Queens Borough President Helen Marshall referred to Rep. Grace Meng (D-Flushing), the first Asian-American congresswoman from New York, as “Chinese” at a rally for the Voting Rights Act on Friday.
“We have this wonderful young Chinese woman who works in this borough,” Marshall said to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who also spoke at the event, held at Borough Hall. The borough president was speaking of the greater role minorities have come to play in the electoral process in recent years.
Marshall’s aides were quick to jump in and mention it was Meng — who was not in attendance — the borough president was referring to.
“Yes, she has done wonderful things for our borough and is a prime example of the strides our borough has made,” Marshall said after she was reminded.
Her office later added that the borough president’s statement was not malicious but that Meng’s name had briefly slipped her mind.
In fact, Marshall spoke quite highly of Meng during the rally and quickly corrected herself by saying, “Oh yes, Grace Meng,” after the initial statement was made.
The congresswoman’s office could not immediately be reached for comment.
Shortly after, Helen made an endorsement:

Perhaps HM was talking in her sleep
Now just one year ago, Grace Meng displayed her own cultural ignorance when she excoriated low wage workers at Boston Market for perceived bias against her. The verbal content was very much the same, only in Spanish:
Let's see if Grace will be consistent and take Helen Marshall to task.
What a major douche bag asshole. Who voted for this idiot three times for 12 long horrible and destructive years in Queens?
Non compos menti...
or is Helen ready to become compost?
She's been out to lunch for years.
So who's been running borough hall for her?
Her developers' stooge, Irving Poy, puts in plenty of time there!
Note that Poy holds a permanent civil service position at the hall.
Whoever wins the beep seat...Irving's deft hand will help "guide" decisions made there. He continues at borough hall and cannot be readily dismissed.
Gag...then there's Alex rosa...chief of staff. I believe that she's also civil service and keeps her job.
Expect more of he same old, same old...UNLESS...Tony Avella wins the election!
Please, use your brains...for your borough...nay...your very own nabe is at stake!
This County hack makes our borough a joke. I'd rather see Vallone as Borough President than another County hack!
Vote for the Jewish woman!
That's no woman ... that's Melinda Katz.
"Vot for the Jewish woman".
At least she didn't say "man".
Ah, so!
What a major douche bag asshole. Who voted for this idiot three times for 12 long horrible and destructive years in Queens?
The voters of Queens, my good friend.
Next question?
"Vote for the Jewish woman!"
- - - - - - -- -
Impregnated by a goy------not what a nice Jewish girl should have done!
"Who voted for this idiot three times for 12 long horrible and destructive years in Queens?"
The same people who are going to pull the level for Katz and coronate her as the Queen of Queens.
She is only 48 years old and after two terms as borough president she will run for mayor. God help us all!
And, what about these idiot candidates who are using their children as props in their campaign ads? All are lowlifes. Child abuse if I ever saw it.
I have to ask, Crapper. Is that a real poster?
It came from a mailer. I inserted Helen's comment.
Ridiculous, even without the insert.
Except her mom ain't Jewish, neither is Dan Hevesi's, Bonstein;s, Mitch Cohen's. Nothing wrong with not being Jewish, but these hybrids are really opportunists who ain't be believing in anything
The Wizard of Dumb, aka Wiz Dumb.
Melinda certainly is Jewish. She becomes strict Orthodox whenever she is running for office.
Tony just pulled out - Queens juat died
What a lineup of libtard garbage: Helen Marshall, Melinda Katz, Grace Meng and Goosekiller Gillibrand. Queens is certainly screwed. We don't even have ONE decent honest pol in place now.
Queens needs a man for boro pres for a change. The women are pushovers and Queens has suffered greatly as a result. Claire and Helen were idiots and have ruined our borough!
A fim hand please. Vote for Vallone!
RU kidding?
A female beep (unless she was a man hiding out in drag) Claire Shulman was NO DAMNED IDIOT PUSHOVER!
She was as adeptly crooked and slyly crafty as they come--busy executing the policies of her mentor, the late Donald Manes!
She ran the borough like "Murder Incorporated".
Destruction and over development was her credo--and she was well paid by the real estate industry for her dirty deeds.
She even defended the notorious Tommy Huang on a few occasions. Borough hall usually sides with developers even if they're criminals.
A little known fact:
There were actually fewer landmark designations during Shulman's reign than under Manes'.
Queens needs a man for boro pres for a change. The women are pushovers and Queens has suffered greatly as a result. Claire and Helen were idiots and have ruined our borough!
A fim hand please. Vote for Vallone!
True we now have a choice of which crook to vote for in Queens. Burough wide pick which pervert (male) you want.
Marshall should have been put out to pasture long ago to chew her cud along with the Bovine granny Shulman.
Curtis Sliwa can run his radio show from borough hall if Melinda Katz becomes beep.
Sperm donations optional.
BYOTB (bring your own turkey baster).
I"ll vote for kats if I can get that sweet liaison to the community. Boards job!
I don't think she's doing a good job at all!! I think she sucks as borough rep and I think her father is a criminal!
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