Ex-Queens Assemblyman Jimmy Meng, who is charged in a bizarre scheme to bribe prosecutors, has hired a powerhouse Washington, D.C. lawyer with loads of experience representing scandal-scarred pols, the Daily News has learned.
Meng is now paired with Abbe Lowell, who successfully represented former Sen. John Edwards recently in a federal corruption trial in North Carolina.
Lowell was also the chief Democratic minority counsel for then-President Bill Clinton during impeachment proceedings stemming the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. His client list also includes former Sen. John Ensign and ex-California Rep. Gary Condit, whose careers were toppled by allegations of wrongdoing.
Meng was assigned a court-appointed federal defender when he was arrested last month, but he owns a lumber business in Queens and does not qualify financially for free counsel.
Is he going to pay them cash?
Meng can hire the best gunfighters in the east,
but he was caught green handed with $80,000 of bribe money concealed in a fruit basket!
Just wait until they play those tapes that were recorded by FBI agents in court.
.Jimmy will be cooked like a Peking duck!
It's nice to see that our government is finally cracking down on those Taiwanese crooks who've been bribing elected officials like Congressman Ackerman for years.
Now Grace Meng has an up hill battle to win Gary's seat after daddy's been in the public hot seat.
FYI, Ed Koch has endorsed Grace Meng, while Halloran has the endorsement of some Israeli politicians. (When did support for Israel become the new litmus test of Congressional elections?)
Grace Meng's political background and history should stand on it's own. Queens needs to look at all candidates on what they've done for the people.
it was reported that the Holder D.O.J. performed a perfunctory legal case against Edwards, rather than go after the obama administrations donors on WALL STREET.
many of who are now in his administration.
the Meng (father) case will go the same route as the Edwards case.
FYI #3 ......as reported by the Q.C.post/local news, Rosen (american jewish congress )was a major donor and bundler for Former Cong. A. Weiner. was this the litmus test also ?
and now is giving his family a multimillion dollar shack on fifth avenue to live in.
Queens voters will for for Grace Meng BECAUSE her father is a crook, just like they voted for John Liu when his father was convicted in the Great Eastern Bank theft.
I agree. Asian voters don't care and would vote for a crooked asian every time over a non-asian candidate any day of the week.
"it was reported that the Holder D.O.J"
There he goes again, Ol' Lies and Slander.
Just like his "hero" that drunk Joe McCarthy: "i have in my hand a piece of paper...." With that he would ruin a person's reputation.
This person (Meng) will be investigated and if necessary prosecuted.
THAT is the American way.
given a choice of Halloran or Meng....I might vote for Meng.
At least she'll be watched closely.
Halloran is a mad-hatter.
His doofy, goofy brand of politics....coupled with his God complex....makes him much more dangerous.
Did you ever watch him go into one of his trances and rant on until he comes out of it?
Who's that...
the tong's enforcer behind Jimmy?
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