A pregnant woman was injured when she backed her car over another vehicle in Bayside Friday evening.
According to police, at 211st Street and Northern Boulevard, she put her Honda in reverse, drove over a sidewalk and curb, and mounted the other car.
Good Grief somebodies gotta say something! Does she still have license and what's she on?
"pregnant and mounted another in reverse"
Yep sounds like the upcoming populate Queens. No name published ? I wonder which 3rd world country was this illegal lousy driver is from ?
Likely driving with a license obtained with forged papers and invalid insurance card to boot !!!
I guessing 70% chance she was Asian. For some reason these people are ALL bad drivers by nature. Bayside to Manhasset every accident I seen since June had a young Asian woman behind the wheel.
Funny thing is most didn't involved other drivers but pedestrians, stuff on sidewalks, trees, parked cars, a railroad crossing in Little Neck, 2 hotdog carts and several traffic signal poles.
It MURDER especially in the daytime.
It's the parking lot at the Asian strip mall, so it's quite likely.
I guessing 70% chance she was Asian.
Its called the ' O Factor '.
Didn't Ann Jawin back over Toby's car at some point?
They need to start licensing and insuring these people.
I don't see enough police enforcement on Northern Blvd between Main St. and Little Neck. Driving there is very risky now that the new drivers are not getting stopped for driving infractions.
And I am almost positive that she then tried like hell to take off, but she couldn't get her car back on the ground.
I don't see enough police enforcement on Northern Blvd between Main St. and Little Neck. Driving there is very risky now that the new drivers are not getting stopped for driving infractions.
There is no such thing as enough law enforcement for the amount of crappy drivers in this city. And don't hold your breath for ANY enforcement. Cops are leaving the NYPD in droves, and they simply aren't hiring enough new ones.
"They need to start licensing and insuring these people"
It doesn't help. Most these people are illegals from Mexico and China who DONT want to be identified
Whats happening is many of these people are using forged social security numbers and stolen IDs to get drivers licenses, services and vote.
When they get into accidents the first thing the insurance company does is verify the SS# and ID of the person. If fake the insurance company refuses to pay claiming the client misrepresented themselves by providing false or forged information.
Funny thing is in sanctuary NYC the cops are told to STAND DOWN and not to verify the ID and insurance status of a minority's when investigating accidents.
If any traffic enforcement in North Flushing is needed most it's some DWI check points. There too many Asian karaoke bars open way too late with drunk drivers getting behind the wheel.
Back in May I was crossing 163rd Street at Sanford Ave. walking west. A woman backed up into the crosswalk and knocked me over. I got up and stood there dazed. The Asian woman driver got out of her car and proceeded to yell at me saying I was in her way and to get out of the street. I informed her that she hit me with her car and knocked me over. She called me a liar and said I fell. I called 911 and the cops came almost immediately. I told them my story and she hers. They ran her plate and she had no insurance and about $600 in unpaid tickets. They arrested her and when placed in the rear of the patrol car she told me I'd be sorry for this. A FDNY ambulance showed up and bandaged my scraped hand. I got a police accident report and a month ago got a bill from EMS for $765.
Anon: To get that money back you have to contact victims services and have that animal pay before she has her trial or plea deals. The DA will make restitution a condition of her probation. That or you will need a lawyer to sue her privately --contact the court and one of the DAs.
This happens all the time with the Asians and Mexicans. They all have the same last names (Lee, Hernandez etc. so forging IDs is easy and hard for the cops to investigate hit & runs.
Another scam involves the Bukkarian's & Persians in Great Neck who almost all drive these Black Benz's like maniacs. They hit you and jump out the car asking "how much" and want to write you a bum check to keep you quiet.
You then find out the check is no good, have no police report investigation to sue them in civil court or make a claim on there insurance (if any)and you wont win.
A FDNY ambulance showed up and bandaged my scraped hand. I got a police accident report and a month ago got a bill from EMS for $765.
Two words: NO FAULT
Two words: NO FAULT
No fault refers to the driver and their passengers. Their insurance will pay for their injuries regardless of who caused the accident - no fault. The poster needs to file a claim under the drivers LIABILITY policy because the driver is LIABLE.
Good luck!
NO FAULT does not apply
The driver HAD NO insurance and the victim was a pedestrian walking on foot.
She should be Asian.. I'm just imagining in my head.. It's not all asian drivers..but FEMALE ASIAN drivers are the worst.
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