From the Daily News:
For once, Curtis Sliwa wants to keep his frozen sperm under wraps.
Sliwa, co-founder of the nonprofit citizen crime patroller Guardian Angels, is trying to get out of answering questions under oath about his supposed sperm donation to Queens borough president candidate Melinda Katz, the Daily News has learned.
The talk show host has moved to quash a subpoena by his ex-wife Mary seeking “any and all records concerning the sperm bank(s), semen bank(s), or cryobank facilities where Curtis Sliwa supposedly deposited and stored his sperm for use by Melinda Katz” to “be artificially inseminated.”
Sliwa and Katz have maintained that Sliwa made the donation she used to have two children — now ages 5 and 2 — before he tied the knot with Mary in 2000.
Mary’s lawyer, Paul Siegert, said she believes they had the kids while carrying on a years-long affair, and wants proof she kept his sperm in storage for a decade.
why should we think that she was inseminated artificially, but not by the old-fashion way?
Because Sliwa had his prostrate removed due to cancer.
In 2011. His kids with Melinda are both older that that.
Katz was the most disgusting self-serving politician in Queens, yes even more nauseating than Virginia Joe Crowley. Heaven help us if she gets elected BP. And you thought Helen Marshall was bad.
Embarrassment is a word that does not exist in NYC political races.
Weiner texts a pic of his private parts to various women and resigns from congress. He then runs for the dem nomination for NYC mayor.
Spitzer beds high price whores, violates the Mann act and various federal banking laws and resigns as governor. He then runs for comptroller of NYC.
Melinda Katz chooses not to marry and has two in-vitro kids with barf bag Curtis Sliwa. Sliwa leaves wife number three or four and child. Katz then shacks up with still married Sliwa and this is de rigueur in our city.
Until we demand more from candidates we will be stuck with the above slime as our municipal elected officials.
Pleeez !
She's been having an ongoing affair with Sllez-Bag since her days in the NYS Assembly.
She cheated on everyone of her "boyfriends" with him, and he cheated on everyone of his wives with her; including Mary.
For years,she used to be seen picking him up at the subway station where he would hide down in the backseat of her car.
Alley-Catz would then drive to her house and pull into the garage where he would enter the house "unseen" !!
They're so slick that nobody noticed !!!!
Alan Hevesi for QBP !!
A vote for Katz is like a vote for Hevesi.
Paramour or protegee ??!!!!!
Just received yet another of her flyers in the mail .
There are headshits of about 20 politicians you can trust who all support her.
Conspicuously absent is Andy Hecesi.
Guess if people saw the
name Hevesi nobody would vote for her.
What a dirtbag!
The abortion loving witch loves her kids but has no problem if you off yours. She is a hypocrite of the worst kind and a home wrecker also.
Really, why does anyone care?
Katz was the most disgusting self-serving politician in Queens, yes even more nauseating than Virginia Joe Crowley. Heaven help us if she gets elected BP. And you thought Helen Marshall was bad.
Wait till Vallone gets in.
At least she is married and raising her kids at home - Vallone is divorced and riding around the borough on a Harley.
Some family values.
A) Katz is not married
B) Vallone's children are in college. AKA "adults."
We informed citizens want to know: when they do the old heeba-hobba, is she the top or the bottom?
Well the word on the street is that she is closeted - all this makes her seem acceptable without having had an illegitimate child - it's all pathetic and weird - is this who you want leading Queens - she can't seem to get her own house in order nor does she resemble her constituency?
what else do you need to know?
I may be totally wrong but they are fools.
It would be nice to know if anyone really reads this blog
page, and if the comments really made a differenc.
Does it have an impact on people's choices and on the outcome of the QBP race ?
I hope so !!!
.......if not we're in real trouble.
Sliwa has been giving his Lover Msssssssss Katzzz Free air time for this run on his "Popular" radio show. I wonder if anyone has claimed equal time. Every moment given to Katz to promote her campaign can be given to her opponent, all they have to do is claim the time.
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