about ideology while not taking care of business in his own backyard - or front yard, in this case.
Typical behavior from a drunken blowhard. Not the kind of behavior that you want from your elected representative.
"is Q.C.censoring the constitutional free speech of the commenter's who are not negative on CM Halloran, on this post?
the actual vote in his cm district gave him a majority,in the 2010 election.
the comments here are 100% negative . how can that be . are some commenters being stifled ? and why ?"
Anon No. 29:
Because everyone except you thinks that Halloran looks ridiculous on this matter?
One of the above Anonymous said "is Q.C.censoring the constitutional free speech of the commenter's who are not negative on CM Halloran, on this post? the actual vote in his cm district gave him a majority,in the 2010 election.
the comments here are 100% negative how can that be . are some commenters being stifled ? and why ?"
Well Mr. Anonymous, I highly doubt that QC is censoring. The story is how could an empty lot that sits directly across from Councilman Halloran's office look the way it does for so long and then he makes a comment that the property owner did not know that is got so run down. So yes these negative comments are going to focus on this particular issue where an empty lot is allowed to turn into a mess without any intervention, a property owner who does not check it and a councilman who can see what this looks like across from his office and does nothing. Living in Jamaica and seeing how many such empty lots like this and worse are all over the area and very little gets done by the city and these property owners continue this over and over again without any consquences, well of course the comments will be negative. By the way try using your actual name as opposed to hiding behind "anonymous".
Actually, Joe, I have prevented the old man's comments from posting, mainly because they are irrelevant. Commenting about the communist-socialist-progressive agenda on every post gets pretty tiring. And he also asked 3 times if Tony Avella cuts my lawn. He is the only one posting in defense of the council member, however. Even his staff, who usually is charged with the task of defending him on posts such as this, is not.
Ach, Krepper, I vill cut your lawn mucho cheeper den Avella. Dat's der beeyooty uf der free market. Und I vill maintain it too! Haf your girl schpeak vit my girl. Hahr-hahr.
I'd like to know who said it was Halloran's responsibility to cut the lawn. I re-read this entire thread and don't see anyone saying that. It's Halloran's responsibility to make sure that the City takes action against this owner. How did he miss the fact that the lot became a craphole again? What was his staff busy doing that they didn't notice it, either?
Since Dan has an especially cozy relationship with the owner, why didn't he call him up and tell him to get his ass in gear (while recording the encounter)? He certainly had no problem doing that at Star Nissan and with the traffic agent on Northern Blvd.
Oh, and as for the old man's assertion that he called Halloran's office and was told they find this blog and its commenters irrelevant... Explain this:
Steven Stites
Feb 17 to me
Halloran's office has been working to clean that lot for years, and the Councilman's work with Buildings is the main reason its condition is improving. We just don't call press conferences every week to discuss it.
Stites Communications
The ass wouldn't be in office if it wasn't for the coverage he received on this blog. How quickly he and his mouthpieces forget.
Mr. Stites:
It would be greatly appreciated if you would ask our Councilman to see if something can be done about Tommy and Henry Huang's 223rd Street rundown and stagnating construction development.
The huge lot is severely overgrown and mosquito infecstioned, with visible bee and wasp nests and it is overrun with rats. It needs to be cleaned up.
Neighbors have called the DOS who came and cleaned what area they were allowed to by law. They issued violations and fines which undoubtedly will be paid no mind to by the Huangs.
Commissioner LiMandri has not seen fit to make the Huangs comply with the NYC DOB Building Codes. They did not comply with the 1968 Code and they are certainly not complying with the New Code.
Perhaps the Councilman can get the DOB to see to it that the Huangs put up the "required" construction fence and construction signage that is mandated by law.
Thank you in advance for your kind consideration and attention to this most important matter.
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