A Brooklyn woman was arrested this past weekend and charged with leaving her children – the youngest just 9 months old — and her middle school-age brother in the car while she went off to gamble.
Ruth Liberal, 29, was arrested Sunday and was charged with endangering the welfare of a child, authorities told CBS 2.
She allegedly left her three children – a 9-month-old daughter and two sons ages 4 and 9 – in the car along with her own 13-year-old brother while she gambled at the Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens, authorities said.
The Queens District Attorney’s Office said Liberal was still awaiting arraignment Monday evening.
Is that really her name? 'Cause this just might break the world comments record.
Ruth Liberal, 29
Figures, it's a Liberal!
Damned Liberal!
Bleeding-wallet Liberal.
I never heard of a Liberal gambling with HER OWN money! God, this is fun!!
Darwinism at its finest! Where's the problem?
Sounds more like she has a birth control problem.
Do these places accept EBT cards?
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