From the Queens Chronicle:
It has been over six years since anyone has lived at 105-44 90 St., next door neighbor Al DiGiacomo said. In that time, the one-family home just south of Liberty Avenue has deteriorated into a prototype of what a typical Ozone Park home may look like in the first decade after the extinction of humans.
The garden in the front of the house is overgrown, with weeds and wildflowers growing in the front yard. DiGiacomo described the backyard as “a forest.” The house itself is beginning to look decripit. In the backyard, a brick stoop is being swallowed by the overgrowth.
“It has been deteriorating and neglected,” said DiGiacomo, who added he has seen mice and rats running around in the yard. “It’s a safety hazard.”
The home, which sits in the middle of a block of detached one-family houses separated often by just a walkway a couple of feet wide, has become a quality of life issue for DiGiacomo and many of his neighbors. They do not know who owns the house and DiGiacomo said complaints fall on deaf ears.

They do not know who owns the house and DiGiacomo said complaints fall on deaf ears.
Isn't neat when a developer shows up and is able to romp though our tax dollars and the attention of the politicians, as well as their mouth pieces, the community boards and Queens press.
The citizens have a problem with an absentee landlord or inappropriate structure next door (think 20 story hotel) there is not a f#$&ck$n thing you can do about it.
complaints fell on deaf ears?
We know the drill, get a record, written, or better, video, and share it with Crappy. Community board, local paper, and the Holy Grail, your local pol.
The only way we can get rid of these bastards is to show the world what bastards they really are.
Look up the owner on ACRIS, and on the Department of Finance site for real property tax notices. We recently got action by sending the bank (it was a foreclosed proprty) a notice by certified mail - with copies to DoB, NYPD and council, as well as the [former] owners.
I appears as though the bank that owns this property is HSBC Bank - unless I'm reading the report incorrectly.
How do neighbors not know who lived there? Maybe the owner died inside.
Anon No. 4: They may hold the mortgage on the property.
Maybe the Ozone Park mafia can take care of it.
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