A day after a powerful assemblyman from Brooklyn was censured over accusations of sexual harassment, a state senator from Queens said on Saturday that she expects to be arrested in an unrelated corruption investigation.
The senator, Shirley L. Huntley, said she would surrender to the authorities on Monday. She said she did not know the charges, but her announcement came months after one of her aides and three others were charged with stealing taxpayer money from a nonprofit group that Ms. Huntley founded.
Ms. Huntley, a Democrat, spoke to reporters on the street in front of her home in Jamaica, Queens, surrounded by several dozen supporters, some of them holding campaign signs. The senator’s spokeswoman had e-mailed reporters late Friday, urging them to attend “an emergency news conference.”
“I want my day in court,” Ms. Huntley said. “I don’t know the charges. I have no idea what this is about.”
Multiple elected officials, including Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, as well several law enforcement agencies and ethics panels have vowed to reform the capital. The investigation into the nonprofit formed by Ms. Huntley is the product of one such effort — a new partnership between the state attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, and the state comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, who have vowed to crack down on public corruption.
UPDATE 8/27/12: Read the details of the indictment here.
The investigation into the nonprofit formed by Ms. Huntley is the product of one such effort — a new partnership between the state attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, and the state comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, who have vowed to crack down on public corruption.
Will Toby Stavisky's North Flushing Senior Center be next? $1/2 million dollar "gifts" from taxpayer money to a non-profit that she and her late husband founded decades ago???
Stay tuned, folks...
Get ready for the requisite press conference with Huntley surrounded by dozens of other black politicians behind her, all nodding their heads in unison as Huntley declares:
"I didn't do nuthin'! This is all a CON-spiracy, perpetrated by the RAY-ciss crackas! It's all George W. Bush's fault!"
We've seen this same lame act before......snooze.....
..........and this is why Jamaica, Queens is the way it is with politicians like Senator Shirley L. Huntley, Council Member Ruben Wills and some of the others who seem to have so little regard for bettering the community and only seem to be interested in their own personal agenda instead of being true civil servants and improving the community. All you need to do is look around Jamaica; the garbage/litter problem, the violence, the destruction of nice homes, the building of questionable cheap apartments, the ignoring the needs of the middle class here, basically the destruction of the community. True visionary leadership is much needed here, because what we have here now is not working nor has it worked.
"The investigation...is the product of one such effort — a new partnership between the state attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, and the state comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, who have vowed to crack down on public corruption."
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If this continues, we'll have no elected official left in office!
She is going to surrender to the police on Monday but she has no idea why, really, no idea senator is it a normal and everyday practice for citizens to turn themselves into the police for no reason? Like Joe said, this is the reason why queens is such a mess
Keep voting for those Democrats, folks....
get ready for the two big wigs to show up -- Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton -- this ought to be fun
do you really believe that two D.I.N.O.S (DEMS IN NAME ONLY) are going to convict one of their own ?
they all were supported financially and by phone banks by the WORKING FAMILIES PARTY AND S.E.I.U. UNION in the 2010 election.
both of these groups have been declared leftwing, because of their leadership. former SEIU, Pres.ANDY STERN, eg.
Stern negotiated to get fed. obamacare waivers till 2018 ,so the rank and file does not have to pay the tax on their cadillac H.C. package, like the rest of american citizens.
stay informed ,read Q.C
"The investigation...is the product of one such effort — a new partnership between the state attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, and the state comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, who have vowed to crack down on public corruption."
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If this continues, we'll have no elected official left in office!
Hallelujah! Your mouth to God's ear.
All Queens politicians are a waste. Crooks and liars. Plain and simple. They must all be voted out this year!
Like she doesn't have a lawyer yet. Really, she knows what the charges are. Otherwise, she would not be surrendering.
I believe that they're going to do the correct thing, Gramps. By your logic, Pedro Espada shouldn't have been convicted. But he was. By the way, what did the Republicans who cut deals with him think about all that?
Anyone who broke the law should be convicted, should go to jail. Schneiderman and DiNapoli should be congratulated for what they've done so far.
.and this is why Jamaica, Queens is the way it is with politicians like Senator Shirley L. Huntley, Council Member Ruben Wills and some of the others who seem to have so little regard for bettering the community and only seem to be interested in their own personal agenda instead of being true civil servants and improving the community
She has just guaranteed herself a lifetime job.
Queens voters always select the crook over the good person, always.
Stupid does as stupid is.
She managed to make herself look more guilty than we already knew she was. By holding an "emergency press conference" without stating the nature of the charges she is likely to face;she in essence demonstrated that everyone already knows its fraud,embezzlement,and graft charges. No suprise here folks, I stole bucketloads of money and I'm spoiled rotten as A Meng fruitbasket.
I wonder if Huntley has a connections to the Meng Crime Family? Hmm, Grace certainly has strong ties with the African-American community despite not having many as her constituents.
#12...as you have diverted to the Espada Sr. scandal, it is reported that the former BX. tenant organizer (is this like a community organizer?) was indicted in Dec. 2012 and convicted by the U.S. Attorney of the Eastern District and faces I.R.S. penalties.
he was investigated in April 2010, by NYS A/G Cuomo,but tried by the federal government court.
the Huntley probe is not clear as to which gov. will indict and put her on trial ,yet.
the feds usually get their man......the NYS state A/G and court is too conflicted to indict and convict,most of the time.
but the voters are fed up and the D.I.N.O. want their pay increase.
And the very Rev Floyd Flake will, no doubt, rally round Ms. Huntley with a prayer vigil at his Allen Church.
What a shifty bunch of jive turkeys!
Look at the cast of characters that make up Jamaica.
No wonder it has remained a crap hole since it first began to fall into rapid decline during the late 1950s.
There's no bringing it back either.
Wander outside of Jamaica Estates at night,
and you'd better carry an Elephant gun!
And Flake was able to funnel $millions to his "church" while he sat in Congress what was that all about? Public tax dollars for a church???
Anon. No. 16: The point is relevant, Gramps. So the Feds got Espada. Who appointed the Feds that got Espada? Whoever prosecutes Huntley will do their jobs, and what Andy Stern and SEIU thinks. If they don't, they're going to be torn to shreds on the editorial pages of all the newspapers (all the dailies, not just the Post), and it will be the beginning of the end for them. Stay tuned.
Our community never saw hide nor tail of this person.
She belongs in jail with the rest of Queens politicians.
Even if "workshops" were held in Huntley's Parent Workshop, what would one have learned?
all this fuss over $29,000.00 ?compared to dem .compt.john Liu's campaign funds and campaign poster scam, this is chump change.the courts and the jury will laugh this one away.
what courageous nys dem. investigators ?
why was a John Corzine ,M.F.GLOBAL Billion dollar theft dismissed recently by the D.O.J. ? and 3-4 Billion loss by Corzine's former investment bank over looked ,by gov. authorities ?
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