From the Times Ledger:
Klein Farm, one of the last family-owned, working farms in Queens until 2001, is still owned by a company connected to the notorious developer Tommy Huang despite reports several years ago that the firm was preparing to sell the property.
The story last left off with Huang trying to sell the property and ordering a day-care center that was previously operating there to vacate in 2009.
But it appears that never happened, leaving Audrey Realty’s intentions for the farm a question mark.
“Nothing’s going to happen [there] while I’m the city councilman,” Councilman Mark Weprin (D-Oakland Gardens) said recently, “unless it’s what the community wants.”
He said the owner has been quiet in recent years and Klein Farm seems to have fallen off the radar, but he remains committed to protecting the property should it come into question in the future.
Phone calls to Henry Huang were not returned.
Nothing much ever happened while Weprin
warmed a seat in the NYC council chambers over the years....PERIOD!
He won't be able to oust the notorious Huang. Nobody will.
The truth is that Huang has the book on everybody he was connected to.
Most of them were politicians.
Oh, the pols always feign going after Huang...but then pull their punches...lest he expose their complicity with him.
Remember Tommy 'the terrible" once boasted that he had a back door into city hall and it was speculated that he owned a few judges.
Now his 2 sons Henry and John...perhaps even daughter Tiffany....can continue the family business.
"Calls to Henry Huang were not returned"
No kidding. These lowlives need more bad press like Queens needs more of their crappy development.
If they're smart, they'll lay low or move on to another geography. But greed will keep them here, exploiting their own people for cheap labor and a naive customer base.
Anonymous said...
"Calls to Henry Huang were not returned"
ooh!!! run & hide!!! and investigative reporter from a Queens weekly is at the front door!!!
There are no investigative reporters in Queens....weeklies or dailies!
The Huangs will go on doing what they do best,
because they're protected by the politicians
you idiots out there continually put back into office.
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