Dear Community,
Many of you have noticed that work on the Little Bay Park Comfort Station and parking lot expansion have come to a grinding halt. That's not completely true because in actuality construction never began.
Initial inquiries to the Department of Parks & Recreation were met with the sounds of silence. When the Parks Department did respond they would deny the existence of a problem. They even went so far as to make the ludicrous claim that work was taking place but it just happened to be at times when no one was nearby to view the progress.
As is so often the case, the story has once again taken a new turn. A spokesperson for the Parks Department now reports that work was delayed because the contractor needed to obtain the proper construction permits. What this means, if it's accurate, is that a contractor hired by the Parks Department fenced off a large area of parkland and moved dirt and large pieces of construction equipment onto the worksite without have all the permits in place. Would anyone reading this email allow a contractor they had hired to perform in such a reckless and irresponsible manner? I don't think so.
Individuals employed by the Parks Department are dedicated and hard working. However, incidents like the Little Bay Park fiasco emphasize the need for greater oversight. Hopefully a new mayor will bring about much needed change.
Warren Schreiber
I ride my bike there every day on my way to and from work and have not seen a worker on the site for over three weeks.
Another problem is the old used car tires holding down the tarps covering the large piles of dirt. They are filled with rain water and host mosquitoes.
Just like the Bowne Park bocce court - they put up a fence and then forgot to show up to do the work for about 7 months.
How much are these do-nothing, thieving contractors ripping off NYC taxpayers for each month?
There should be an investigation into how the Bowne Park funds were spent! 750K for a bocce court???
Who would perform such an investigation? How do we request one? Does anyone know?
Who can I get in touch with to ask about the newly completed Bacci court at Bowne park that has been complete for 4 weeks now, but the fence is still up and the space un-usable. It does look like there are some shrubs that have'nt been planted; about 10 of them.
I hope that it wont be used as a political trophy when it does openn and they wont keep it closed till after the election.
This might be a little more of a story than just lack of working. There are mounds of dirt with plastic covers and tires on top. Where did the dirt come from? Was it trucked in? Why? Past history at little bay may suggest contaminated soil as was the case in the fields several years ago.
Why would dirt be trucked in to a sight thag needs to be du up?
Read it and weep, Bowne Park Bocce court cost....$650,000.
"...the fence is still up and the space un-usable."
A parks department employee told me that the court has to be inspected and approved. I facetiously asked if they needed a Certificate of Occupancy and they said yes with out knowing what I was talking about.
I understand it took Eisenhower less time to put in the entire interstate highway system in the 1950s than it does for nyc to put in a couple of toilets in queens. what the hell is wrong up there.
No surprise in hearing about another delay... hopefully it at least will mean for better construction site safety!
dirty dirt huh. sounds like something queens politicians cant stay away from.
Another stalled nyc project......wonder how long its going to take them to complete it......maybe as long as the second avenue subway line!!
The sign posted states at the end, "Thank your for your patience as we improve your park." Just as Parkway, St. Joseph's, St. John's and Mary Immaculate Hospitals no longer have any patients, the Bay Terrace community NO LONGER HAS ANY PATIENCE. By the way, about 10 days or so ago, I did see someone operating a payloader moving dirt within the fenced in area and the gate off of Totten Avenue was open. I have not seen any other activity since then. I would like to see our current council member and those running for the job help in getting this permit issue resolved and get NYC Parks and Rec more responsive on this issue.
They don't really need a "comfort station".
Everybody can continue relieving themselves in the waters of Little Bay...add to the mercury pollution that local fisherman are fishing in.
I've seen Chinese restaurant workers (in those checkered chef's pants) fishing there too.
Are you being served local catch of the day in your stir fry from Little Bay's toxic waters?
Does anyone miss Robert Moses yet?
is the parks department responsible OR did the city hire a private contractor - which is common now since the Bloomberg administration.
speaking of Bowne Park - we are now down to 3 baby ducks (from 5). There were feathers in the pond this morning - :(
I am inclined to believe that the resident hawk had something to do with this BUT - there should be surveillance in the park - at least by the pond to protect our wildlife better.
How unCOMFORTable!
is the construction finished. does anyone know if there is parking yet? thanks
The parking lot is now open - Thursday before Memorial Day week and still no comfort station.
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